
The Whistlers

Author: Author, teacher, storyteller, and supernatural historian Mason Winfield studied English and Classics at Denison University, earned a master’s degree in British literature at Boston College, and studied poetry and fiction at SUNY Buffalo with professor emeritus and MacArthur grant recipient Irving Feldman. He has written or edited fourteen books, including the regional sensation “Shadows of the Western Door” (1997) and “Iroquois Supernatural,” co-authored with Michael Bastine, on the traditions of the Six Longhouse Nations (Inner Traditions International/Bear & Company, 2011). Several of his surveys of upstate folklore and paranormal tradition may be found at the website of Western New York Wares: www.buffalobooks.com. He may be reached at www.masonwinfield.com. An anatomically perfect human jaw fashioned of diamond-hard quartz crystal is uncovered at an Ohio burial mound and sold on the underground antiquities market. Shortly after, three pothunters are found dead. A mysterious new drug suspected of South American origin surfaces in Buffalo, NY. Its unprecedented psycho-tropic effects include the momentary activation of ESP. Blind, speechless, emaciated street people start appearing in many parts of the world. An urban legend-cycle forms around them, and the name of a murderous old cult, “the Whistlers” attaches to them. An archaeological team at a Mayan site reports finding a bizarre artifact and vanishes. An upstate schoolteacher’s book of New York legends and folklore foreshadows these developments and more. These are the threads – plus his affair with a maddening woman – that draw narrator Ward Courier into the international adventure of occultism, terror, Native American tradition and onrushing prophecy that is Mason Winfield’s anticipated new novel THE WHISTLERS. By the time the picture of THE WHISTLERS becomes clear, we are ready to believe in a sinister conspiracy that could predate Atlantis and even hail from another world.

Mason Winfield · Fantasy
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Chapter 145: The New Atlantis, Part 145

SHORT STORY of WARD COURIER: The Inventor's Tale: "The Blacksmith and the Mirror," Continued

From the unpublished novel "The Roycroft Tales" (c) 2001 by Ward Courier under the pen name Mason Winfield

He was still thinking about that room as his companion led them back toward the Inn. "Next time we'll ride out to the colony," said his new friend when they parted on the steps. As Vauno pulled the heavy door, he pondered the saying carved into it and its mysterious punctuation: 'Produce great people; the rest follows:'

As soon as he entered he was back where he had been. He walked past the black windows to the bar, wondering if he had just had a dream. His companion scowled into his beer and needed no prodding to let on that he felt slighted, left alone for what may have been forty minutes. Vauno barely responded. He felt like he had been blown in off of a cloud. His routine scowl had let loose like a muscle that had suddenly lost its cramp.