
The Wanderer and His Endless Blade

A young man named Felkin is left in a mysterious ruin with no memories except his name and no possessions naught but the clothes on his back and a blade with the ability to extend seemingly endlessly. He comes across a man of few words named Metas, clad in black cloak and armor who can conjure flame from a snap of his fingertips. But come sunrise, the two are attacked by a wolven beast but manage to slay it. Having no other choice, Felkin follows the man who took notice of the former's abilities and decided to let Felkin tag along to keep an eye on him. Metas is a young but wizened knight of a nearby kingdom with the special task of investigating strange matters around the kingdom. The two arrive at a shanty village and make a split-second decision to rescue a young "witch" named Yuria from being burned at the stake by paranoid villagers who suspect anyone to be the cause of the attacks of the wolven creatures. The two are forced to work with the girl to escape from an angry mob and this causes a chain reaction of a whirlwind of events that lead the party to meet new allies, battle foes like dragons, travel to other worlds, overcome challenges, test bonds in a search for meaning and the truth in their lives. (Novel is also posted on Royal Road)

Marc_Rosales_7232 · Fantasy
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76 Chs

(Interlude) Fragment of the Past XI: A Projected Dream (Kieron)

Hearing this, she was filled with an unwanted sense of responsibility and reminded of times long past. When she was younger, she was one of those who were captured and stolen by bandits among others, taken from one of many villages across the kingdom's surrounding outskirts.

This group of bandits was one among many, before the more recent rise of the bandit leaders, that subjugated and compressed the mass of bandits into a handful of rivalling groups. They took those young enough to serve them and simply struck down those who opposed them, in this particular village there were no guards and only citizens brave enough to stand up to them. After they have been rounded up they were taken to a small makeshift encampment with a few tents and a large bonfire in the center.

Kieron was among those who were captured, spending time around the village's boys as if she was one of their own. They were captured in a group, after one of them stood up to the bandits and was beaten severely consequently. Kieron hid in between them, wearing layered winter clothing and a hood to avoid detection. As they entered, they were inspected one by one by the bandits. Some were scared and holding back tears and others were quiet, all were nervous.

"Listen up you lot! From today, you have no more family. We own you, and you will become one of us, but only after you prove yourselves. It's that or you die." A bandit proudly proclaimed. As soon as it came to Kieron's turn, a bandit goon pulled off her hood and exclaimed to the other bandits: "Look here boss, it's a-" Before he could finish his sentence, Kieron stabbed him with a sickle. She had randomly grabbed the farmer's tool for protection and was previously fascinated by it due to its unusual shape as farming was scarce in the snowier areas, possibly a tool that was given or traded by passing merchants who arrived rarely. They were taken to a desolate field that was once a grassland but now is barren and cold.

Kieron ran swiftly, surprising her captors by her boldness. She breathed heavy breaths and clutched the sickle in hand, dripping red with blood. "After her!" One of them yelled and two bandits quickly gave chase. She turned corner after corner and rapidly changed direction without concern to avoid her pursuers, but finally being cornered and with no direction to go, she headed straight for a forest nearby. She cared little about her exhaustion and only about the path ahead. As she neared trees and thick brush in the forest, the two bandits stopped in indecision. This gave her time to stand still and recuperate, as she was now coughing due to running nonstop.

Kieron looked behind her, it appeared like the bandits were arguing over something. One of them pointed in the direction of the forest and the other pushed them forward, as if the other one did not want to go to it. In the distance there was someone watching all of this occur curiously. Kieron did not care about their discussion, only about her escape.

Kieron fell over, it seemed like her fatigue had finally caught up to her body and thus rendered her legs useless. The other bandit agreed and reluctantly went over to Kieron's unmoving body. As soon as he laid a hand on her, she spat on his face and when he instinctively put his hand on his face to wipe it off, Kieron stuck the sickle in his throat.

She let go of it as strength left her hands and the remaining bandit ran over to her. She sat on the ground, scared, and tired but then a figure leapt out from the shadows. A boy with long black hair with white streaks on its tips ran out and struck the man down with his sword. The first thing she saw was the shine of his sword, its golden hand guard gleaming brightly reflecting the sunlight. He was not looking at her or toward her, but instead went to the other bandit and picked up the sickle.

That was then that he walked over to Kieron and handed her the weapon. "You shouldn't go into this forest; people go missing there." Kieron remembered superstitions and stories told around town not to go into the nearby forest and additional rumors of creatures roaming the woods. Without another word, he turned around and began to walk away. Kieron tried to stand up but fell on one knee. "Since it is pretty dangerous out here… I take it you want to come with me?" He asked. Kieron could only nod.

