
The Journey

Maila's legs grew tired quickly as she was pushed towards where she hoped her fate would change. Along the way she saw the battle was long from finished, and she desperately wanted to cry out for her people to retreat, but by that point it was too late. They wouldn't hear, but the Queen would, and if she hasn't already, she would kill her father and return for the larger armies of the final three districts. Maila shook her head and coughed as she was kicked to the ground for stopping. She stood, her head hanging low in shame as many Kalibri and elves threw her glares whilst trying to defend, and whilst her army gave her confuse glances whilst trying to attack.

She continued forward, her eyes holding a desperate and determined look, which she mainly held to distract her from the bloodshed that was her fault. She shivered, despite the warm weather.

The rain which she noticed from her cell earlier was only a light patter, and matched with the warm air created a humid atmosphere which intensified the dank copper smell which infiltrated Maila's nostrils.

She was confused; when they'd arrived it was far from raining. Infact, the sky was cloudless. But now, the gray sky was much different to the previously lilac one. The muddy ground was stained with blue and red blood, trickling between pebbles, winding its way towards her. Or maybe she was just imagining it; focusing on the trampled orchid coloured blades of grass instead helped her move forward. The rain hit her armor and cascaded down, thankfully washing the blood off of it, and Maila sighed.

Soon, she moved past villages, the two suns beginning to retreat, making Maila nervous. The leaders would be in cities and she needed to warn them; she couldn't waste anymore time.

She turned around and sighed, looking at the two brutes who continuously disrespected her.

"Please, I need to warn them. At this rate, we'll arrive in months. Time is of the essence, and unless you want more bloodshed, you'll find me a way of getting to your leaders at once."

The two looked at each other. They were clearly weighing their options; Maila could be conning them and finding a way to escape, which would be very easy at this point. Or she could be planning to kill their leaders, which would be worse.

After a short pause, one of the two walked close to Maila and forced her armor off of her, one of them taking a thick pair of chains from his belt and forcing it onto her wrists, the chain ending in his hand. They walked to an abandoned wagon and enchanted it to work without horses. She was shoved onto the wagon, spitting out hay which flew into her mouth.

They rode throughout the night, her wrists getting severely uncomfortable, but not long into the hours of darkness, lights from the city grew brighter and clearer. They reached an impressive wall which surrounded the city, guarded by tons of men. With some secretive whispering, they were allowed in. Maila looked at the large city with wide eyes; all buildings were magnificent, ranging from small quartz and marble estates to large and impressive buildings with pillars and ceiling high windows. She gawked at the city that was clearly put in an emergency lockdown.

All her fault.

They neared a large palace looking building, almost as big as the Time Yard palace back at home, with mighty pillars and intricate details resembling Xena's extravagant Air District. She was shoved off of the wagon and forced into the large front doors by her chains, the night almost gone already. It had been a while, and the Queen was her biggest worry at that moment.

The front room was large and spacious, the white walls and warm gray floors pristine and clean. There was a large carpet leading to the grand wooden doors, which were guarded by tons more elves and Kalibri as well as two huge statues of what she presumed were their gods; the large room was lit up by aesthetic candlelight and two large chandeliers that made the statues glow.

The grand wooden doors were slowly opened and inside was the throne room, the carpet continuing towards the four mighty thrones. Two for the male and female leaders of the Elven race, the other two for the genderless mates who ruled the Kailbri.

The leaders who sat there were glaring at Maila, clearly unimpressed, if not enraged, however their fury was well hidden. The elves were beautiful; the male well sculpted and with features much similar to Maila's own- striking green eyes and pale skin with defined cheekbones. His wife was sitting with one leg crossed over the other, her long silver hair reaching the floor in front of her throne. She had flawless skin and lowered gray eyes, light freckles brushing her slightly tanned skin. The Kalibri of course carried legendary traits, except they carried them all. Ram-like horns with two pairs of large ears, and intricate patterns detailing their fluffy fur, their three tails resting behind them.

Immediately, Maila bowed before entering. She was pushed forward and so she stood before reaching a few feet away from the mighty four, and bowed again, this time staying on her knee.

"Lauk tells us you have important news for us; a warning.What a warning indeed, attacking our kind with no reason, you worthless scum!" The male Elf announced, his voice silky yet dominating, the power reverberating throughout the spacious room. Maila's head hung low in shame as she remained silent. The Elf's wife put her hand on his as her eyes studied Maila.

"Dear, tell us why. Tell us why, and how and when. Tell us everything; your plans, your meetings, everything that led up to this point. Tell us why you set your people down such a dark path." her voice was calm and smooth, but her gaze remained stern; the typeof look your mother has when you broke her vase, or when you didn't clean your room even though she nagged you to do so ten times already. The type of look that Maila wasn't used to.

She looked up and into the Elves eyes, her own becoming glossy.

"The Queen. It was her idea. I don't know why she did it, and I tried to stop her, but if I did try more forcefully then she'd kill me, banish my father, and find someone else to do it; someone who wouldn't question her and tell you of what is to come like I am about to. Someone who wouldn't be prepared to betray their own kind like I am about to."

1107 words in a chapter filled with guilt and wonders! What do you think so far, will they listen to Maila, send her to rot in a dungeon, or kill her? Where is the Queen and what will she do? Where is Sulon and Maila's father? All questions that will be answered soon, but comment what you think will happen!

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