
Character Info

Name: Hasai Yoshida

Age: 116 years ( she is a demon so duh. Also she is seen as an young demon)

Species (?) : Half demon half angel. ( yes I'm serious) She also can turn into other forms like her human form.

Birthday: 14th May

Past: Her perents died on her sixth birthday right in front of her. Of course at first she couldn't belive what she saw. But after a time she made it her mission to kill the murderer of her parents. When she turned 16 she successfully killed the murderer. After a while she discovered the relam of warriors. This is a place where all warriors go after their death. And so she found her perents their. She visited them from time to time. Since after her fathers death she became the new ruler over the kingdom and her older brother became the new ruler over the kingdom that their mother once ruled. ( I'll explain everything don't worry )

And so she started to trawel from demension to demension. She discovered many interesting things. After alsost 90 years in her demension but over 1000 years in others she came back home. Only to find that she was betrayed by one of her ex officers. Because of him the big ass war between kingdoms started. The war was between the red kingdom (where Hasai rules) and the purple kingdom ( kingdom of monsters. For example their are dragons, orgs) and the yellow kingdom ( kingdom of elfs).

After many losses on all sides Hasai could bring the other rulers to sign a contract of peace. The contract is now is in the hidden rooms of every kingdom. Hidden from everybody who wants to disturb the peace between the kingdoms.

( A little bit long but eh)

About kingdoms : ( you can skip it if you want)

Red Kingdom : originally it was a place where only demons lived. But after Hasais father fell in love with the ruler of the ble kingdom ( Hasais mother obliviously) they married ( of course after they learned each other and bacame really close). After that the some of the angels started to live in the red kingdom.

Blue kingdom : pretty much like the red kingdom. But instead of demons there are angels and of course some demons. The old ruler was Hasais mother. Now it is Hasais brother.

Purple Kingdom: just a place where are many wierd but also cool creatures like dragons, orgs and so on.

Yellow kingdom:  Kingdom full of elfs.

Green Kingdom : Human Kingdom


Mother : Akane Yoshida

Father : Fujio Yoshida

Brothers : Eldest (119 years) > Gakuren

                Twins (117 years) > Chiko


Youngest (twins)(113 years) > Aoi


Extra: Hasai hates losing fights so she trained since she was six so she would never lose. Also since she is half demon half angel her demon wings are mostly white. Thats why she got the name

" White Demon".


A/N I hope you can understand everything much better. I wish everyone a good day or night. ;)

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