He walked at a normal steady pace, and Kieron walked slowly and followed. She sometimes ran in short bursts, but always reverted to walking slowly. As they walked, Kieron noticed a scar on his left hand. "Is that a scar on your hand?" She asked. "Ah, you're talking now, aren't you? I was debating if you actually could." He then raised his left hand to show his scar to her. "Most people consider scars unsightly, well they wouldn't exactly call them lucky. But this hand of mine with this scar, is very lucky indeed." He put his hand back down and they continued walking towards another camp.

As they walked to a clearing, they reached it. Kieron noticed the construction of the two camps and their appearance were different. Instead of high spears, wooden walls with skulls of humans and animals and a roaring bonfire, there were no walls and there was a discreet campfire. The previous camp muddy with makeshift tents tied down and placed nearby each other without any care compared to a neat arrangement of a handful of tents with a rack of clothing up to dry nearby a calm river. There were a few people in the camp, carrying swords in leather sheathes and leather armor in the terms of vests, gauntlets, and knee armor. The one who rescued Kieron wore silver armor, but wore no helmet.

"Surprise, who knew that I would pick someone new up today?" Kieron's rescuer remarked. "You did." A boy from the camp remarked. "When are you going to stop kidding around, Grisham?" Another person, a girl, added. Their words were sarcastic but they had a smile on their face. The two who answered him were a girl with brown hair and another boy with short black hair. The boy was throwing twigs and adding fuel to the fire, as it was beginning to approach nighttime and the girl walked towards Kieron. A few others were in the camp as well, sharpening swords, tending to laundry, and resting inside of the tents.

"Welcome, what's your name?" She asked. "Uh, Kieron." Kieron answered. "Isha. Nice to meet you." Isha had her brown hair up in a ponytail and had a kind gaze with her light green eyes. Grisham walked down to the campfire to meet his fellow. "So, did the prediction go exactly as planned?" The other boy asked. "To the last detail." Grisham responded. He held out his left hand to reveal a projection of events, in blue energy. It showed Kieron taking down the bandit with the sickle and Grisham striking the other one with his sword, the surrounding forest, and the landmark of a large rock in vivid detail.

Isha then pointed at the sickle that Kieron gripped in one hand. "What's that, is that the weapon you used?" She asked. Kieron was slightly stunned and responded with fragmented speech. "Um, uh… I picked it up somewhere, I think it's for farming." The other boy pointed to a detail in the projection. "It looks like you waited for a little while before jumping in to help her." "Well, I just wanted to match the prediction. Something dangerous or unpredictable might happen if I stray from it." Said Grisham. "Would you still help her if the prediction ended being something worse?" The other boy asked. "Well of course. It's precisely that I saved her right before anything happen that I stayed true to it." Grisham answered slightly flustered.

The boy stood up to shake Kieron's hand. "Rennon. Are you a runaway, an orphan?" Rennon had short black hair, combed neatly but the tips veered off and were crooked, he had a cold stare with his dark blue eyes. "No, my village was attacked by bandits and we were taken by them to their camp." Rennon's eyes widened at Kieron's answer. "So, it's true then. The rumors of the bandits growing more savage as they burn down villages and abduct all they can carry." He remarked. "We've seen places that have been like that before, razed to the ground." Said Grisham sticking pieces of meat on sticks over the fire. "In that case, we'll be happy to take you in! Can we?" Exclaimed Isha. "Sure, she's already proven herself capable with a blade." Answered Grisham.

"I agree." "It's the same for me either way." Other voices from the camp spoke out in agreement. "And if its in the prediction, its meant to be right?" Exclaimed Isha. "Sure." Said Grisham, replying but not facing them. "Let's get you started. Maybe some armor would fit on you, or a sword? Unless you're comfortable with that?" Isha pointed to the sickle. "Yes." As Isha shoved Kieron into the camp, Rennon walked off to the campfire. Inside one of the tents, Kieron sat shaken as Isha rummaged through some wooden crates. "Are you guys, bandits?" "No, we're more like mercenaries." She pulled out a leather vest armor and handed it to her. "We collect bounties from hunting down other bandits, and occasionally take some of their stuff as well. Well, I'll be out for a while. If you need food or anything else, just peek your head out and ask." She exited the tent, leaving Kieron inside.

