
The War Orphan - Pokefanfic

Trey is a hardworking teen, who takes odd jobs to help out around the house. From Cleaning, to watching stores, to even bartending. He has ambitions getting a job to help support the ones he loves, but that wouldn't be his blood relatives, it would be the ones who raised him. The Orphanage in Saffron City. Ran by a wonderful young woman with a heart of gold, and little tykes running rampant. Trey does his best to keep the place afloat with the donations from the city, pouring most of his income back into the place that became the family he never had. Trey had lost everything at the age of 6, with little memories of his family, and not even knowledge of his last name or who killed his parents in the war. He tries his best to move on and work for his new family. Until one day a man in black with a Red R on his shirt comes. ------------------------------------- This is a work of fanfiction and I do not own Pokemon in any way shape or form. I am not an expert on Pokemon but love the series all the same, I am also not an expert in animal physiology or dynamics so please forgive me if something is off. Not everything will be accurate to the timeline of the original pokemon, as I've changed a few things to fit some of the story. But moves, type advantages/disadvantages, and a majority of the items and characters will remain the same. Expect to see some of the original cast of Pokemon throughout the series but the story will revolve around Trey and his journey. ----------------------------------- No release schedule but I will release when I can. Chapters will be on the longer side. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Arthur_Inverse · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Act 1 - Chapter 11

Trey pulled a few of the plastic utensils from the bags. Putting them down on the ground in front of Rose.

"Ok sweetie, we're gonna start training alright? I read up a bit and I think it's just a problem that prick Charles never helped nurture you properly," Trey sneered thinking about the disgusting man.

Rose pulled her sleeves together in front of her chest as she cooed nervously.

"Don't worry we're going to go very slow alright? I want you to just get used to moving smaller things to build up your abilities. I know you can do it!" Trey cheered for her, putting on a smile.

Sasha and Yuki looked on supportively as well from their beds.

"Ya! You can do it, Rose! I don't know what's going on but yeah!!" Sasha cheered.

Trey scoffed and smirked at the young boy. But he was wholeheartedly pleased with how supportive he was being for her.

Yuki also gave a few words of support, "Yeah, you got this Rose. You'll be throwing Trey around the room in no time," she smiled giving a thumbs up.

"Hey… that isn't what this is for…" Trey chuckled.

"Oh, then what is it for? And why exactly is she doing it in the first place? Is something wrong?" Yuki asked.

"I never told you guys, did I.." Trey realized, then looked at Rose pensively, "Is it alright if I tell them, Rose?" Trey asked, feeling the tension and fear beginning to well up across their connection.

Rose cooed softly, obviously not sure what to do.

Trey could feel her uncertainty but wanted to share it with her new family. He placed his hand on her cap and scooped her up into a hug.

"It's ok sweetie, he can't hurt you anymore. I won't let him… We won't let him," Trey said softly as he gently patted her head.

"Is what happened that bad?" Yuki asked, concerned.

Trey nodded, not sure if he should explain just yet.

"I'll… I'll tell you both later when she's ready," Trey said, looking down at her caressing her head, their connection shaky, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you towards it. We'll figure this out together alright?" he said, bringing her up slightly so he could look into her ruby eyes.

Rose cooed softly and nodded.

"Ok, then we'll put a Pineco in it for now," Trey consoled.

I'll have to maybe talk to Lauren about it later, and see if she has any advice… Definitely going to ask Nurse Joy when I see her next also… Not sure what's going on but it's above my head for now. Trey admitted, sitting down.

Trey deflated slightly, his need to improve and not sit still pushing his poor Pokemon a bit too early into the deep end.

He had forgotten somehow how much Rose may have been traumatized by Charles. He had only witnessed the tip of the iceberg at the bar, but it may have run even deeper, much deeper to say the least. He would have to enlist professional help as one of the posts suggested and help Rose, no matter the cost. She was family now, just like the twins, and Kuro, and Trey would pay no expense to make things right.


The next few hours passed quickly, and 4 PM was closing in quickly.

The twins had filled the time telling jokes and playing cards that were generously provided by one of the nurses. Kuro had taken to perching on one of the chairs still and rested with his eyes closed. Rose, on the other hand, had taken some time to calm down before Trey handed her off to Sasha so she could join the game of old maid the twins were playing.

Trey continued to browse the battlenet forums for any sort of information he could on how to help Rose and improve his knowledge of Pokemon overall.

The problem is I can't verify any of this information… It's all secondhand from word of mouth, and any reliable books cost money I don't have right now. If only I could get to the library… Trey thought.

He scoffed and pushed it to the back of his mind. There was nothing he could do about it for now and his best option would be to go when he had a chance.

There was an overwhelming amount on his plate for now, and he had to try to manage it as best he could.

Counting them off he realized just how much, as a sigh escaped his lips, reciting them all in a hushed whisper.

