
Daily routine

I just want to go home.

Kira once again made a grimace of pain, trying to lift her head from the desk. The world around me smoothly rolled from side to side, which immediately caused nausea. What a disgusting state. "I will never, never drink so much again." was spinning in her head, even though she understood that it would not be easy to keep this promise. And even more likely – impossible.

A man is standing by a huge blackboard and chalking something in Elvish. Since the 2nd year, everyone has stopped understanding such a mess, perhaps only a Cat knows what it is, he is a respected mr. headman, he, as he himself says, is supposed to!

- I can't understand everything, what the hell are the numbers in mathematics?

- Numbers?

- Oh, letters.

Suppressed laughter was heard in my ear, and the desk shook, which reminded me even more of the consequences of a fun night.

- Aaagh! - Kira squirmed and groaned again. Blue eyes glared up at the guy trembling with laughter. The mask, of course, hides the face, but it's obvious that you're laughing, you asshole! – Well, you understand! Shut up and listen to the lecture. You're already in trouble with Math, even without letters.

"You mean numbers?" – The guy easily tilted his head to the side. From this movement, black hair fell to the side, revealing snide brown eyes.

- Listen, what a scum you are. – the girl was glaring at him angrily and only now noticed what he was wearing.

Her eyes opened wide, flashing a bright light, and Kira, despite the pain, abruptly straightened up.

- Wait ... - a second ago, raised eyebrows converged to the bridge of the nose. – You're ahuel!? This is my jacket! What the hell, you put it on?!

- Uh... you're not worried about me at all, it's so cold here, and I'm also under the air conditioner. – the guy put his hands on his shoulders and began to rub them, allegedly trying to warm up. But he's still a walrus, running out in shorts in the fall is a common thing for him, and now this creature claims that he's cold? Don't hold a fool for me... fuck.... don't take me for a fool. How thoughts get confused!

- If you're cold, go outside – you'll warm up there! – The girl grabbed the collar of the jacket and pulled it to her. With her free hand, she grabbed the lock dog and began to unbutton it. However, the guy quickly intercepted her hand.

- But you noticed yourself that I have problems with mathematics! I can't miss couples!

From such a statement, the girl was almost speechless.

- And why the fuck are you talking to me then? Sit and listen to the lecture, twin brother fucker. I knew that the air conditioners were in the office, so I would have taken a jacket or a fur coat, oh yes, you're such a cold. – on the last sentence, even the voice trembled with anger.

- I haven't been home yet today. As a good student, he went to lectures without even changing clothes, so as not to miss a single minute! The brown eyes smiled again. That's 100% on his face now, that nasty grin! He's definitely just enjoying it!

I didn't let you take it!

I'd take it from Al, he's sleeping next to you, you bastard! This one is never against borrowing something, but no, you need to climb to me. He knows that I absolutely can't stand it when someone takes my things.

- What an exemplary student you are – the girl gritted her teeth

Kira began to fight for her thing with great zeal! Whether it's a jacket, or a pencil, or even a piece of paper she doesn't need, if it belongs to her, then she will never let you take it. Her things are her things, there's no need to pull her hands.

The girl grabbed the jacket with her hands, and, out of anger, pulled with all her might, not being afraid to tear. However, the guy did not think to give up, pushing her hands away and pressing the jacket tighter to the body, leaving no chance to pull off the sleeves.

From behind, there were clucking and phrases like "clowns" or "another scandal was thrown", and someone seemed to say something similar to "dolboebs", but the fighters did not even notice it. No, well, earlier, of course, she would have behaved quieter, and even earlier, Kira would have huddled, afraid of condemnation, and would have been sitting shivering somewhere away from this guy. He is a "bad company", a "bad example". He gets into fights, staggers around somewhere until the morning, and in the morning he comes to the university in anything, just like now in slippers with socks and a homemade T-shirt. Absolutely does not hold back in words and jokes. Expresses his opinion right and left. In a word – an ulcer of society! Only scum and hooligans are found with such people. And Kira is not one of them, she is a well-mannered girl!

Now these thoughts seem so funny.