Kieron stared at the cloth wall of the interior of the tent, shocked and thinking about past events. She lamented her life, feeling sad about the loss of her home and her previous friends. She remembered running away from some orphanage when she was young, drifting and living on the streets until hiding along in a merchant's wares until coming to the town she spent the most time in. She was taken in the village but spent little time home, instead spending time all day around others.

"Hey you're still here? Come on, its starting!" Isha extended her hand and pulled Kieron out of the tent. It was now nearing nighttime, with the stars shining brightly in the sky. The members of the camp all sat around he campfire, laughing with each other and happily eating and enjoy themselves. "I brought her!" Isha proudly announced to the group. "Now we're all complete, I can now commence the projection." Grisham exclaimed as they quickly hushed each other and awaited with eager silence. "The night sky, makes it even clearer." Isha excitedly exclaimed.

He held out his hand and a light emitted from it, shining upwards and slowly forming shapes and details, concentrating the light into a projection of events. He appeared focused and closed his eyes, he strained as the full image came into view. As it registered into view, Grisham opened his eyes again. "That's!" He exclaimed. "It's a bandit camp. Is that the one you've escaped from earlier?" Rennon asked. Indeed, it was, it showed the familiar speared fences and showed the bandits in combat with something. Grisham jumped into view, slicing one of them down and blasting another with a projectile from his hand. Cheers resounded and occurred as much as they were shushed and muffled out. Then Kieron jumped into view, effortlessly slicing down a bandit with her sickle. Kieron was shocked at this, and the words "Whoa" and "Ooh" were muttered among the others.

It ended with the others including Rennon and Isha coming into view, with swords and shields mowing down the bandits one by one. As the projection stopped a collective "Aww" was uttered in a response to it ending. Grisham looked at his own hand and said: "Huh, I didn't know I could do that." "That was so cool." Rennon replied. "More importantly, who knew that our new recruit would be so skilled?" Exclaimed Isha. All eyes turned towards Kieron who could only reply with: "Huh?" They all cheered collectively rocking her around and complimenting her skill. "I thought the captain brought in a lost cause, but it turns out you're great!" "I always knew that you striking down a bandit wasn't a fluke, captain's predictions always lead to something good." Grisham and Rennon looked on, smiling. "It looks like our little crew is growing bigger and bigger." Said Grisham. "Captain, it looks like we're getting closer to achieving our goal." Said Rennon.

As the event concluded most of them already went to sleep or scattered of somewhere, leaving only Kieron and Isha around the campfire. "They're a rowdy bunch huh. Despite how they look they're all capable fighters, I'm glad to be part of them." Isha said proudly. "All of you, you're all so young. Its like you all are playing some kind of game. But you're fighting and killing, isn't that stuff for adults?" asked Kieron. "Fighting and killing, it's just common in our life to survive. Why is it wrong for us to have a little fun while doing it?" Isha responded. Kieron contemplated while looking at the sky. "Anyways, I'm going to head to bed. You should get some sleep too, you'll need it." Said Isha, walking away to one of the tents.

Alone, Kieron smiled to herself. But before she could stand up to leave and go to sleep, Rennon appeared out of the shadows. "Draw your blade." He exclaimed. "Hmm?" Kieron remarked, confused. "I said draw your blade." Rennon carried his sword and had a serious expression and gazed sharply at Kieron. She stood up and held her sickle out. "That is a farm tool, right? Its surprising that it can be used so skillfully as a weapon." He then drew his sword. "What's that for?" Kieron asked cautiously. "Today's the first day you killed someone, correct? But the projection seemed recent, it also seemed that you had become skilled." Kieron took a few steps back as Rennon walked around the campfire, sizing her up.

"Its true that some people are naturally skilled. But to ensure that the captain's projection truly comes to fruition, you must face real combat." Rennon quickly ran towards her and slashed, with Kieron stepping out of the way. "I must train you, as closest to life or death as possible." Rennon slashed again but Kieron jumped backwards. In the distance, without either of them realizing, both Grisham and Isha were watching. "Rennon's so serious, isn't he? He can be pretty scary sometimes." Said Isha. Grisham laughed and said: "He needs to be. He's strong, I wouldn't have gone this far without him." He responded. "Now, what were you doing again? You were waving your arm all across the place." Isha remarked. "I was trying to pull off that attack we saw earlier." He pointed his palm at the air, and then at a tree. "Looks like you're doing some training of your own then." Said Isha.

