17 Chapter 18 Setup


WRITTEN BY : Authoress Mira


Elena stared in awe, what sort of setup was this?

"Sarah we can settle this.. We..". Sarah didn't allow her to finish and punched her mouth.

Elena crashed to the ground.

"We can never be friends, that's impossible". Sarah said working toward her.

"You can fall a hundred times but raising up to face your obstacles automatically clears the defeat data". Silvia's letter before she left rang in Elena's head.

Sarah flung her leg to kick Elena but she caught it and threw her forward, she crashed to the ground, Elena stood up slowly as one of the girls ran at her.

She gathered all her strength in her hands and slapped the girls chest, causing her to somersault backward to the ground.

The other girl threw a punch but Elena caught it, she launched another one and Elena caught it with her other hand.

Elena head butted the girl and she staggered backwards as her vision became blurry.

Elena kicked her to incoming Sarah, but she dodges it and launch a kick at Elena.

She squat and the kick flew past her head.

Elena cleared off Sarah's other leg from the ground and she crashed unto the ground.

"I don't want this Sarah for us to be enemies but I've realized not to be timid anymore, this a last warning". Elena said and walked away in a slow motion.

Sarah stared in awe wondering if this was the same Elena Gomez who she beats to pulp.

Elena entered the class smiling, finally Sarah knew she was Not afraid of her anymore but she had to be careful as her new boldness might arouse suspicion.

Elena had not sat down when Johnson asked.

"Where's my Sister?".

"Which sister?" Elena asked with a stern look.

"My Sister". He replied.

"Talk to me when your sense is back". Elena said.

Johnson smiled softly.

"Em. Where's Silvia?". Johnson asked in low tone.

Darwin stared back.

"Everyone in this class just have Bluetooth in their ears and connect to sound from anywhere or how did you hear my voice from that distance?". Johnson said and everyone laughed out.

"am not the only one It's a trait we all carry in the classroom". Darwin said.

"Excluding me". Different voices could be heard for every corner of the class.

The biology teacher entered and everywhere became silent immediately.

"Always talking". He said dropping his textbook on a desk.

"Good morning sir". They greeted.

"So what's good about the morning that you decided to disturb the entire school with your noise?". Mr. Frank asked.

"Bluetooth". Darwin said and they all burst into laughter except the teacher who was wondering what was wrong with them.

He picked up the marker from the desk and opened it.

"Well I wonder what's amusing or maybe someone release a laughing gas into the class". He said and wrote biology on the board.

"I have a limited time today as I have do many things to attend to so don't use my time to make a hell lot of noise". Mr. Frank said.

"So the last time we meet I talked about Cells and also digressed to Mutation right? ". He asked.

" Yes sir ". They all shouted.

" Good. So any questions? ". He asked.

Darwin raised up his hand slowly.

Some of the students began to giggle as they knew Darwin was somehow silly a times.

" Sir is it possible for an animal to have to characteristics of two distinct parents. Am not talking of the Euglena right now of which has the characteristics of a plants and animal simultaneously, am talking about a half dog half goat, a dock but with the characteristics of a hen is it possible sir ". He asked.

The question was somehow silly but was an intelligent one.

" Well years ago we all thought that was impossible but it's becoming possible as scientist keep making nasty experiments resulting to nasty things, to scientists nothing is impossible and that's affecting our society today as they harm us in the process, they try to study a particular micro organism and end up spreading viruses to the masses ". Mr. Frank said and heaved before he continued.

" I will say it's possible now ".

" Huh ". The whole class exclaimed.

" Yes. Scientists devised a way of collecting spermatozoa from an organism like a tiger and then inject in into a goat to fertilize the ovum and when the goat gives birth because it's from a different parent it's of different characteristics, the new one will be distinct having claws and fangs but looks like a goat ". Mt. Frank said.

" Ahhhh! ". The entire class shouted.

" Can you see how scientist are twisting existing laws and Definitions. Reproduction, to produce a young one from same parent... Same parent... ". Mr. Frank stressed the word.

" But now it's of different parents only God knows they're capable of doing in the future...we'll let's go to our topic for today ". He said moving to the board.



Elvis walked into the room in which Mr. Grimes was laying in a bed.

" How are you doing today father? ". He asked.

" Not fine. Knowing fully well the bitch who shot me is there alive and strong". Mr. Grimes said angrily.

"Don't worry father we'll get them soon". Elvis said.

"What about Sarah?". Mr. Grimes asked.

"She's in school already". Elvis said.

"She's officially now a wolf hunter". Mr. Grimes said.

"Dad she's still a kid". Elvis objected.

"She's old enough. She saved our asses". Mr. Grimes said.

Elvis nodded.

"What about Devina?". Mr. Grimes asked.

"She refuses to speak yet". Elvis said.

"she's such a stubborn girl, she told us their plans that day and we almost caught them if not they they had increased in number.. I think we'll have to increase the torture so she'll tell us they're named this time around". Mr. Grimes said.


Detective Gomez stood up after examining the crack on the ground, something huge might have stepped there.

