3 Chapter 2

After riding for the fifteen minutes that it usually took to make it into town slowed to an easy glide as I neared the narrowing street of our delightful little town. Sonoma was the kind of place where things seemed to move slower than the rest of the world, traffic was smooth and courteous everyone waved at their neighbors. The creatures of shadow and mist all knew your name and at least one of your worst fears, ya know personable and not as distant as most places anymore. The little mom and pop shop where Laura worked was on the corner of Shaak and 4th street with a small music shop to it's left and a nice restaurant across the street. My bike churned to a stop and the motor clicked and chirped as it began to cool. The short kickstand extending to hold it vertical like a tiny jointed spider's leg, which it was. A pair of squirrels played in the street their cute diminutive hands clutching spears as they spared, no doubt preparing to overthrow humanity. Yeah, we all know they can't but it's nice to see them putting in the effort at least. As I passed the little furballs I could see Laura through the window of the shop as she was ringing up an order for Mark Woods, the sentient radial tire that ran for mayor last fall. He didn't win but he got close, that's what happens when you run as an independent. There's really not a big enough population here for that to be feasible. I know what you're thinking, and yeah I'm stalling so I can build up the courage to talk to Laura. I can't help it my little world has always been farming, machines, and quasi-arcane rituals not people and learning how to charm. No time like the present, suck it up.

The wooden boards in front of the door creaked as I walked through, the heavy glass door with its gold leaf lettering swung open. There she was, okay play it cool.

"Hey, Laura, what's up?" Nailed it! So far so good. My heart thumped in ears.

"Hey Tommy," her brilliant eyes sparkled like fireworks as she looked over Mark's tread, "nothing much helping our almost mayor with his groceries". She winked down at the steel-belted political hopeful.

"Aw, come on give the guy a break. I voted for ya man. You'll get 'em next time." I said as I looking into his rim.

"It's people like you believing in me that makes it worth try kid". Mark said as Laura wedged his items into his rim. "I am running again in two years, I could always use some volunteers when the time comes". He spun to 'face' me, I think.

"Count me in sir." I felt a smirk crawl it's way onto my face like so many writhing silkworms.

Mark rolled away leaving Laura and me together. Oh boy. I was really kinda dreading this part. I get so nervous I never know what to say. "Well, how's your day been going?"

"Could be worse, I hurt my shoulder earlier when some stuff fell off a shelf and clocked me. Other than that things are good. How bout you?" She looked up at me, eyes like glaciers so blue and vivid. I could hear her little hooves click and clack as she shifted her weight back and forth ultimately leaning toward me.

"Good, I was actually hoping to ask you something if you don't mind. I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?" Okay, got it out of my mouth. Good now, wait for her to respond. God my pulse is racing. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. I saw those adorable lips move so slowly as I began to count my heartbeats to keep track. Sixty-five.

"... after that I'm free." Oh crap while I was having a panic attack she was talking. Hundred and three.

"Wha, I'm having hearing trouble what'd you say?"

"I said I have a delivery to make, over in town, but after that I'm free. You goofball." She let out a little chortle of laughter and elbowed me in the side as she walked toward me. Jackpot I think she's actually interested. Hundred and seventy-four.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to go to the roller rink with me, ya know on a date." Now waiting. Two hundred and fifty-eight.

"Oh, I didn't know you like to skate. I've never really done it before. I'd love to. What time you want me to meet you?" YES! She smiled and I could feel my entire body nearly go limp. Three. Wait, what?

"I dunno, what time's your delivery?"

"Seven, it's over near the courthouse so it'll only take me about ten minutes to get there." I can't believe this is working.

"So, after seven then. I'll just head up there and wait for you. Sound like a plan?" I smiled trying to be warming and caring. I have no idea if that worked.

"Sure I can't wait. It'll be so much fun." She gave a little hop and clapped her dainty hand together. The tile under her feet cracked from the impact of her hooves.

"I'll see you there. I can't wait."I reached my arm around the counter to give her a little hug before I left. She was quite a bit shorter than me so it took some bending for me to reach her. She hugged me back and I walked out the door glancing over my shoulder at her. I managed to make just past the corner of the building before my heart felt like it was going to explode. I did it. She said yes. I thank the great elder things from beyond my very dreams. I can't believe it. Six.