"Come on! What's the matter? It's a fight, why aren't you retaliating?" Said Rennon, as Kieron narrowly avoided attack after attack. "What a racket." And "Keep it down." Were being muttered by those trying to sleep in the tents. Kieron breathed harshly as she kept dodging, she held her weapon tightly but felt no intention to use it. As she backstepped to avoid another swing, she tripped on a tree root and fell backwards. Rennon stood over her with his sword raised high. Instinctively, Kieron picked up a small pebble next to her and chucked it at Rennon. He caught it and was beginning to say: "Do you think a cheap trick like that will work on-" 'Huh? Where did she go?' He said as she disappeared from view. As he turned around, he saw an all-encompassing shadow. A great force was bearing down on him, as if a typhoon were pushing him backwards. He saw a massive figure with a gigantic scythe, as if Death himself had appeared to reap his soul. He remained motionless, in fear as Kieron neared her sickle to his throat.

"Um, Rennon? Why aren't you moving?" As soon as she spoke those words, Rennon snapped back to reality and slightly flustered, he immediately stepped backwards. "Well, you see… I was just testing you. Each strike I did I held back, and I was always stopping short of hitting you." "Ohh…" Kieron replied. "As soon as you raised your weapon, the test ended. Its just something we do to our new recruits, its like a game." Rennon followed up with a laugh. Kieron sighed in relief and replied: "Good to know. For a second there, I thought you were actually going to kill me." Kieron said nervously. Rennon sheathed his sword back and said: "No, no. Its all good now. We've finished training. You can go to bed now." And with a wave goodbye from Kieron, she went back to the tents, as Rennon walked off defeated.

'I couldn't move. She went around me so swiftly, its like I was cornered by a beast, a predator which knew when exactly to strike.' He thought as he walked towards Isha and Grisham. Grisham was busy concentrating, holding his left arm with his right, as feeble blue sparks sputtered out of his hand. "So, how did it go?" Said Isha. "She's something else captain. I let my guard down for a second, and she caught me unawares. She's a natural born killer, she might even be half as good as me." Isha gently punched his shoulder. "Ow." "Hmph. Serves you right for going after her so seriously." She said grumpily. "So captain, it seems like all is going well." Said Rennon. Grisham was heavily concentrating and sweating, aiming his arm with no avail. "Right, it is." He then lowered his hand but as soon as he lost focus, a blue blast of energy flew out from his hand and smashed a nearby boulder to pieces. The three of them looked on in shock. "Neat." Grisham said with a surprised expression.

They celebrated and cheered quietly, pushing each other around as Grisham waved his hand excitedly. Peeking from the entrance of a tent, Kieron watched them happily. She felt comfort around the others around her as she lay in one of the cots in the ground, nervously but comfortably awaiting the next day. The next morning, they prepared eagerly, arming themselves with swords, spears, and shields. Kieron pointed them in the direction of the camp and using their small numbers they sneaked around the camp.

The bandit camp was hectic, there were orders being shouted, prisoners being managed, and traces of infighting all around. It was disorganized and all of them acted in interest of themselves. Grisham's soldiers including Isha and Rennon came in one side of the camp, swiftly driving back the unprepared bandits with their shields and spears. As they were distracted and scrambling to take control, Grisham, and Kieron advanced on them from the other side. Like the projection showed, Grisham sliced an unaware bandit down and then blasted one who was trying to attack him. Kieron ran in and slashed through a bandit, it felt as if though she merely sliced through air as the bandit fell to the ground. The bandits were in chaos, not being able to push through their defenses and dealing with rowdy prisoners as well.

"Nice strike." Grisham complemented Kieron. She was enthralled slicing and dodging through the bandit's forces like flowing sand, like it was simply natural for her to do so. "Boss! Its like she's not human! What do we do? Boss?" The leader of the bandits was stunned silent. Only observing the carnage that Grisham and his troops were enacting. "I am giving you all warning, as you know you are always free to surrender. Lay down your weapons and join me or flee. If you go after us, you shall taste our blades." Grisham announced this to the bandits and their captives. "Hell no, I'm not cut out for this life." Cried out one of the prisoners as he ran away amidst the confusion, others began to follow suit but a bandit stopped one short with a knife to their throat.

"Listen here kid, take this sword and kill them. Or else, I'll kill you." He shoved a sword to him and he turned around nervously. "That's right kid, kill them or we'll kill you!" "But…" "Go!" He was shoved in the direction of the enemies, and not knowing what to do, ran straight towards them sword in hand. Seeing another foe with a sword, a frenzied Kieron slashed at her target with no abandon. But she instantly recognized her "attacker" and was filled with regret. As her sickle was completely covered and dripping with blood, she saw the face of the one she cut down. "Kieron?" they managed before falling to the ground. Kieron instantly stopped in her tracks, dropped her weapon, and then knelt on the ground.

