
Transfer student

"Hello, My name is Nam Dowon please take care of me."

"Alright now Dowon pick a seat."

Dowon sat next to Seongyoon.

("Why did he chose to sit with me out of all people?! Does he still remember me?!")

"Teacher! i would like to switch seats."

"Your reason?"

("I can't tell him i dont wanna sit with Dowon! im trying to forget about him!")

"If you dont have a reason, then sit down."


During class the two boys started passing notes.

*Hey, do you want me to switch seats?


*How sad.. you dont remember me?

(What?! i thought he'd forgotten me already!)

Seongyoon then began to sweat... a lot, he felt very guilty at the fact that Dowon still remembered him while he himself wanted to forget about him.

*I-I want to sit with my friend!

*You're lying. Seongyoon, answer my question and i'll switch seats.

*Wh-What question are you talking about..?

*Do you remember me?

*If you lie, i won't stop bothering you until you tell the truth.

(So annoying! Fine!)

*Yes.. i remember you..

*But that doesn't mean we can be friends again!! I've waited for you to come back for a long time, but you never came! So forget about me and those memories!


*Is that how you really felt? I tried calling you, several times when i was still in america, but you never picked up. You think you were the only one suffering?!

The teacher suddenly noticed them passing notes, and got furious that his muscles began to tense up. He grabbed both of them forcefully by the ear, and dragged them out of the classroom.

"No passing notes in my class! Ya hear me?!"

Teacher to the rescue!

joon_wocreators' thoughts