

Erika finished taking a morning shower and went over to the main cafeteria with Helen. It was already crowded with people.

Sarah waved at them and told them to sit with her. We were greeted by two other male soldiers who's working for the General. They were kind and shared many jokes with us.

"So, how old are you, Sarah?" One tall and lean soldier asked.

"I may look young but I'm actually 24." She giggled.

"My sister is 24 too." He chatted away with Sarah. Helen and Erika quietly ate their breakfast while eavesdropping on their conversation.

Moments later, there was an eerie silence. Erika looked at Helen and her jaw dropped.

"What's wrong, Helen? Hello? Earth to Helen?" Erika waved her hand.

"Erika, turn around. Just turn around." Erika turned and saw the General walking through the crowd. Just as Helen described, he was tall and handsome. But only one thing is missing, his smile.

Everyone stayed silent as the General walked by. Some bowed very quickly. While some were afraid to look at him in the eyes. Erika took a longer gaze at the General, in her heart, she wants to know more about the General.

Another person came and reported to the General, it was Julian. Julian changed. His gaze was different. Erika wished Julian could just look at her but it was all over. Another beautiful girl was his partner, his partner in crime.

"Erika, are you alright?" Erika nodded and sat back down. Helen comforted Erika.

"Erika, that girl is a spy. She disguised herself as Julian's girlfriend." Helen told her.

"Look at her ankle, it has a mark." Helen was right. Julian belonged to the Oppositions. That girl is his perfect partner. What are they going to do? Betray the General?

"Helen, you were right. There's no point of hoping. Julian changed, that's all I know. As you said, I made up my mind to be on the General's side no matter even if the General doesn't know me." Helen patted her, "The General will know about you soon. You just have to wait."

Erika sighed and went back to do her work.

That evening, Erika and Helen took a walk around the area.

"Helen, I don't know why... I want to see the General. I'm kind of worried about him." Helen looked at Erika. "Erika, are you sure? The General is not the person you should talk lightly about. Your feelings for him is just a start, it doesn't mean he will like you." Erika sighed, "Yeah, but I'm going with my gut feeling. Sorry Helen. I'll be back."

As Erika went to the too floor, she got an uneasy feeling. She clenched her fist but she was determined to see the General.

As she walked through the dark hall, there was dim light in one of the room. Erika looked at the sign, "General König." Erika wondered where are the others.

Erika knocked three times.

"Come in."

"Sorry to intrude, I got l---" Erika saw blood dripping on his body and she wasn't sure if she was suppose to run or standing there like a robot.

"General. I mean.. General König, I just passed by and saw your room light." Erika scratched her hair.

"Liar." Damn he got her.

"Who are you and why are you here?" He asked.

"Name is Erika Schmidt, I was assigned as a frontline nurse. I came here because I wanted to tell you some---- General!" Erika caught him just on time.

"He's loosing too much blood. Where are the gauze?" Erika finally found the medicine cabinet and got the stuff she needed

Erika looked at the stab wound and found herself crying. Who stabbed him? What did he do?

She tried her best to treat the wound with limited supply she had.

"Please, stay alive." Erika whispered to him.

Erika covered him and left the medicine on the counter and was planning to go back but she stayed instead.

"My god... why can't I make up my mind. Am I falling for him? No! I can't... he's my patient now." Erika calmed herself down and sat on the chair beside the bed. She sighed and watched over him.

She checked on him moments later and wiped away his cold sweat. His hands were cold, Erika held his hand hoping it will be better.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Erika opened it.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked.

"Move! It's none of your business. I need to see him, that heartless bastard! He deserves to die! My mom died because of him!" Erika tries to calm him down.

"Let's talk outside. You're going to wake him up!" Erika tries to stop the guy but he was too strong.

"Stop! What are you doing?! Can't you see he's injured?" Erika wrestled with him.

"He deserves to be stabbed..." Erika was shocked to hear that.

"Did you stab him?" She asked.

"My partner did. I just watched. He deserves to die after what he's done to my brother. He killed my brother!"

"Hey, I don't know who you are. The General must had his reasons. He kills people when he feels betrayed. Your brother must've done something wrong then. Why are you placing the blame on him? He won't hurt us if you follow his rules. Even if he's an ice block with zero emotions, at least he won't torture us. He's been through enough torture himself. Oh shit... I wasn't suppose to say that... hopefully the General didn't hear that. Anyways, I don't know what happened between you two, but he is our boss. You need to talk to him. You can't just come here and make a ruckus. Good thing I was here to stop you. I don't know what the General will do. He might've killed you. I'll keep this a secret. Okay? Can you give me the knife? I don't want to hurt you." As Erika slowly walked backward, she tries to protect the General.

Suddenly another two men came in and stopped the guy from attacking her.

"Sorry for the ruckus, we didn't watch him properly." One guy said and bowed

"Were you hurt? How's the General?" Erika took a deep breath.

"The general got stabbed. Before I came, that guy's partner must've stabbed the General because of a disagreement or an argument. After I came in because I want to check up on the General. I wanted to tell him something but he passed out before I can say anything. All I did was to stop the bleeding and gave him some painkiller. He slept ever since." Erika told him.

The guy bowed and said, "As the General's advisor, I am really sorry this happened. I'm really thankful you saved the General. What is your name?"

After telling her name and occupation to them. The General's advisor told her to come back tomorrow.

"If you can, I would like you to come in tomorrow morning." Erika nodded and said her goodbye.

As Erika headed back to her room, Helen, Sarah, and another nurse were all asleep.

As she lied down on her bed, she kept on thinking about the General.

Erika tries to shake off the fact but her chest hurt whenever she thinks about him.

She sighed again and tries to fall asleep.

Next chapter