
Study Maniac

"Pfffttt!" Zhu Yunqing burst out in a soft laughter. To her, Wei Chujiu looked like a wild boar charging forward.

"Huh! What are you laughing at?" Wei Chujiu remarked with pouting lips.

"You should look at your face in the mirror. It looks so scary. As if you are out to get her blood. If I were her I would be scared of you anytime I see you." Zhu Yunqing explained while still laughing.

"Humph! What do you know?" Wei Chujiu huffed. She pulled an aggrieved face. Here she was seriously venting and her friend was busy laughing at her.

For a brief second Wei Chujiu had an unnoticed smile on her lips as she thought in her mind, 'You should keep laughing like that.'

"Well, at least I am a completely harmless flower. Unlike a certain someone who went all Miss Ninja on him," Wei Chujiu teased. Wriggling her eyebrows at Zhu Yunqing when she called her 'Miss Ninja.'

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