From the fierce confrontation over the jacket, the chair loosened, which caused the bolt in the old, adjustable metal leg to fly out and the rebel was abruptly knocked to the side.

My head hit the back desk painfully, black stars flashed in front of my eyes. Nausea came dangerously to my throat, and my hands lazily fell to the floor. There was a howl in my ears, and my mind left my body for a moment.

This went on for some time until the girl felt a tangible push in her shoulder. This prompted her to return to reality.

- What? – Kira looked around the audience with a bleary look. Valya was standing in front of her on one knee, supporting his head and looking at her with undisguised concern. But he was still wearing that very jacket.

The head became clearer and gradually the girl began to sort out what was going on.

Somewhere at the blackboard a teacher is shouting, the truth is that he is shouting, the fuck knows him. Not because I haven't moved away yet, but because I don't give a shit anyway. Either a state employee or an idiot will listen to this bastard. To be honest, he's a real bastard. There has never been so much gossip about anyone as about him. I don't really believe in gossip, but if it concerns him, I can believe a lot. Bribes, harassment – a common thing! Yes, and he somehow let his hands loose on me. Of course, it was impossible to tolerate it, so I dragged it with all my strength between my legs. After that, I ended up at the police station, where they didn't even let me say a word. And my beloved father made me apologize for my act over and over again, completely ignoring my feelings. The case almost went to court. However, my "father" very nicely solved everything with a small monetary gift.

He recalled more than once that he had to spend money because of the "inappropriate", "obscene" and "animal" behavior of his daughter. That's right, "animal behavior".

As they say, if a child is told that he is a pig, then over time he will also grunt. Of course, then I was not this "animal", but my dear daddy always saw him in me, talking about it about and without.

Now I'm a real mongrel, wandering around everywhere. The words of this man worked, I met his expectations and became who he wanted me to be. No, it's not just his fault, and I'm not trying to put everything on him, I just met his expectations. Isn't this the duty of every child to his parents?

So, this is not about that.

This scum teacher is still yelling something from his seat, and Valya Valya is standing in front of me on one knee

? Is that the guy?

Well, with black hair and brown eyes, he also took my jacket.

A woman's face, still distorted, rises to Valya.

How are you? Can you stand up? there was indeed concern in the voice. Which is surprising for a man like him. It really shows how close we are. He, of course, addresses strangers with a smile, but he will never help or save them if they are not needed. Never. He will leave, without pity and regret, no matter what happens. But, I am one of the few people who have been awarded this honor.

- Why the hell are you still in my jacket? Kira said defiantly.

From this, the Guy went into a frenzy and laughed, lifting the girl by the arm.

"Damn those fucking chairs! – and again the stars in his eyes. The spine cracked softly. I'm like, not so old to crunch!

- Yes, it's definitely about the chair.

Kira really wanted to say something, but decided not to waste energy on it, because now it seemed that if she did something superfluous, she would immediately fall off. Valya will still report, I'm from "close", but I have my own legs!

- Are you deaf or something!!! – oh, and this freak screamed. The teacher was still shouting something. From which his round face, with a nasty, twisted mouth and a lot of angry wrinkles, turned noticeably red. By the way, another interesting fact, he does not wear a mask even in quarantine. Does not believe in this virus.

- I'll take her to the medical center. The guy said it coldly, with really sharp contempt. Hah, poor, poor old pervert, you can die under the gaze of this bastard! I don't seem to see it, I'm too focused on moving my legs, but I'm sure that his eyes are shooting! I know that look. Somehow I was under the gun myself.

- You don't have to come back! Don't even think about coming to my lectures! I will not tolerate people like you here!

Valya stopped. From which my concentration was a little disturbed and my legs almost got tangled. The guy turned his head and said just as contemptuously:

- Believe me, we ourselves would not like to meet with YOU. - he went out the door with Kira. And even in the corridor, a couple of "friendly" phrases were heard in our address.

Yes, you read my thoughts, Valya! I wanted to say so myself. I haven't forgiven you yet, but I'll think about it.

Although, why not forgive?

