
Long awaited end #1

Ethan could only be considered an unlucky person, as early as age 8 he lost his family in a car accident, waking up in the hospital only to find that his entire family had died, and soon tests were done that revealed he had a rare disease that had slowly killed him and that he would spend most of his life in the hospital.

During the first year in the hospital, he acted as you would expect of a child traumatized by the death of his family and his inevitable future death, ate little, spoke rarely, and most of the time was found looking up at the sky.

In the years that followed he slowly improved, but while his mental health improved, the same could not be said for his physical health, increasingly weak with no energy for anything, a simple walk seemed to take the equivalent of a marathon on his body.

But while his body was wasting away his mind was working with everything he had, he read everything he could get his hands on. Still, with only a little academic material he ended up reading a lot more fictional stories that the hospital made available to the patients.

Ethan devoured any book he could get his hands on and tormented any hospital employee willing to teach him anything but something silly and simple, it didn't take long for him to realize that he had a very high learning capacity, along with a memory that came close to the famous photographic memory, at the same time that this memory was a blessing it was also a curse, he would always find himself in the middle of the night waking up from a nightmare where he recalls the accident so vividly that it seems that he went back in time.

Ethan, like everyone else in a desperate situation to say the least, clung to his strong capacity for learning, and on his 16th birthday, some nurses held a fundraiser to buy him a laptop.

He loved the gift and it took no time at all to get lost in the massive amount of information he had on the internet, he found himself in less than 8 months he completed what would be equivalent to High School, but it didn't stop there he discovered a wild desire to learn more no matter what it was about from embroidery to quantum physics no matter to him whether it was relevant or not.

It seemed that as long as he could keep his mind distracted with his studies he couldn't think about his inevitable death, even with his studies he still found time to read fictional stories, it didn't take long for him to find his favorites, he liked the stories where people used their brains to overcome their adversity.

At 22 years old, Ethan could no longer be considered alive, he couldn't move any part of his body except his mouth and eyes, and he was doomed to see the world trapped inside his own body, of course, what he could see of the world was limited to a white hospital room and frequent visits from doctors and nurses.

At least Ethan knew his time was coming, he could feel that soon he would be released from his prison, he long ago stopped seeing death as something bad, he accepted it as it is an inevitable part of life, we as mortal beings can only accept it when the time comes, of course just because we should accept something doesn't mean we will simply give up trying, what would become of humanity without perseverance, how many things would be different if people gave up when they failed, how many legends would disappear, how many stories would cease to exist.

Ethan months before becoming incapacitated had already completed higher education in some areas such as History, Psychology, Body Language, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, and General Medicine, most of these courses he had some kind of special affection, but Psychology and Body Language he studied solely to try to understand people better, as a person who spent most of his life in the hospital it can be said that he wasn't exactly the most sociable person much less the most perceptive person, years isolated from the world had dulled his feelings and empathy for others to very low levels.

On 07/30/2023 died Ethan Miller, born 03/25/2000

At his funeral there was no one to mourn for a stranger much less, someone to remember memories they experienced together, Ethan died alone in a hospital room surrounded by painful memories, Ethan died in that accident, and he knew that what he did wasn't living was surviving, he didn't have the chance to make friends he would carry with him for the rest of his life, much less ventured out and would remember these adventures for the rest of his life and tell his children, meet love, introduce it to his mother, his girlfriend, learn with his father to drive or fix the sink, never had the chance to present his parents on their birthdays, Ethan died in that accident what was left of him tried his best to survive in a world that only wanted him dead.

But it didn't seem to be the end for Ethan, he felt a pressure surrounding him and then a blinding light.