
3- introduction to cultivation

after the family returned home, the little guy asked the system to transfer the techniques to his brain, and it was one of the few times he was angry at recieving something for free, because of the pain in the soul to brand the metods, so he fell asleep for 2 hours, when his mother started to be worried because he fainted after twitching, he woke up.

yue ling: oh, tang long, don't sleep too much, don't think I don't know that you underestand what I'm saying, you probably are one of those reincarnated experts, I don't know why you have this poor talent for being the son of your genius mother, but doesn't matter, you are my son in this life and have to obey me, doesn't matter how powerfull you was, if you don't cooperate I will torture you with tickles underestod?

tang long didn't think for half a second before nodding his head like no tomorrow until he stops and with questioning eyes and tilted head, like, I was tricked °o°, and was also wanting to talk something but not knowing how, frustating!

yue ling: you really was it, I was just suspecting because of the strengh of your soul is a little above the norm, but it really, sigh, you want to comunicate in peace, allright take this talisman *put it in his head*, lets talk a little before your father return here, he is bad in keeping secrets when drunk.

tang long: are you hearing?

yue ling: yes, its obvious, who was you in the previous life, I'm curious which expert has this weak soul to don't notice the comunicating talisman, that hasn't dissipated after you died, don't lie, I can discover if a baby is lying at least using some special techniques

tang long: ok, I was a mortal in my precious life, and from another world, after I died some godess took my soul to be part of a game with a bunch of other 99 poor bastards for the fun of some sick gods, where we need to kill each other for resources, I don't underestand anything about cultivation other than the techniques I received and can't impart, I want you to tell me a little.

yue ling: uhm? interesting, and here I though that after I married and settled down my life would be boring, I can talk you the levels of cultivation and how to pass them, its common knowledge in this world that your talent in cultivation and resources are what determine your speed of cultivation and also your future, the younger you advance through the realms and the better the foundation, the better your future, first rank is the mortal realm or qi gathering realm, you gather qi, magic, mana or some other kinds of natural energy in your body for 9 levels until its full, the most common is qi, and is also the best stage to start body refining if you have a compatible technique. then it is the meridian clearing realm, where you use that qi to escavate the 12 main meridians in your body of impurities at very least, the more meridians you open the better is the fondation for your future, it would be the best if you opened the 3 hidden meridians and all those medium meridians throught your body. after that is the accupoint opening stage, you open the accupoints in the meridians you opened in the previous stage. after that is the 3 levels of earth realm, in it you start purifying your qi, the purer the better. after that it is the dantian opening and refinement realm, where it is optional to how much refine it, but you better do it well it can contain more and stroger energy. then it is the sky realm, where you continue refining the qi for 3 levels and increasing the quantity too, and is also the 2nd best realm to start body refining, after that its the tranformation realm where you transform your qi in the path you want for your future, different techniques have different tipes of qi, so don't cultivate this stage without a good technique, exist true qi, elemental qi, magic, mana, blood qi, spirit energy, demonic qi and many others, some of the legendary immortal techniques can have better qi, or even more than one energy, ah, any questions till here?

tang long: give me a minute to organize it in my mind, umh... ok, I underestood for now

yue ling: okay, after that there is various kinds of names for the stage, depending on the path you took, generally called foundation building stage, maybe in some techniques its even 2 or 3 stages in one of others, it is generaly divided in 2 paths, the first is the one with the world path or sage/god path, where you fuse with some principles in the world you reside, in this path you are much stronger and cultivate faster,, because you can borrow the power of the world around you, in a battle between two people in the same stage, unless the fundations and techniques are very different, the person united with the world won't lose, and even should the person lose, its very dificult to kill them, because they can connect with the will of the world, and by paying a price, it will protect the person, but the problem is that your strengh depend on the world, if the world is damaged, the people who took this path will be weakened temporaly to repair the world, and if the world is destroyed, even if you find a way to leave this world you would at best situation become crippled, destroying a world is dificult, even if its a small plane, and rare to happen anyway, the 2nd path is the origin/personal path, where all the strengh you have is yours, and won't be weaker in any place or world you go unless you suffer natural supression, but it generaly takes more time, effort and resources to gain less strengh than the other, and vary depending on the person, finaly the next cultivation realm is the nirvana realm, where you adjust and purify your body, qi and soul, for the last time in this realm, by suffering heavenly tribulations, to your path of power, the stronger you are, the stronger the heavenly tribulations, because they are made for you, you have to survive 9 heavenly tribulations, to the people of the origin path, this is the last possible realm in this world, if they want to advance more, they need to either go to the void and find stronger worlds, or start depleating the source of a world to increase your own strengh, but in the 2nd option the world will retaliate by suppressing the person, sending some sages, gods or even other people of the same path to kill you by giving rewards, or even launching heavenly anihilation if it reaches a certain point, in the sage path you increase your strengh by strenghtening the world, fusing with more principles or even getting more authority from the world will.

yue ling: ahh, finished, underestood?

tang long: ok, I underestood it all, what about the soul and the body, how do I refine them?

yue ling: depends a lot on the technique, body techniques are very rare to find in this world, let alone those powerful soul techniques which even people above nirvana stage treasure here, the way to find some useful ones is in those powerful clans, or in other large worlds, the mediocre techniques are easy to find, but are detrimental to future prospects or very very very slow, so don't think about them, some of the best methods have complementary techniques to it. anything more?

tang long: oh and do you think its possible to don't pratice for now and start when I'm older?

yue ling: I think its a nice idea to start earlier, but if you have a special way to strenghen the fundation start later is ok, about 4 years old... oh your dad is coming, let me take the talisman and good luck starting cultivation.

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