
The Weight to Love You

Change has been part of our daily lives, saying change is constant and that people really change. I wanted to search for answers. Seek for something that doesn't require honesty and selflessness. But why is the world suddenly got this one thing that could tear us apart? Is it called love? Love? The burden it has got nothing to do with anything. The weight it cost is truly heavy to carry to the point that I can't even lift it. And that way I can say THE WEIGHT TO LOVE YOU. Hurts.

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Chapter 2: Thanks


We went outside our classroom and walked in the building's hallway when my phone suddenly beeped.


Let's meet up, nearest mall at your school 6:00 pm. Don't ditch me dude

To Lorence:

Okay dude.

The last time I saw him was when an event occurred in our school and that was a month ago, I was busy then, because of the last midterm exam we tooked. I missed him, we often see each other because we don't have time.

"Clubbing?" Ramil

"GG" Philip

"Nah, I'm going to meet my brother" I answered, I suddenly stop walking when I saw them looking at me.

"You guys okay?" Clark asked.

"Yeah, what's your problem?"

"We thought you're not in good terms" Ivan

"What?" I asked.

They did not answer and continued walking. When we arrived at the parking lot, we said our goodbyes, it was only 5:30 a few minutes before 6:00. I immediately start the car and went my way.

Lorence calling...

"I'm on my way"

"Great, I just arrived meet me at Kuya J's. Let's have dinner together" He said.

"Copy" I dropped the call and I arrived a few minutes later, I just parked and went inside right away.

I saw him immediately and went straight to the table where he was, he did not notice me because he was busy with his phone. When he heard me pull up the chair, he then looked at me.

"Long time no see bro" he said while smiling, this is very unusual. Since the day our parents separated we became like strangers, we met but he used to ignored me so I just passed him too, I get it why my friends thought we're not okay. He's cold and hard to deal with, we were close when we were kids but when we separated I forgot I had a brother because of the cold treatment he deals with me. I tried reaching him out after what happened but he used to ignore me, His ignorance make me feel unwanted and that's the worst part of all, so I decided to cut the ties and let it go. I won't force anyone to stay if they don't want to, I'm done.

"Yeah" I answered.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm great, You?"

"I'm good, how's papa?" I'm stunned, now I get it, I know him very well. He never asked papa and any stuff that's related to him. I'm started to think negatively about my own brother.

"Since when do you cared about papa?" I smirked and I saw amused in his face.

"He's still my father Avel, he's getting older and I'm just curious about his welfare" now I'm amused, he's really something.

"My father is healthy and you don't have to worry about him, Is this the reason why you'd like to meet?"

"I want you to listen.. "

"I guess that's it, I'm busy I have a lot of stuff to do. I'm leaving, bye" I cut him, I stood up and leave the place.

I knew it, I'm being deceived by my own brother and I don't like it, all I wanted is for us to be reunited again and I want to feel his love for me as his brother, but I'm dissapointed. As I was walking away someone suddenly grabbed my arm so I stopped.

"No Lorence, just stop I won't listen anymore"

"Who's lorence?" I was shocked by the woman's voice, it's a good thing I didn't punch her because that would be embarrassing, I'm now embarrassed because of what she'd heard. I'm such a dumb man.

"Your boyfriend?" she said while laughing, I get pissed so I pulled her hand away from my arm.

"Wtf, he's my brother!"

"Woaah woah, don't raise your voice. Calm down"

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Can you join me for dinner? My friend ditch me and I'm really hungry, don't get me wrong I saw you passing by so I followed you and I just really don't wanna eat alone"

"Are we even close?" I'm not really in the mood and I don't know why would she do this, I mean I barely know her and asking me for dinner is weird.

"I'm sorry, we met earlier and I just thought ahmm ... " I saw that she was embarrassed because of what I did, I have nothing to do with it I was also hungry. I sighed and then spoke.

"Okay, let's go" she was surprised by what I said but that was immediately replaced by a smile.

I just followed her, she walked first while talking on the phone. She turned to me and smiled she put down her phone and stopped in front of a restaurant. She just waited for me and we entered together.

"Good evening ma'am, good evening sir. Do you have any reservation?"

"Yeah, Stella Anderson a table for two"

"Okay ma'am this way" the staff took us to our table. This restaurant is kinda classy and I can see different couples eating here, this is really weird.

I sat down and looked at the menu, I ordered steak while she ordered veg salad.

I'm not talking and I'm just looking at the glass wall, I'm still occupied with what happened between me and my brother.

"Are you okay?" she asked.


"Sorry" I turned to her.

"For what?" I asked.

"That I bothered you, my friend ditch me I swear and I'm going to kill her"

"Nah it's fine, don't be sorry I will benefit too" she smiled broadly.

"Because you can be with me? Oh Avel"

"No, I mean because if you don't approach me I have no intention of eating" I said laughing. She laughed awkwardly because of what she said and drank water.

A few moments later our order arrived and I started eating, we were just quiet while eating I noticed she was glancing at me and when I looked at her she suddenly averted his eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" she broke the silence between us.

"What is it?"

"Can you be my boyfriend?" I was choked because of what she said so I immediately drank my water and I ran out of it.

"What the heck?" I muttered.

"I'm just kidding" she said while laughing, she seem amused with my reaction. "I'm just breaking the awkwardness"

"Now it's really awkward" this woman is really something, it became more awkward because of what she said. How can she do that?

"Your reaction was priceless, do you have a girlfriend? She'll probably might slap me" she's still laughing.

"Yeah right, why would I go with you if I have one?"

"So you can really be my boyfriend"

"Cut it off" she laughed again. This woman is insane, what the hell is wrong with her. I let it go and I finished my meal. The waiter approached and I took out my wallet.

"No, I'm paying" she said while taking the bill.

"It's on me" I said while taking the bill from her.

"No. It's on me, I've already bothered you and this is nothing"

"I won't let a woman pay for my food, that's embarrassing" I replied while handing my card to the waiter.

We went out and as we were walking she suddenly spoke.

"You're annoying" I turned to her and raised an eyebrow at her.


"I must pay"

"Cut your issues woman" I said laughing a bit. She smiled.

"Pshhh, next time I will pay" I stopped walking and faced her, she's expecting for a next time? What's with her.

"There will be no more next time"

"Ouch, are you dumping me?"


"Come on, I'll make sure there will be a next time coz I have to pay you"

"You don't have to"

"I insist"

"You know... "

"That's final, period" she cut me off, she's getting into my nerves. She's so stubborn.

I just let her go and walked again to the parking lot when I suddenly felt she was following me.

"Are you following me?"

"You have to drive me home"

"What!? Are you insane, why would I do that?"

"I said don't raise your voice, just drive me home, no more what and anything" Arghhhhh now I'm pissed, thank God because you are a woman because if not, Am I still driving her home? Why would she do this to me, I had enough for this day and I don't think I can handle the possible consequences.

I opened my car and went inside she knocked on the window so I lowered it.

"Won't you open the door for me?"

"Hop in or I will leave you there" I said because I was really disgusted with her.

She entered and put on the seat belt.

"Thank you boyfie"