

"Erika! How's the General?" Helen came in with bunch of medical supplies.

"Not good. He's been vomiting a lot. Do you know what type of poison it is?"

"What other symptoms does he have?" Helen asked.

"Vomiting, sweating, stomach cramps, headache." Erika listed out.

"I've only read in books, it sounds like arsenic poisoning." Helen said.

"He won't last long if we don't find a cure. Erika, stay with him. I'm going with the General Advisor. We promise we will get him cured." Helen gave Erika a reassuring look.

Erika went back to the General and sat beside him. She still couldn't believe the secretary betrayed him. How awful the General must've felt. Even though he was an ice block, he must've felt something.

Erika held the General's hand and he squeezed it hard this time. She wiped off excessive sweating on his forehead. Her heart broke watching the man she liked falling down like this.

"General König, don't be scared. I'm here. I won't leave you." Erika reassured him.

"E...ri...ka..." The General said her name weakly.

"I'm here, General, I'm here. Don't force yourself. You will be alright. I won't leave you." He nodded.

"Where... am.. I?"

"In your room. You passed out because you were poisoned." Erika replied.

"Poisoned?" He asked.

"Yes. They put poison inside your drink." Erika told him.

"I... don't... remember.." He said weakly.

"It's okay. Sleep some more. I won't leave you." As Erika stroked his arm, he fell asleep. Then, after a while, she gently kissed on his forehead.

After the General fell asleep, Erika got up and started to organize some of the stuff in the room.

Few hours later, Helen and the Advisor came back with medications.

"I'm not sure if these are enough." The advisor said as he placed it on the table.

"We won't know until we try." Erika started to flip through pages from an old medical book.

"Found it! It's here!" Erika was determined to help the General no matter what.


Erika ran to the General's side, "What's wrong? Are you still in pain?"


"General, it's okay. It's okay." Erika comforted him.

"General vomited again." Erika told Helen.

"We don't have much time left. Let's do this." Helen supervised the Advisor as they figured out how to minimize symptoms.

"Erika, stay with the General. We will come after we are done." Erika nodded and focused on the General.

Erika wiped his mouth with a clean cloth and used another clean cloth to wipe away excessive sweating.

"We can help you to minimize your symptoms. You will get better in no time." Erika smiled.

General nodded and winced in pain.

"Don't... go..." The General reached for Erika's hand and she held on to them.

"I'm right here with you. I won't leave you." Erika helped the General to get up in bed.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Erika supported him. He nodded.

Moments later, Helen and the advisor were finished.

"Erika, we are done. Is the General awake?" Erika nodded.

"We'll use syringes. It will be over quickly." Helen reassured them as she started to put the liquid into the syringe.

General König squeezed Erika's hand even tighter.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to tell you! General König does not like needle." Helen looked back at him and said, "You should've told us earlier. It's too late now." Helen sighed, "Erika, think of something."

Erika told the General, "Forgive me for doing this, this is the only way I can think of." Erika embraced him so he can avoid seeing the needle.

"See! All done! Quick, isn't it?" Helen was happy it ended with no problem.

"Erika, he still have 2 more shots left. One for morning and night tomorrow." Erika nodded and said okay.

The General whispered, "Erika, thank you." Everyone was in disbelief.

"Did he just say thank you?" Helen asked.

Erika nodded.

"Wow. General actually said thank you." General advisor was laughing silently.

Erika turned to General König making he is alright.

He whispered, "Erika, I feel sleepy." Erika reassured him that's one of the side effect.

"Sleep some more then. I'll be here." Erika smiled as she held onto General's hand.

At least, he can sleep and recover soon. Erika remained hopeful.

A week passed, General König finally gained some energy back but still not recovered yet. But, at least he is back to his old self showing a bit of emotions.

Erika and Helen went back to work at the frontline while General recovers back home. General Advisor usually updates them while they finish working.

"How's the General doing?" Helen asked Erika.

"Physically improving, mentally unstable. He isn't talking too much. Julian and Noah's betrayal must've affected him. Helen, I was always wondering why he doesn't cry and try to bottle up all by himself. What should I do, Helen? It hurts me to see him like this." Helen patted Erika.

"He will open up, give it some time. Stay beside him. Keep him company. That's the best. Don't force him." Erika sighed, "You're right. I'm too impatient." Helen shook her hand, "Nah, you're just worried about him. You genuinely like him, right?" Erika nodded.

"Keep doing what you're good at." Helen winked at her.

As they head back during the evening, there weren't too many people. Almost half left for the Oppositions. Erika sighed and went to the top floor unknowingly.

Erika hoped the General is alright. As she walked down the hall, she heard a loud scream. The kind of scream that pierces the soul.

Erika went in and saw the General lying on the bed. She went beside him and stroked his back. He finally calmed down a bit. A bit later, General Advisor came in.

"General was having a nightmare. I heard the scream so I came in." Erika explained.

"His nightmares came back again. Just like before. I'm afraid he will really break down. Elias won't be stopping any time soon. I heard Julian will be bringing Noah and another person to visit the General. All I know that person once tortured the General. I don't know him personally, someone told me about it."

"Why the hell is he visiting? Shit." Erika was pissed off.

"When are they coming?"

"In three days. I don't know why they are coming. I wished I did." The General advisor said.

"The General won't be ready in this condition. Is there anyway to delay it?" James shook his head.

"They won't agree. I already told them."

"I'll see what I can do. I'll stay with the General from now on and I will tell him about them. If he breaks down or goes crazy, I'll protect him. Just make sure no one comes in." James understood and went outside.

Erika stayed with the General just as she promised and waited until he woke up. She really hopes all things go as planned.

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