
(16) Battle of Oxencross and the death of a King

( POV Thorin Stark )

I sat atop my Unicorn as I warged into all the horses in the enemy, I sent the Cranogmen who didn't ride Lizard Lions in to sneak into the camp and cut the horses free. I willed my blade into my hand and raised it up into the air and moments later my sword was engulfed in blue flame, all around me Northmen lit their torches with the great fire pits of blue flame.

After the last horse had been released I made the horses I was warged into charge, as the chaos began I lead my own charge, a mix of horses, Unicorns and Lizard-Lions shredded through the half dressed Lannister army, if you could call it an army it was green boys and grey beards.

I made my way to the only real resistance in the fight, Ser Stafford Lannister had rallied a thousand veterans who survived the Battle of the Camps and they where holding of the Tully forces under the command of my Uncle Edmure. I arrived just in time to see some nameless Lannister footman cut my uncle down.

While I disliked my Uncle greatly he was still family and pack is everything to a wolf, the man didn't survive long as Fenrir tore his throat out. Once I joined the battle it didn't last long. The left Lannister flank caved first as it was destroyed by Alduin's Frostfyre and the centre was surrounded quickly as the right flank gave out under the pressure of our host. I turned to Lord Glover after the fighting had ended.

"Bring me the Lannister prisoners I have heads to remove from bodies." I told him.


( POV Robb Stark )

I had just returned from my the meeting with Stannis when I heard from one of my men that they had seen a Tyrell man take a letter stamped with the sigil of the Bloody Wolf that was intended for me. So I marched through the camp with around twenty Northmen behind me, my face was carved from stone but underneath my blank features was anger. When I approached the Tyrell tent the two giants that guarded Olenna Tyrell tried to stop us but the left backed down when the Greatjons sword was at his throat and the right was nicked on his arse by Greywind before he was surrounded.

I entered the tent and found all the Tyrell's except the Knight of Flowers around a table. The Northmen who accompanied me spread around the large tent and drew their blades as I approached the table, Garlan unsheathed his own sword but reluctantly dropped it as Greywind growled at him. I looked to Olenna Tyrell.

"I hear you have something of mine?" I asked her as my own sword was unsheathed

"This is all about a note?" She asks evenly

"I am fighting a war unlike your King who plays at one, and in war one note could mean the difference." I responded as I glared at them

"You would risk this entire alliance for a note?" Queen Margery asked

"Would you?" I asked in response. I spied a note on the table with an opened seal, the seal of the Bloody Wolf. I gestured for Robar Royce to get it and hand it to me. When he did I read it aloud.

"Brother I cracked my golden tooth when eating lion meat, though luckily there was little blood. A day later I feasted again in the night, though this time the lions where fiercer and it ate the blue trout, nothing else was eaten by the lion before I finished him."

"What does that letter mean?" Asked Garlan agitated

"You'll find out soon enough, no doubt." I said before I turned to Queen Margery

"Tell your 'King' that I'll not stand for an insult like this, While you all play at war my brothers are killing Lannisters. I will be gone before sundown." I said before I turned and marched out.

Hours later I stood at the edge of camp with my Lords surrounding me and Renly's Lords surrounding him. He had tried to convince me to stay, no doubt he wants to try and get me to bend the knee again but I can't stay here and watch two brothers squabble when my own are out fight img a war.

Suddenly it got cold, as if all heat was devoid from the world. The southern Lords shuddered and there teeth began to chatter, the Northern Lords took the cold better but I could tell they where uncomfortable. It was then that two shadows appeared both wielding shadowy blades and they both bore the face of Stannis Baratheon.

All the Lords drew their swords as the shadows approached. One came towards me and it was sliced at with countless swords but they passed right through. I unsheathed Dawnbreaker and the amber set into the hilt glowed like a piece of the sun itself. The shadow seemed to flinch as the light hit it but only for a second before it continued on.

The shadow and I fought for minutes the Lords had stepped back once they realised that their blades did nothing to them. Eventually I got the upper hand on the shadow and I was about to stab it through the heart when I heard a shout from the Greatjon warning me. I turned just in time to block the blade from the one that was going to Renly. I glanced over and saw Renly on the ground unmoving.

After the second shadow the fight took a turn for the worse, I was barely holding them back I was blocking slash after slash and never getting any hits in. It would be my end I would die at the hands of a shadow baring the face of Stannis Baratheon. Just when I thought all hope was lost I hear it, a roar that echoed through the camp.

I jumped backwards just in time for the two shadows to be engulfed in blue flame. I looked up to see Odahvin, the ice dragon had grown larger than a war horse in the past months of war. I heard the screeches of the shadows and when the flame ended all that remained was ice.


{ Authors Notes }

Sorry about the late chap and it's kinda bad as well but I rushed it because I was back in school today and I wanted to get this done.

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