

"Fayre, Fayre" someone was calling as I ran "Catch me mama" I called laughing "Stop running, you'll fall" ....... And the voice faded away while I kept hearing a loud ring at the same time trying to catch my breath. "What is happening?" I heard a voice but it sounded far away. "She's having a panic attack" someone answered. I am panicking, what was that? I pulled at my hair trying to get the ring to stop. A protective hand wrapped around me stopping my hands from pulling my hair painfully and I knew immediately it was Luca. I didn't even realize I was standing away from the bed until he steadies me against the wall and shield my body with his away from others in the room. "Eyes on me Fayre, no one else, focus on me and breath" he instructs in a low murmur and I look up at him trying to focus on him and ignore the ring in my ear but it was hard. "I can't —" I whimper "I feel like I need to scream" carrying his eyes between the tears in mine, he nods, then he gathers me into his chest and I have no idea what he is doing as he presses my face into his robe. Until his deep voice whispers against the top of my head. "Okay, scream" ......................... This is a tale of King Luca and a nameless servant. A King that rattles the Kingdom with just a glare, alongside with the breath of his very own silver dragon. King Luca, a man feared by a lot of people even if just few truly recognizes him apart from the royals of course. He is ruthless, feared, uncaring and some even called him the devil. But is that really him or it's just rumors created by people who think they know him? What happens when a little slave comes into his life uninvited and together, through different emotions starting from the bottom line of hatred up to the very heart word, they Swalve through all obstacles that seems to be thrown at them.

Z_A_1 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"Your highness, there has been a breach at the boarder" a guard yelled coming into the hall in a rushed manner scaring the living daylight out of the already scared mass.

"Who dares enter the King's territory without permission" a Lord yelled.

All these supernatural and feeling so big and mighty.

"It could be a passerby" The King said.

What a joke, are they finding it so hard to process that someone can actually be rebellious and confront them, though it has never happened, but it is still not impossible.

"No Sire, this one seem suspicious" he said and the king was about to talk when we all heard a blast go off and the building shook, everything felt like it was in slow motion as something crashed into the hall through the window and it sphere was going for the king's head, no, her sphere was going for the king's head but she did not get a chance as she went face flat on the floor when a sword from the King's guard pierced through her back, I screamed in horror as her eyes came in contact with mine.

I saw the life leaving her eyes.

Everything happened within a minute, and now it is so silent while I still stood on the same spot staring at the dead body of the lady that wanted the king's head.

"The threats have been taken care of" the same guard informed as he seemed to have communicated with the guards at the border, I think he used mind link, it is a kind of telepathic way of communicating among the supernatural.

It is shocking how I know this, but Mary and I tend to sneak into the library in our free time, it is a dangerous conquest, but we risk it.

"Take the body and have the maids clean the hall immediately" the King said before walking out of the hall.

"What are you waiting for, get to work" a guard yelled scaring us out of our already shocked state. I stared at the girl's body as they carried her away, she looks so young.

I went out to quickly go and get cleaning supplies from the storage room, but I soon stopped as I heard the king's voice, he was discussing with someone.

Should I just leave, it is a crime to eavesdrop. Well, I would not be punished if I am not caught, I just have to make sure not to get caught.

With that thought in mind, I slowly backed the wall, and peeped into the room, a man was backing the door talking to the king.

"What pack are they from, are they rogues, the lady was smelling strangely human, your highness?" the man asked, and the King nodded.

"Yes, but she was faster than a normal human, Lord Canon" the King replied making me gasp silently, I quickly covered my mouth, but they do not seem to hear or notice yet that I was there.

"It seems she left her group to come in the hall, because they all escaped like it was planned but she came in here thoughtlessly" Lord Canon said.

"Are humans ever thoughtful" the King said staring right at me and this time I could not hide my gasp before I ran out there like my tail was on fire.

He saw me, oh Lord, I am in deep soup!

Why did I feel pained when he said we were thoughtless, what did I expect from a monster like him, of course he is probably the worst, that is why they made him their King.

Getting into the storage room, I ignored the painful throb in my chest and picked up the mop and broom. I was going to leave the room but for some reason I could not. I could feel an ominous presence in the room, and it seems the room even got darker.

Shakily I raised the mop up as I looked behind me, scared is an understatement of what I am feeling right now.

The King.

He is the one in the room with me, looking at me with a smug smile.

"What do we have here?" he said with his back rested on the wall, how did he get here?

"Your highness" I bowed my head, trying my best not to be shaky, I might hate him, or I think I do but that does not mean I can show it, I do not want my head on a stake before human freedom if there is ever going to be one.

"Oh yes, we have an eavesdropper" he continued.

"Your highness, I did not hear anything, I just happened to be passing by when you saw me" I defended.

"Really, I thought you were hiding behind the walls and listening in on how your fellow human was stupid enough to test me" he said now circling me. His words anger me, he probably thought me stupid too, that is why he left me at the clearing.

"That was not stupidity, that was an act of vigor, not everyone is scared of you" I said without thinking and he chuckled.

"So, you are not scared of me?" he asked as his eyes glowed red as he took steps closer to me which made me take steps backwards.

"Help!" I yelled tears flooding my eyes as he became scarier each second. My back hit the wall and I cried in pain of my still wounded back and my possible death.

"That is it little girl, you should be scared" he said.

"I am sorry" I begged.

I looked up at him when he seems to be quiet, he seems to be looking at me with a pained look, his scary look all gone. I flinched when he raised his hand but soon got confused when he palmed my face and cleaned my tears with his thumb.

"You always seem to be in trouble" he said but he seemed to be talking to himself.

"Y.Your highness" I stuttered, I cannot explain what I am feeling right now, I should be mad at him for talking ill of humans, for leaving me at the clearing, but I am confused, kind of happy and scared all at the same time.

"How is your wound?" he asked.

"Why do you care, you were scaring me just a moment ago, and how did you know about my wounds, did you order them to wipe me" I said quietly while looking up at him, his hand still palming my face, it felt nice, but he took it away as soon as I completed my statement.

"You think the worst of me, don't you?" he asked.

"You make it hard not to, your highness" I said, wherever I got this sudden courage from, I find it hard to understand, I just hope it does not get me killed.

"Stay out of trouble little princess" he said ruffling my hair before walking out and I just stared after him confused, is he bipolar or something.

I sighed as I remembered the feel of his palm on my face, it was warm.

AHH Fayre, snap out of it, he is your enemy, a handsome enemy.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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