"Hah! Serves you right-" The bandit leader mustered these words before getting blasted in the face by Grisham, who struck down the bandit who ordered the deed with a single sword stroke. "Kieron? Are you alright?" He cried out. Kieron could not believe her eyes. Only seconds before she was enthralled in combat, and in killing. Now, she was responsible for killing someone she knew. A friend she spent time with. After the leader fell, most of the bandits either fled for their lives or were cut down. Isha quickly sprinted to Kieron's side. "Hey! Hey, its okay. Its over. Its done, we won." She clutched her tightly as Kieron held onto her.

As the battle ended, Kieron sat wistfully, comforted by Isha. One of the captives from the village surrendered to Grisham's forces. "Looks like there isn't a big turnout on new members." He stated. "I think this particular bandit has a bounty out for them." Said Rennon, reading through a few pieces of papers pertaining to bounties. "It's a shame though. They'd have given us more if we took him alive." Rennon remarked. "Well, what's done is done. We won another battle, and we have a reward." Grisham optimistically stated. "I'm more worried about her, boss." One of Grisham's men stated. "It's rough when they first go through it. Striking down someone you know. It's a cruel fate." Rennon replied. "You. Why didn't you join up with the others and ran away?" "I wanted to join." He said, whilst looking at the dejected Kieron. "Very well. Your name?" "Alcon." "I am Grisham. I hereby welcome you onto this band of mercenaries."

Back at the camp, Rennon and another member of the group went into the city to claim the bounty for the bandit's head. Kieron stared at the sky, while lying on the grass. She was consoled by Isha for a while, but eventually she left to attend to their newly collected treasures and Kieron was once again left alone.

Alcon was welcomed by the band, but only had his attention on Kieron. She was laying on the ground at the edge of camp. Alcon approached her. "Hey, you were?" Kieron asked. "Alcon." He remarked. "Yeah. You didn't run off back to the village didn't you." Kieron said as she sat up. He drew out a sword given to him by the band. "The one you struck down, was my brother." Said Alcon. "Wait, I didn't" Before Kieron could finish a reply, He swung his sword at her. "Huh, what?" Alcon exclaimed, confused. He felt as if though he swung through Kieron but saw her unharmed. "You, I will not permit one member of the troupe to strike down and kill another of our own." Isha said, raising a spear at him. "You! You captured her and brainwashed her to kill! You bandits are all the same. I will avenge my brother by killing all of you!" He charged at Isha who blocked his attack. "Kieron quickly, call the others for help." She ordered.

Kieron stood up and swiftly ran. "Oh." Alcon dropped his sword and clutched his throat. Kieron sliced through it, holding her sickle as he fell to the ground. "What happened here?" Said Rennon, just having come back with the reward for the bounty. "Call the captain, I'll take care of this." Said Isha. Rennon ran to the camp to find Grisham, while Isha dragged the corpse away. Kieron turned around and bolted out of the camp, tears in her eyes. "Wait!" Isha cried out in vain.

Rennon entered the tent where Grisham was staying. His left hand was bandaged and yet his palm was facing upward, a projection displayed on the tent's roof. "Captain, your hand!" Rennon exclaimed. "Pay it no mind." Said Grisham. "That doesn't matter. Captain, the new recruit, he attacked Kieron and she killed him." Said Rennon. "Look." Grisham pointed up, paying no mind to the news. "Is that us?" Rennon asked. The projection showed a view; Grisham, Rennon, Isha and Kieron clad in silver armor, leading a large group of soldiers. "We look... Older." Rennon exclaimed. "All of these matters, have already been settled." Grisham stated with a smile.

Kieron ran and ran. Remembering the route she took days ago, she exhaustedly sprinted all the way to the location of the village. To her surprise it was still standing, the villagers were keeping watch, and with her disheveled appearance and leather armor, she was mistaken for a bandit.

In the darkness of the night, a villager knew no better and so a crossbow bolt flew and headed towards Kieron. She didn't know what to do, to dodge, or to let it hit her. But in her indecisiveness, she closed her eyes but found that the bolt miraculously missed her and landed just behind her, like it went through her.

She fell backwards and sat down in the soft snow. She realized that the village was her home no longer, and she would have to once again leave. As she was walking back, she saw Isha, with blood-stained hands. "Let's go back." With these words, Kieron and Isha walked back to their camp.