
Chapter 4:Not the Female Lead Nor the Second Female Lead

I looked around the room to see where I can hide it. I didn't know where to hide it. I realized I don't have any memory from the poor girl that passed away. I looked at Fey.

"Why don't I have any memories from the previous Yuefeng?"

"Well because you have to unlock it with spirit points?"

"What?! That's not fair! I have a right to those memories. In novels they are free once the female lead comes."

All I hear is laughter coming from Fey.

"Did you seriously think that you were the female lead? Sorry to burst your little bubble but you are not the female lead nor the second female lead. You are an insufficient person in the world. In order to be in this world we cannot effect the fates of other but of course not too much. So we picked the least important person in this world but also had status. It must be fate that Chen Yuefeng just died not too long before you came into her body. So be grateful that we got a body. You should thank me."

Yuefeng was itching to slap some sense into this little girl. She took a deep breath and looked around her room. There was not much of anything valuable. Just a plain vase with beautiful flower, and items here and there.

"I might as well use my observation skill. I might level it up. Observation Skill Activate!" She looked around the room and titles of the items appeared and as well as the description of the items. Then she came across an area with ???. She thought that she found an hidden compartment.

She slowly got out of bed and walked towards the corner and crouched. She looked around the area and found a small glowing square button. She pushed the button amd the hidden compartment was revealed.

Observation Skill Level Up!

Level 2: More objects are revealed to you as well as hidden compartments. More information on the subject are revealed.

She smiled. She felt a sense of accomplishment. When she looked in the compartment there was:

100x Silver

1x Old Diary

1x New Diary

1x Emerald Necklace

She didn't have time to look through the diaries so she placed the bags and box in the compartment and closed it. She went back ro the bed and thought she could use the observation skill on herself.

A screen popped out in front of her. It showed a picture of herself and her status.

Name: Chen Yuefeng

Cultivation: None

Qi Experience: 15/100

Age: 14. Gender: Female

Talent:Godly Doctor level:5

Animal Whisperer level:5

Element: Unknown

Money: 200 silver. Inventory(Bag): No Items

Status: Poison (Time Left: 6 month): Due to a poison the meridian in the body are blocked. When you try to cultivate, it will result in you hurting yourself which will make the poison even stronger and shorten your life span. It will also effect outward appearance and health.

When she saw her picture and red her information she was shocked.

Hey everyone sorry for the long wait. Let me what you think so far. The next chapter is coming soon.

JulianaSilviuscreators' thoughts
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