"There's the funeral arrangements, training, research, work… finishing the battle requirements for the twin's insurance… finalizing the Trainer's paperwork so I can start receiving the stipend… Oh and not to mention going to the Police to get updates…" he mused, sighing again, "Then there's the stuff we need to buy at the Mart. Moving into the studio… Ah… it's going to be a long couple of weeks," he scoffed, giving a wry smile.

"Having a long day? It's only 3 PM, Trey," a voice said next to him.

Trey turned his head toward the entrance of the room. Jenna standing there with a clipboard in her arms.

"No, but it will be soon," Trey said, giving a wry smile, "Are you here to give their checkup?" Trey asked expectantly.

"Yup!" Jenna said cheerily, "Everyone is busy right now, even with the majority of the staff being called in, so," she said giving a pump of her arms, "I'm going to give you two that checkup while I'm on break!"

"Are you sure that's ok…?" Trey asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, yeah. It's fine, it's just a checkup anyway so it will only take a moment hopefully," Jenna explained, easing Trey's worries and walking over to the twins.

"Hey there you two, Sasha, Yuki. How are you both feeling?" Jenna asked bending down slightly to get eye level with them.

"I'm fineeee!" Sasha replied, turning his head before going back to his cards.

"Never better," Yuki said tersely, pulling a card from Sasha's hand.

"Ralts!" Rose chirped, giving a small wave to Jenna.

"Oh, hello there Rose~" Jenna hummed, "You're looking even better than yesterday! Has your Trainer been rubbing your ointment on you like he's supposed to?" she said softly, giving Trey a sidelong glance.

Trey chuckled nervously, looking towards the corner where the ointment was.

Shit, I forgot to do that last night… Oh! I can set a reminder on my phone can't I…? Ah.. this new phone what would I do without you! I should have gotten you much sooner! Trey thought.

"Now, who's ready for their checkup so you can get out of here?" Jenna asked, raising her own hand.

"Me, me me!" Shasha shouted raising his hand, Yuki doing the same but in a less enthusiastic manner.

"Ok! Trey, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room for a minute then, I have to do a full exam, which means clothes off briefly. I'll come grab you for the rest of it after," Jenna explained, giving him a bit of a nudge with her hand out into the hallway.

Kuro flew and landed on top of Trey's head as they went, Rose still in his arms.

"Ok, ok I get it!" he said giving a wry chuckle until he was out into the hallway. Looking down and then up he looked at his Pokemon, "Looks like we got kicked out for a bit guys. Hope it doesn't take too long… I don't really enjoy standing."

Trey's shoulders slumped slightly as Kuro gave a soft kaw, Rose patting his chest trying to console him for what she wasn't sure.

Out in the hallway, Trey gathered a few eyes from the nurses, they murmured and snickered.

They probably think it's funny I have a bird on my head… Who lets their Pokemon out of their ball and sleep on their head? Trey thought, chuckling to himself.

Kuro pruned his feathers and gave a yawn, while Rose rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Trey also gave a quick yawn glancing at the clock.


Trey pulled out his phone confirming the time just to be sure.

"Hmm, we're going to be cutting it close…. I wonder if Donnie will be angry if I'm a few minutes late… I don't think I should rush the twins to the studio after just getting out of the hospital," Trey thought aloud.

While thinking about the repercussions he might face, a head popped out of the room.

"All done Trey. You can come back in," Jenna said with a smile, going back into the room.

Walking to their beds, Trey took another glance at the other person in the ICU.

I'll have to be on my toes when we go out. Donnie said the commotion died down, but you can't be too careful. He thought.

Reaching the twin's bed he looked at them briefly.

"All good?" Trey asked.

"They need a few more quick things, and I need to take some blood work just to be safe, but physically they check out," Jenna said cheerfully.

"Yay!!!" Sasha shouted.

"Good to hear," Yuki mumbled.

"Just make sure to keep the bandages on for the rest of the day," Jenna said, waving her finger, then turning to Trey, "And they will need to come back every day for a week to change their dressings until the burns have healed," she told him firmly.

Trey held up his hands, "I get it, I'll remember, I promise."

"Good," she smiled.

A few more minutes of Jenna doing some routine checks, and then struggling to get blood from Sasha, and surprisingly Yuki.

"No!!!! I hate needles!! Please! I'm going to die, I'll die!!!" Yuki shouted.

"You aren't going to die!" Trey shouted back, holding her head still as Jenna did her best to stick her arm, "You whine more than your brother!"

"I have a fear of pointy things sucking blood out of me! I've had enough of them for a lifetime!" she wailed.

"It's ok," Trey scoffed, caressing the girl's hair, "It will be ok Yuuks, it's just to make sure you're doing ok. You want to be healthy right? So you can get that Pokemon and laptop you want right?" Trey said, trying to distract her.