He switched on his UVG2 torchlight and followed the prints made by the huge legs.

Passer by stared at him like he was insane, because a sane person won't use A torch in the day but when they saw his badge, they knew it wasn't an ordinary torchlight .

He switched it off as he got to the last print, there wasn't any again.

He looked up at the tall buildings.

"This was the starting point of this creature that possibly means in jumped down from one of the buildings since there isn't any more foot prints ahead".detective Gomez thought.

"But which one of the buildings was it?". He though looking up.

He saw a boy of about age 7staring at him from the window of a second floor of a building.

Gomez waved at him and the boy closed the window.

Detective Gomez climbed the stairs to the floor and knocked on the door of the room.

A lady peeped out.

"Good morning Am Detective Gomez from SCPD". He said showing her his Id card.

"I know". She said.

"I would like to see your son". He said.

"Hmm. I don't know what you want with him but I if you want to interact with him you'll have to make him happy first". She said.

"How?". He asked.

"He loves red Trigger the famous assassin and hates the police for arresting him.. He sees you people as evil". She said.

"Don't worry ma'am I know how to do my job well". Gomez said.

She opened the door and he entered.

The boy wanted to run to his room.

"I was the one who broke the Red trigger out of prison". Gomez lied.

The little boy turned back slowly.

"Really??". He said with eyes opened.

"Yeah. I don't see him as a bad person, he's the one we need to eradicate the corrupt leaders". Gomez lied again.

The Little boy was getting interested and moved close to Gomez.

"Am glad you're thinking same way with me". The boy said.

Gomez smiled softly.

"Now the Red trigger is in trouble as a big gorilla wants to go after him". Gomez said.

The boy laughed.

"Red trigger is gonna kick it ass". He boy said.

"Yes but we gotta help him too". He said.

"How? I'll love to help RT". The said excitedly.

"Good... The gorilla left a building on this street.. I need to know and inform RT so he'll attack the gorilla unaware". Gomez said.

"i saw something like a ape, three days ago it flew out of a building". The boy said.

Mr. Gomez was getting interested in this.

"Where?". He asked.

The boy moved to the window opened it and pointed to Neptune Lab.

"Neptune Lab". He asked.

The boy nodded.

Detective Gomez took his Binocular and overlaps the image, thereby zooming it.

He could see some work men repairing a broken glass in Neptune Lab.

He took the binocular down on a straight line and it intersect with the footprint.

That means the Gorilla jumped from Neptune lap and landed there.

"Thank you kid I'll inform the red trigger". Detective Gomez said.

"My regards to him. Tell him I helped him out". The boy shouted as Gomez left.

"Sure".. Gomez said and exit the room.

"Thanks for your cooperation". He told the woman.

"You're always welcome Detective just make sure no one gets hurt". She said.

"I'll try". He said and left.

He walked to the last print and squat staring at it.

There was a shiny thing there so he picked it up

"Glass!". He whispered.

He quickly switched on his telecom.

"Suspected Creature Escaped from Neptune Lab.. I need a warrant to search there and two men... Over.. Over". He spoke.



Doctor Tom walked out of his room with the files he had forgotten.

He Meet the shock of his life seeing the wanted creature in his living room.

"Hello doc". It said.

"Scream out loud and that will be your Last ". The beast said.

Doctor Tom was already sweating.

" I need you to create a machine that forces out the full moon ". The beast said walking toward him.

" That isn't possible ". Doctor Tom said.

The beast breath on his face, it was so hot and full of odours.

His briefcase fell and his file scattered all over the ground.

One caught the attention of the beast.

" An Alpha werewolf or Lycan produces betas like itself by biting the individual which causes Mutation and the cells are changed in hours".

"Dear are you talking with someone?" ". A woman voice rang out from the room.

" Yes no.. Just stay there ". Doctor Tom said.

But as woman where sometimes disobedient his wife walked out of the room.

The beast took it eyes off the file and dashing at her, in the twinkle of an eye, it bite her with it's fang as she screamed out.

"noooo!". Doctor Tom shouted.



Doctor Tom walked out of his room with the files he had forgotten.

He Meet the shock of his life seeing the wanted creature in his living room.

"Hello doc". It said.

"Scream out loud and that will be your Last ". The beast said.

Doctor Tom was already sweating.

" I need you to create a machine that forces out the full moon ". The beast said walking toward him.

" That isn't possible ". Doctor Tom said.

The beast breath on his face, it was so hot and full of odours.

His briefcase fell and his file scattered all over the ground.

One caught the attention of the beast.

" An Alpha werewolf or Lycan produces betas like itself by biting the individual which causes Mutation and the cells are changed in hours".

"Dear are you talking with someone?" ". A woman voice rang out from the room.

" Yes no.. Just stay there ". Doctor Tom said.

But as woman where sometimes disobedient his wife walked out of the room.

The beast took it eyes off the file and dashing at her, in the twinkle of an eye, it bite her with it's fang as she screamed out.

"noooo!". Doctor Tom shouted.


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