But he dared to take my things, the bastard

It's not the first time he's done this. I can't say that I don't understand why this is. Sometimes it is really difficult to understand what is going on in his head, but Valya is still a person, which means that his pupils dilate and narrow when he enjoys, when he is angry or when he is attentive. If he is annoyed, his middle finger on his right hand unconsciously twitches slightly. If he is angry, but restrains himself, he often touches one hand with the other, as if restraining and fearing that the fist will fly to anyone's face.

Also, when he needs something from a person, he often calls his name during a conversation.

If you observe all this, you can roughly imagine the meaning of his actions.

When he takes my things, he starts waiting for a reaction, easily attracting attention. Seeing my anger and annoyance, when I saw this, his pupils dilate a little, and his voice slightly, barely noticeably, changes intonation.

He likes it. Something like "she has an extremely funny reaction." However, he says that this is so that I can fight the problem, because I can trust him, so with his help it will be easier to cope, easier to sort myself out, easier to step over fear, and it will also be easier to sink me in the eyes of others.

I am really his "Close", he does not mean that he wants me to be happy.

Valya will do everything so that I am physically unharmed, so that I am with him. And this is slowly developing into a desire to separate. Separate from everything. Pour exclusively into your modest company of "loved ones" and do not let them out.

And for this, he will do a lot.

Will slowly drive into the eyes of others the image of "abandoned" and "unhappy" causing me pity. From this, people will start to reach out to me, because I am so poor and unhappy, so unsociable, just because of problems in the family, poor. I, not wanting this pity, considering it disgusting, will look for ways to get rid of it. I will not accept their "Kindness", I will not run around the events to which I am invited out of pity and I will not be interested in communicating with those who, eager to shelter a poor soaked kitten, will try to pour me into the conversation.

So people will soon start thinking "This one does not want to accept our help! We do so much for her! So we try to support her, pour her into communication, take her to parties so that she has fun and relaxes. And she doesn't care! That's ungrateful! That's it, I've had enough, I won't spend money on it anymore." It will result from this that I am a real "selfish" and "ungrateful scum". After all, they did so much! And I don't care that no one asked them about it.

A good plan, which Valya implemented literally a year ago.

At that time I didn't understand why people had a vile pity and why they would want to involve me in everything, allegedly doing "charity" and why everyone suddenly disliked me and began to shun me. I really didn't understand.

Dumbass. A real fool.

So it was exactly until the moment when I heard a conversation in the hallway.

- Yes, he doesn't even appreciate all the good that we do!

- Indeed. Yes, she's just scum. What kind of problems are there in the family, if a person is a creature by himself. Nothing will help here. Who even said he was a "poor scared girl"?

- Fuck knows. Someone kind of saw her father beating her or something.


I will never forget how the cold quickly ran from my head to my heels, and sweat broke out on my back. Sharp as ever.

What they said is partly true. But my father would never let go of his hands in public, and being hidden from the eyes could only give a couple of slaps in the face. He didn't hit me, preferred shouting and threats. This is his style of conducting a dialogue with his daughter.

Although, no, it happened once. And that was the moment I remembered then.

At home, in the dining room. With a dark heavy table and the same dark parquet floor, on which lay a milky carpet. Then for absenteeism I got not slapped, but my phone in the face.


The father turned around and left, having said everything, and a red drop fell on the carpet. I won't say that the blow was so strong, the blood rather went from the pressure, but the picture was sad. As I imagine from the outside. A poor girl in an old home T-shirt and shorts is sitting at the table, listening to her father's screams, after which he ruthlessly snatches the phone out of her hands and throws it in the unfortunate woman's face, after which he turns around and walks away without turning around. And the girl also holds us with a napkin, from which blood is slowly flowing.

It's quite a picture, like in some drama.

Then in the evening she went for a walk with Valya and told him about what had happened. At that time, this little girl still did not understand that such conversations should not be trusted.

The fact remained the same, only he could tell about it. But that's not like him at all. Probably. But the closer I got to him, the clearer his nature became. A real psycho. It's not that he needed the reality of the situation to spread rumors, it's just that, apparently, this incident was the impetus for action.