"Y-yeah.." Yuki sniffled, "You better get me that laptop… Sniff Sniff."

"Did you just say sniff sniff?" Trey asked incredulously.

Yuki stuck out her tongue, and Jenna was done.

After the arduous task of drawing blood from the twins, Jenna gave the A-OK for them to leave the hospital. Leaving with a smile and a giggle.

"Ah…. it's 3:40, we are definitely going to be late…" Trey sighed, "It's fine, I'm used to Donnie chewing me out…."

Trey turned around waiting for the twins to finish getting ready, and gather their clothes. Sasha insisted on carrying Rose instead of his bag, so Trey was forced to hold onto them instead.

"All ready?" Trey asked.

"Yup!" Sasha cheered, Yuki, giving a lackluster one as well.

"Ok off to the studio!" Trey said raising an arm, startling Kuro on his head.

"Noooo! Ice cream!" Sasha pouted.

"Right. Ice cream, then the studio!" Trey corrected himself.

"Oh….!" Yuki cheered enthusiastically.

"Don't be so Gloom, Yuuks. Kristine is a very nice and…. Interesting person. You're going to get along well with her," Trey chuckled.


"You call this getting along?!?!" Yuki said, scowling at Trey.

Trey tried to hold back laughter as he watched Kristine smother Yuki in her arms and, well, chest. Yuki tried fervently to escape any way she could, but Kristine had the strength of a Machamp on Poke'Protein.

"Oh, my Arceus! She is so adorable! I wish you would have introduced these two sooner Trey! This is a crime to not have let me see these two cuties! Kya!" Kristine screamed.

Trey chuckled and licked his ice cream, Rose and Kuro doing the same as they watched Yuki be womanhandled by Kristine.

"H-help…." Yuki pleaded.

"You're going to be living with them, Kristine. Thank you again for letting us stay. Are you sure you don't want rent?" Trey asked, trying to pull Kristine's attention.

"Nope. And don't you dare try to. I've already set up beds on the second floor for these two, but unless you want to sleep in my room Trey," Kristine said winking, "You are going to have to sleep on the couch."

"I'll take the couch thank you," Trey said flatly.

Kristine pouted, letting Yuki down, "You're no fun… You won't find a girlfriend if you don't learn to entertain women Trey," she huffed.

"That's fine, I have too many things on my plate to have one anyway," Trey said, "Is it alright if they settle in before I go to the bar?" Trey asked.

"Yup, just take them up the stairs in the back past all the poles, can't miss it," Kristine said.

"Poles?" Sasha and Yuki asked at the same time.

"Yeah what poles Kristine?" Trey asked nervously.

"Oh! That's right you didn't ask. This is a pole dancing studio. It's great for flexibility, weight loss, and core strength. You should really try it sometime Trey. I'm sure you would be a hit with all the girls," she smirked.

"N-no… thank you…" Trey said, laughing warily, "Hurry up let's get you two upstairs," Trey whispered to the twins.

"R-right…" Yuki replied, Sasha, giggling to himself.

After settling the twins in their new room, Trey tried to get Rose and Kuro to stay with them as well but only managed to convince Kuro to stay. Rose insisted on coming with him to the bar for the night.

"Well, thankfully we didn't have any trouble coming from the hospital, but were about an hour late… Donnie is going to tear me a new one…" Trey sighed.

"Ral… Alts…" Rose cooed next to Trey as he changed into his suit for the bar.

"It's alright sweety, I'm sure I'll live… Probably… Haha…" he said wearily, his eyes looking off into the distance.

Rose patted him on his side, bringing him back to reality.

"Right… Let's get today over with. I'm worried about the twins being left alone for too long, but if I don't make money we won't be able to do much…" Trey said, taking a look at his phone.

His worry spread over their psychic connection but his detailed thoughts did not.

I really need to call Laura. Maybe she's dealt with a problem like Rose has before…. I just want her to get better first, battling comes second. Kuro can pick up the slack right now and we can always slowly add to the team. But I still have a lot to research and learn.. Ah… there's so much to do still. Trey thought, his mind doing circles in his head.

Fastening the last button on his shirt Trey walked to the hallway, Rose tip-tapping behind him.

Eventually exiting the hallway onto the floor, Trey surveyed the filled room.

Some familiar faces… I wonder if I can get more information on Charles? He thought before walking up to behind the bar. Mr. Mime raising a brow seeing Trey finally come.

Mr. Mime tapped an imaginary watch on his wrist and sighed.

"I know… I had to go to the hospital today and the tests ran late. Those incidents earlier really put the hospital back," Trey explained grimacing.

Mr. Mime wagged his finger and sighed, handing Trey an empty glass and towel.

"I'm on glass cleaning duty then? No Drinks?" Trey chuckled.

Mr Mime nodded, then walked out from behind the bar onto the floor. Holding up what Trey could only guess was an imaginary tray filled with glasses.

