
The Plan

Maila shook her head and blinked a few times, her throat suddenly dry.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" she managed to stutter out. However, no one heard as everyone was shouting. Eventually, the room silenced and the Queen sighed. She began to speak again.

"We will make the planet our home, and should we succeed, the other three districts shall come to us too. There are two main species that live on the planet; the Elven kind and the Kalibri. We will wipe out anyone who is in our way!"

Again, the room erupted into chaos but this time the Queen screamed for everyone to silence themselves. You could hear a pin drop within seconds.

"Our army shall march onto the lands and begin the terminating process. We will begin a war if necessary!"

This time the room stayed silent. But Maila couldn't take it anymore, each remark was worse than the last, and she would not end innocent lives for seemingly no reason.

"As the Captain of the Royal Guard, Maila Faise shall be at the tip of the march, and begin the battle. We take no prisoners."

That was all it took for Maila to stand up and slam her fists on the table.

"NO! I will NOT end innocent lives for no reason, an until you give me one, my army will stay on this planet!"

A few Stelra gasped, others stayed silent, a few whispered in agreement. The Queen slowly turned her head towards Maila, her face filled with such hatred, she could kill with her look. The room was instantly filled with tension as the two glared at each other, and silence was draped over chamber.

"I am your Queen and you will do as I say unless you want your position to be terminated!" She remarked, her voice dripping with poison, low and nearly a growl. Her eyes lowered as she challenged Maila.

"Why? Why are we to put our army in danger an terminate the lives of a species that lives in peace? Why are we to waste our resources on a mission that could possibly fail? We don't know what the Elven and Kalibri are even capable of!"

A lot of Stelra nodded in agreement, but most kept their eyes down. One word against the Queen could have you banished if not killed, but it was a risk Maila was willing to take in the heat of the moment.

"Due to the fact that we are in a critical situation and-

"And what? What is this critical situation?! You're not making sense, and not giving us reason, instead acting on impulse, which could be fatal if we do partake in said mission!"

"You WILL listen to what I say and you WILL do what I command you to; you will lead our army into battle to invade Planet Xanus whether you like it or not, and if not then expect the death penalty and the banishment of your father!"

Maila's jaw clenched and she glared at the Queen as she sat down slowly.

"Such rebellious behaviour will not be tolerated in your position, however as it is your first day, I will let you off. I expect you to lead our army in two days time, when we will begin the mission. All in favour, raise your hands."

For the first few seconds, no one raised their hands. Everyone sat in silence and confusion, however, realising the consequences, one Stelra put her hand up. She was shorter than the average Stelra, and had long black hair, and piercing blue eyes. Her face was set in stone, her lips pursed, her eyes hard as her hand remained in the air. Slowly, other Stelra followed suit, gradually raising their hands until only Maila was left. She looked at the Queen with one hard look, who had a hateful glare set in stone, and Maila sighed, taking in a deep breath, and raising her hand. The Queen smiled an evil smirk, and closed her eyes, her features visibly relaxing.

"This session is now over, you are all dismissed. And Maila, don't embarrass yourself next time."

The Queen smiled again and looked Maila in the eye, daring her to challenge her again, but Maila simply looked away and stalked in the direction of the large double doors.

Outside of the meeting room, attendants chattered in hushed voices, immediately silencing and staring at Maila as she strode through the hallway in the direction of her spire, her face cold, her stance powerful.


"She did what?" Talia gasped, whilst Sulon remained silent. He didn't go to the meeting because he was helping Maila's father sign papers relating to his retirement. His eyebrows were stitched together and his pale blue eyes were hard, his jaw clenched.

Maila didn't notice.

"So obviously, I said no! I'm not marching that sticking army to another planet for no reason! She wants me to kill, Tal, I'm not killing anyone!" Maila insisted in exasperation.

Talia nodded and sat down on Maila's bed, deep in thought. Sulon shook his head and sighed.

"You heard her, you have to." he stated.

Both girls' heads immediately snapped in his direction in shock.

"No! No, no, no, no! I'm not killing innocents!"

"It's either that or die and have your father banished, and she'll have someone else do it! Someone else that will be her puppy dog and not rebel! You can change things without her knowing; we just need a plan."

Maila's eyes were still wide and she shook her head.

"You're right but that doesn't make it any better. There's no way we can win against her; she has spies everywhere!" Maila declared, Talia staying silent.

"But what if there is- what if, what if... You talk to the Elven and Kalibri leaders? You could warn them, or tell them before there's too much damage done." Talia suggested slowly.

Sulon nodded and took a step forward.

"That's right; you just need someone to lead you to the leaders in an inconspicuous way."

Talia nodded, but Maila shook her head frantically.

"No way, she's gonna find out and she'll have all of our heads!"

"Not if it's not your fault; go. Do the mission. Get injured and if a Kalibreus of Elf finds you then they'll surely take you as a prisoner of war. Since you're the Captain of the Royal Guard, the leaders will surely demand to speak to you."

"If they don't kill me first!"

"It's a risk you have to take!"

"This is crazy, no way!"

"You want to save them right? Have you got a better plan?!"

Silence commenced as Maila sighed, her brows stitched together in anger. She hadn't lost control in a very long time, and she wasn't about to now.


Okay, so the Queen is CRAZY! What do you think? Will Maila be able to do it, or would she rather face the consequences of rebelling? Or will she die in the battlefield?

Do you agree with what she has to do?

Comment and fave if you enjoyed!

Thanks for your support <3

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