
The White Flower Blossoms

(Note That The Point Of View Would Change Between The Characters.)

(•Michael Morien•)

Bored was I as I walked one of the clean streets of Los Angeles, the beautiful city of Angels. So, was it known as but little did the mortals know about the existence of many terrifying Demons. Such were the Serenals, an ancient family of Vampires that possessed a great arsenal of unparalleled strength and speed. They were my archenemies but they could do little harm to me since I rarely made appearances within the public.

That was a special trait of mine which dated back to many centuries ago, a trait of a connoisseur assassin which was to meld with darkness. I had claimed a lot of lives back in the old days, not caring if their deaths were justified. After spending many centuries on Earth, I had grown tired of battling with people. I was fully aware my soul yearned for redemption for I was but a sinner that had rebelled against the world.

My white tuxedo suit was kissed by the wailing wind just as my beautiful pair of white shoes treaded along the soil of the silent street. I could feel the radiant rays the moon casted upon my waist length silky white hair and rejuvenated was I. Stronger and faster was I during nightfall, a common trait of my kind, Werewolves. There were very few entities that could put an end to my existence and such were the Seven Serenals, the Three Travelers, and the Four Fetchers.

Just as they were dangerous to me, so was I lethal and noxious to them. Those were the real powerhouses within Los Angeles but the strongest of all were the Fetchers. They had endless mana to conduct magic and pull off unimaginable feats. They hated the Travelers just as much as they hated the Vampires, I could say they even hated my kind more. Perhaps, the source of their hatred towards my kind was because I had killed a powerhouse of theirs, Vincent Malcolm, some years ago.

Their sole purpose was to put an end to every rogue Supernatural. Even as powerful as they were, they feared the Three Travelers. The trio were talented at switching bodies and were the real deal when it came down to twisting reality and conjuring illusions, they were scary. They were regarded as the oldest supernaturals that ever existed. The thousands of Vampires that roamed Los Angeles were all sired by the Seven Serenals and the hundreds of Travelers that inhabited the city were also sired by the Three Travelers.

The Fetchers were few in numbers, they didn't amount to a hundred but strong were they. Their group was headed by the Four Fetchers, they really were a force to not be reckoned with even if they were quite a small force. The thousands of Werewolves within Los Angeles were all sired by me, White Flower, directly or indirectly. Amongst the thousands of Supernaturals that inhabited Los Angeles, there were just Fifteen Powerhouses, including me.

We all didn't like each other but we knew when to make peace with one another. If it was not for the impromptu message that was delivered to one of my subordinates by a Traveler, who made use of a mortal's body as an anchor, I would have been within my abode, enjoying the beauty of my flowers. `Let's meet at the High Tower, something that threatens our existence is about to be awakened.'

The High Tower was the coven of the Fetchers, it was quite a beautiful mansion. It stood rooted to the solid ground and surrounding it was a huge fence and golden twin gates that separated it from the outside world. Naturally, the mansion was always unseen and the location changed every day but whenever the Fetchers had a vital message to deliver, they put their wards down.

Arrived at the coven of the magic wielders after walking for quite some minutes, I was not a fan of making use of my abilities, every time. I walked past the golden twin gates and caught sight of hundreds of figures within the environment. Laughters rang out and chuckles filled the melancholy air but silence swallowed the environment just as I made my way past the figures.

Gazes of hatred, admiration, fear, and curiosity were all casted upon me but my cold expression faltered not. Very soon, I found myself within the internal circle of the coven. The hall was quite spacious and fifteen thrones sat around a huge sandalwood table that sat at the hall's centre. Just as I walked into the hall, twenty eight eyeballs collided with my silvery eyeballs.

`Mr Michael, you always appear late during the special meetings. You should correct that flaw of yours, which is laziness.' Elijah Salem, one of the Four Fetchers, stated sharply. I replied not and sat my butt on the only empty throne within the hall. I rarely talked so the angry Fetcher got no reply.

I gazed at some faces I had never seen before, those were the Three Travelers. They had never attended the meetings with their real bodies, they always made use of some random humans. `Let's get straight to the point, there's a big problem that's just about to visit Los Angeles. A Fetcher is about to be awakened, an evil one. Trust me when I say he's someone you won't want to offend.' Elisha Salem, the twin brother of Elijah, was quite an eloquent speaker.

`Amongst us all, you four Fetchers are the only figures that are not immortal so it's quite easy to kill a Fetcher provided he runs out of mana. Asides that, why would you want to stop the return of one of your kind? An additional Fetcher could increase your coven's strength, do you not think so?'Serastus Serena, the eldest of the Serenals, questioned. His shoulder length red hair had a hint of resemblance to an erupting volcano and the aura given off by him was really scary.