"Oh, this should go over great…" Trey laughed under his breath, watching Mr. Mime waddle to tables, putting down imaginary drinks.

Trey did what he was told, picking up Rose and sitting her down on the counter behind the bar next to the sink. She passed glasses over to Trey, as he washed and dried them placing them onto a nearby rack as he made sure to observe the floor for a sign of Charles.

He also did his best to keep his ear to the ground for anything pertaining to the Orphanage fire or Charles's whereabouts.

After an hour or so of this, Donnie finally walked out from the floor to the bar.

"Where ya been. You were late," Donnie asked, almost telling Trey.

"Sorry… the tests for the twins were running late because of the thing this morning…" Trey explained again.

"Don't let it happen again, we cleaned that mess up already. It ain't goin' to be a problem anymore, so no more excuses. You stay an hour after close, you're cleanin up," Donnie told him, "Now get on orders, there's some high tippers on the floor tonight. Just remember, don't accept offers or drinks."

Trey nodded, finishing the glass in his hand before grabbing Rose and putting her down on the floor.

A moment later a depressed and slumped Mr. Mime came to the bar.

"Didn't do too hot there Mimie?" Trey asked, trying to contain his smile.

"Mime Mime…." Mr. Mime answered, holding up a real paper slip, with a few drink orders and the table number on it.

"On it," Trey replied, taking the slip and beginning to mix the drinks.


The night went fairly slow, with Trey unable to find anything new out about Charles or the Orphanage. He had earned a small amount in tips. 100 credits give or take for the night, which was amazing for one shift.

He did get a few people asking to take him out after the shift, but he politely declined.

It was getting to close now and people were slowly finding their way out of the door.

Trey sighed, holding a broom in his hands as he started to sweep the floor.

"Glad this is over, and we got a nice little bit of pocket money now too," Trey said giving a smile to Rose.

Rose cooed giving a fist pump with her white-sleeved arms, following Trey as he swept.

"Now to get some rest finally…. Then work in the morning, and back here at night. Need to set a reminder to call Laura.. And then visit the library since we didn't get to today. I should really see if I can get some cheap books online for the twins and some for myself for Pokemon Biology, Nutrition, and Battling…. Ahhh… the list keeps getting bigger!" Trey grumbled.

Taking a brief break, Trey took in a long breath, trying to calm his mind and relieve his weary body.

I'll get through it… Just one step at a time. He thought, trying to encourage himself.

Trey heard footsteps come in from the front door and casually answered.

"We're closing for the night, I apologize but you will need to come back tomorrow. We open at-" but try didn't get to finish his sentence before he was interrupted.

"I ain't here for a drink kid, hand over that Ralts," a deep-voiced man said from the door.

He was wearing all black, and a small red badge with a R on his left chest pocket, which Trey had seen before. The man wore a cap that somehow casted a shadow perfectly on his face as he looked down at Rose, reaching to his side where two Pokeballs sat.

Where is Donnie? Or Frank on the door?! How did this guy get in here?! Trey cursed, scooping up Rose and turning tail for the employee's exit.

"You ain't getting away! Go Raticate, Houndour! Raticate Quick Attack! Houndour Scary Face!" the man shouted, throwing two Pokeballs to the floor, the Pokemon appearing in a flash of white.

Fuck! Trey cursed suddenly frozen in place once the Pokemon were released. Feeling like his feet were forced to stop.

The next thing he knew he was hit by something and thrown back, Rose escaping from his arms as he was unable to hold on to her from the force of the impact.

Trey slammed against the bar, a gasp of air escaping his mouth. His eyes went blurry but he quickly forced himself up searching for Rose.

He found her luckily a few feet away. Scooping her up again, he bolted for the hallway.

"Raticate, Houndour after him! Don't let that Ralts get away! It'll be a nice payday!"

Trey sprinted down the hallway, his suit torn in places thanks to the Raticate's attack. Rose whimpering in his arms.

Fuck what a time to be wearing dress clothes! Donnie better not yell at me for this one! Trey cursed throwing his body into the exit door as he tumbled forward into the alleyway.

Quickly getting to his feet he made a break for the main street, hoping that more people would deter the man trying to take Rose.

"You aren't getting away! Houndour, Flamethrower!" the man shouted from the doorway, his hand aimed at Trey.

A beat later his Houndour exited the doorway growling before flames began to sputter out of his clenched teeth. A second later it roared and it's maw opened flames beginning to swirl forward right for Trey and Rose.

Trey looked back in horror, throwing himself over Rose waiting for the pain of being singed to a crisp by the move.

But it never came.

Trey turned his head over his shoulder and saw the flames being kept at bay by a barrier of purple.

"You think you can just run amuck in my city…?" a female voice said softly from further down the alley behind the man, "Alakazam, take out this foolish Team Rocket trash."