No, no, I don't dislike him, or something like that. I am quite satisfied with what is happening in my life right now. It is, of course, terrible to be unloved by many, but why do I need their love? Just why?

Man is a social being in need of communication, support and love. And I have it all.

My small circle of friends,

My sweet circle of friends.

I get all this from them. Rather, I am even grateful to Valya. He gave me freedom from worrying about other people's opinions, and it's a great feeling. Many people can't even imagine it, but I have freedom. I can dress as I wish, express opinions and communicate on any topic without worrying about social norms.

People perceive this as wildness, because they don't live like that, because this is a "society" and if you want to live in it, you need to adhere to the rules! Build fences, build walls, cultivate mountains. Perhaps this is the freedom of the 2x2 majority.

Maybe this is right, but how it weighs down and presses. And I don't like collars. So, maybe it's right to maintain society and life in it, but it's not "comfort" and not "happiness". Just not my "happiness".

And if Valya hadn't acted so terribly because of his whim to draw me into this circle, I wouldn't even have known how I could be free, how I could breathe without being afraid to inhale too loudly or take away "someone else's" air. So, it really suits me. I'm afraid there's no other way to happiness for people as scared as I am.

Supported by Valya, I moved my legs with difficulty.

I managed to fall off the chair, and even so to put my head. She was already rattling with a hangover, and now this. Ooh…

A narrow corridor with already peeling walls of a nasty pastel yellow color and a lot of old wooden doors. Some even had broken handles and kept falling out, a couple of them were broken by us.

So, along the same corridors and stairs we went down to the med. the cabinet.

There was a work schedule on the door.

From 8:30 to 12:00 - working hours

From 12:00 to 13:00 - lunch break

From 13:00 to 15:00 - working hours

It was 10:15 on the clock, approximately. So they should work, even though this is not always the case. It's a mysterious thing, the work schedule, it seems to be there, but it doesn't seem to be there.

Valya opened the door with his free hand and looked inside.

- Can I come in?

- Well, come in, since you've come. - the voice sounded tired, but not at all hostile, as it might have seemed at first.

We went inside.

The office is small, with white walls. To the right of the entrance is a table littered with some papers, and behind it a cabinet tightly packed with various folders. On the left there is a gray examination bed, at the head of which there is a small chest of drawers, apparently with medicines. There are thermometers and a stethoscope disinfected in some solution on it.

- Well, tell me what happened. – at the window at the end of the office stood an exact woman with blonde curly hair dyed. She was wearing a clean white robe, brown trousers with white socks and, like the second shoe, pink rubber slippers.

She was holding some colorful book in her hands, apparently, she was torn off at some terribly interesting moment, since her face was easily flushed, and the heavy look of gray eyes and wrinkles from the reduced ones said that something interesting was happening there and she was terribly dissatisfied with the fact that that she was interrupted.

- She fell off her chair and hit her head on the back desk. I couldn't walk by myself. – the guy said when I sat down on the couch.

- So – the woman closed the book, put it on the table and walked over to the couch – look here – she put her finger in front of my face and started moving it from side to side, and I obediently watched – Does it hurt your eyes?

- Unpleasant

- There was a loss of consciousness – she straightened up and turned to Valya with this question, not to me.

- Yes

- Dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, vomiting? – she has already turned to me with this.

- I didn't throw up.

- OK. Did you drink a lot yesterday? – I didn't think it was so noticeable.

The nurse clicked her tongue and went to the chest of drawers with medicines, took out some kind of pill from there and handed it to me.

- Here, drink this with water and go with God!

Great medicine! Everything is solved with one pill!

- Okay, thanks.

The obese woman picked up the book from the table again and enthusiastically began to read.

Val tried to help me get up, but I pushed his hand away, getting up on my own. It still wasn't easy, my legs haven't regained strength yet, but I'm not a fragile girl, coping with a slight ailment is not a problem!

Already leaving the door, I turned around and was able to notice the title of the book that the lady was reading:

"Captured by a werewolf"