
Fang Tribe

Approaching Markus and the militia, Daniel can see them covered in a mixture of green and red blood. Their faces are pale from exhaustion while some from injuries. There is also a group of individuals laying down on the ground unmoving. Sitting on the ground to rest, the militia got up right away upon seeing that Daniel is coming.

Waving his hands at them to signal for everyone to relax and said "Markus, what is the status of our militia?"

Gotten off the ground and give a respectful salut, Markus said "reporting to the chief, thanks to you and the cavalry we didn't suffer any casualties. With the new weapons and armors we were able to put up a fight. After the initial charge, the orcs became disorderly and most are injured. However, fifteen of the militia is heavily injured and needed time to heal."

'The results are better then I imagine' thought Daniel.

When he saw those militia laying on the ground motionless put him in a bad mood but thankfully they are still alive. Although the guardsmen did a heavy blow against the orcs. They are still no push over either, with their tall height at six feet and powerful strength. The orcs can easily handle the militia who never been baptized in an actual battle with an enemy like these orcs.

Luckily, those orcs was no longer in their peak strength after the cavalry charge.

"Take good care of them, you all will be rewarded for your bravery in battle." said Daniel.

With a smile, Markus replied "we wouldn't dare ask for a reward chief. Thanks to you we are able to hold our head high again and no longer needed to suffer humiliation from the orcs."

Nodding his head in understanding, Daniel no longer press on the matter as he said "get some rest, then go back with the militia. I will get some guardsmen to help you. Leave someone to guide us towards the fang tribe as well."

"Understood chief." said Markus, he knew that with the militia conditions they won't be able to help much in another fight but leaving a guide is still doable.

"Kenny! come over here."

A young man in his early twenty came running over from the batch of militia that is currently resting. His face is covered in dry blood and their are numerous cut marks on his armor.

With one look, Daniel is able to tell that this young man have many close shave to just leave only minor marks like that.

"Yes commander!"

"Follow the chieftain and lead the way to the fang tribe."

"It be an honor!"

After instructing Markus, Daniel left together with Kenny to regroup with Gerald and the guardsmen.

"Gerald, this is Kenny. I want you to work with him and shift the battlefield towards the direction of those fang tribe people. Keep a distance of one mile from them." said Daniel.

"Yes lord but how should we set up the battlefield?"

"Make it seem like an intense battle as the orcs chase after the fang tribe people but was ambush one mile outside of the fang tribe territory. I'm sure the orcs will handle the rest with how good they are at hunting rats."

"We will try lord, what about the orcs armor and weapon?"

"Take everything we can use, have ten guardsmen follow the militia back. We can modify them later to fit our men."

Witnessing how sharp the orcs weapon are and the sturdiness of their armor. Only a fool would leave them behind instead of using it to strengthen their soldiers.

"As you wish." saluted Gerald before taking his leave with Kenny.

Standing there, Daniel begin to smile because during battle. He got a sudden surprise from the system messages that flooded his vision. Now that their is some time, he decided to have a look.

'Open.' thought Daniel.

The system screen appeared and the same store shown up in front of him. However, their is some differences to it. At the bottom where his total amount of gold is located actually shows seven hundred and thirty gold!

He had spent a total of nine hundred gold to buy the equipment for his militia which left him only one hundred gold from the original one thousand. That means the fifty orcs yielded gold!


'Hmm? you are still alive?'


Ignoring the system, Daniel browse through the recruitment list and stop at a specific soldier.

[Master Blacksmith - a professional of their craft, addicted to the smell of burn metal, and a total workaholic. 400 gold]

Without batting an eye, he press on the recruitment of that master blacksmith then threw the token on the ground. A small portal show up and a man in his early thirties came out. He have short blond hair, an oval shaped face, and blue eyes which make him stand out like a sore thumb.

Made his way up to Daniel before dropping down on one knee and said "Thomas at your service lord!"

"Follow the militia back to base and start modifying the orcs armor along with their weapons. Tell him that I send you, also mentioned that you will take charge of the smith." Said Daniel as he pointed at where Markus is currently preparing to leave.

"No problem lord, leave it to me." saluted Thomas before walking over to the militia.

With everything settled and the militia on their way back to the tribe, Daniel got on his war horse and went to meet up with Gerald.

- Fang Tribe -

"We should attack honor tribe once again and take it over. That is our only chance for survival, otherwise we will starve soon enough."

"How are we supposed to do that? our men cannot breached their walls."

"A scout have reported that Markus has lead the majority of honor tribe forces out and haven't returned yet."

While the talk was ongoing, an older man was silently sitting on a man made wooden throne. Listening and observing his tribe members with a calm expression.

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