`Mr Silas, does the name `Navori' ring a bell?' Ashley Morningstar, a beautiful female Fetcher, questioned as she casted her gaze upon the trio Travelers and a chuckle escaped the lips of one of the Three Travelers, that might have been due to the fact that she didn't know who among the trio was Silas.

`Yes, he was the first magic wielder to exist. Navori was regarded as the son of nature for he held within his grasp endless magic. He created a lot of havoc back in the old days so I had no choice but to put him down, I ended his pitiful life. That's it to it.' An ethereal voice rang out of the mouth of one of the trio mortals.

`He sure died but nature would always be known to have a loophole, one which he exploited. His body died but his soul didn't, he had been roaming Earth for millenniums in search for the perfect vessel to occupy. Our ancestral artifact picked up a strong aura, last night. I and my colleagues quickly divined it's source and found out that it did belong to a very powerful soul. We teleported to the source but could not see the figure, we did know the figure was present but we could not see him. The figure had melded with nature so it was hard seeing through the fabric of magic that shielded him from our eyes. The fabric of magic finally dropped after minutes of searching for him, he had no body but an ethereal form. He relayed unto us what issued back in the past even if we knew not of the entirety. He said the vessel he had been searching for had finally been found and he did urge us to send out our subordinates to find her and bring her to him. A ritual of possession had to be done so he sure would need our help since he cannot make physical contact with the world, a flaw that came along with the opportunity granted to him by nature. He conjured the vessel's image with magic and we were instructed to draw the ethereal image that was hung in mid air, on a blank paper.' Saron Ivern, the most powerful of the four Fetchers, explained the entirety of the issue and curious was some of us. The tale was quite interesting and that really got my curiosity piqued.

`You mean to say he's not dead? If he's back as you have claimed, what's our concern? Are you not supposed to be glad that you've got your ancestor back, a strong powerhouse?' Silas remained unbothered, not caring about the past issue.

`If Navori manages to possess the vessel, Los Angeles might not be safe. Right after he conjured the vessel's image, he said he had found a way of finally killing immortal supernaturals. We really should be glad our ancestor would be killing you all since you've always been disturbing the peace and order of the world but what bothers us is our safety. After the possession of the vessel, he would need to feed on energy and that brings a lot of danger to we, Fetchers. He would drain us of our mana and leave us to die, for his personal benefit. That's why we need to cooperate with one another to get rid of this threat, we want no ruthless ancestor to be in our coven. So, we need to kill this female human and his hope of coming back would be casted into the sea of emptiness.' Elisha Salem, replied as his gaze met everyone's'.

Silence invaded the hall and occupied it for about a minute but it got destroyed by a chuckle, which belonged to me. Every Powerhouse gazed at me, wondering why I was chuckling. `Mr Michael, why?' Ashley questioned with a hint of curiosity imbued in her tone.

`I doubt if your ancestor is happy with the decision of fate. I can't imagine possessing the body of a woman, while being a man. If this is all, I'll take my leave. I will take no part in this complicated issue and if anyone has a problem with that, you're always welcome to visit my White Garden.' I arose and was prepared to exit the hall.

`Mr Michael, are you not bothered about something that could end your life?' Saron Ivern, questioned with a fiery gaze directed towards me. He arose as he hit the table, visibly annoyed with my decision.

`You can't leave.' Three words escaped the lips of Ariel Serena, the youngest of the Serenals. He had always been a rash person with no calculative mind. He resumed talking after some seconds. `If we manage to thwart Navori's plan, you also would benefit from it. Would that not be considered a cheat if you enjoyed the benefit without participating in the process?'

I chuckled and walked away from them, without dropping a reply. The wind howled just as I walked some feet away from them and I felt a rushing air approaching my left shoulder. I hesitated not but calmly turned around and caught within the grip of my right hand, the approaching hand that was to be placed on my shoulder. I twisted the arm of my assailant and delivered a kick to his right leg. He dropped to his knees for the force hidden within the kick was lethal so I wasted no time and snapped his neck just as his knees made contact with the solid ground. Ariel Serenal slumped to the ground, unconscious.

That was the thing about immortals, no weapon could kill us. Even if we got our necks snapped, we would regain consciousness after minutes. The undying ability was only possessed by eleven Supernaturals, the Seven Serenals, the Three Travelers, and I. The countless Supernaturals all over the world were nothing like us, a stake through their hearts could get them killed. The sun could burn the random vampires to death, excess vervain could also get rid of them. Excess wolfsbane could also kill random werewolves, a stake through their hearts could also kill them. The random Travelers were much weaker than Vampires and Werewolves, in terms of strength and speed.

`You're not Silas neither are you Serastus so how could you think of contending with me with such little strength?' Just as those words escaped my lips, I finally made use of my speed ability. A blur was I just as I made my way out of the hall, headed towards my White Garden.

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