

At the Greene farm, the Atlanta group had finally arrived. The day before, Rick's son Carl had been shot by Otis. Carl was currently in the care of Hershel as he healed and regained his strength.

"This place is amazing. Look at all of this land. Not a walker in sight." Said Adelaide.

"Do you think they would let us stay?" asked Amy

"Who knows. But stay on your toes, you never know who people are these days." Adelaide replied as she pulled up to the big house.

In front of the big was a big welcoming party. Half of the Atlanta group and the whole of the Greene family were present, Minus Jimmy and Otis. Otis had died the night before getting medical equipment to save Carl's life.

"How is he?" Dale asked anxiously.

There was thick silence in the large group of people.

"He'll pull through, Thanks to Hershel and his people," Lori replied with a hint of a smile on her face.

"And Shane," Rick spoke up. "We would have lost Carl if not for him."

The group sighs in relief as they come together to give hugs of comfort. When Dale and Rick separate, Dale asks, How it happened.

"Hunting Accident. That's all -- Just a stupid accident." Rick explained.

Sometime later both groups gather around to bury Otis and say a few words in his honor.


Bohannon, Jimmy, and Sasha had just arrived at Jimmy's house. It was a two-story house in the residential area. A nice big lawn and an old 67' Impala in the driveway.

"Something happened.." Said Jimmy. "That old Bastard would never leave without that damn car."

"Maybe he had to run." Said Sasha.

"No, he ain't runnin' nowhere." Said Jimmy as he took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. " We have to go inside."

Bohannon nods and leads the way inside. When they get into the house, they find that the house has been looted and an old white-haired walker.

"Is that him?" Bohannon whispers.

Jimmy swallows. "Yeah. That's him alright. If he's gone, so are they."

Bohannon watches the emotions get the best of Jimmy. The boy couldn't hold it in even if he had a gun to his head. Watching him struck a chord in Bohannon. As Jimmy wept, they walker noticed the group and began to wobble in their direction.

Bohannon drew his tomahawk and Sasha took Jimmy in her arms, holding his face into her chest as he cried. Bohannon matched the walker's pace and took one good swing at the walker's head, cleaving off its frontal lobe.

Once Jimmy heard the thud of his father's body hitting the floor, his weeps turned to sobs.


At the Greene Farm, Hershel and Maggie were whispering amongst each other on the porch.

"Daddy, we can not send the to Bohannon! If you send them away, you send them away. If you don't think they'll survive then let them stay."

"Bohannon is a good man, he will take them in as long as they carry their weight." Herschel tried to reason.

"We can not do that. We don't know how much food or water they have. They haven't even searched the whole farmer. Their wells can be contaminated. At the very least wait until he brings Jimmy back. You can ask him then, I have to go." Maggie then turns away.

Mounting her horse, She and Glenn started their trot into town.


"Come on Kid. We have to go." Said Bohannon. "I know you're hurting, but we can keep looking for you sisters, or I can take you back to my place and we can get shit faced in their memory."

Jimmy sniffled. "You're the Marshall," he said.

Bohannon nodded. "Let's get you drunk then."

It took the trio a good hour to get back to the farm on horseback. When they arrived. Bohannon took care of the horses. And Sasha got the poor boy a drink.

Walking into the kitchen, Bohannon heard the ending of the story about Jimmy's sisters and a camping fire that went wrong, that he took the blame for. The best part of the story was that he took the blame for his older sister. It's just what brothers did.

Bohannon took a seat and tossed back three shots of Jack and cracked open the rum. He wanted to forget everything he felt today. The pain of not having a family and being alone in the world. Thoughts like that are what get you killed, and Bohannon wanted nothing to with them.

By the time, Bohannon was halfway into a fifth, he was drunk enough to drown out the chain stories that Jimmy kept on telling. Bohannon pushed himself up and walking into the living room. Picking up an old guitar, Bohannon tuned it in between shots and began to strum away.

'Thank god.." he muttered.

Jimmy had finally shut his damn mouth and Bohannon kept strumming to keep him from opening it again.

"Ooh, I know that song." Sasha cooed as she left the table and walked to the living room.

"Then sing it with me, Darling," Bohannon replied as he started the song from the top.

A moment later he started the opening verse for 'Easy by Rascal Flatts'.

That song was just the beginning of many for the two drunk survivors. Sasha used music as an outlet before the world changed. Spending the night was Bohannon was exactly what she needs. A night better than sex, she sang her heart out with Bohannon, and the two passed out at dawn. Jimmy was face down on the table in a puddle of his drool.

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