
34 – Gabriel's Problem

Riding Daryl's motorcycle through the roadblock, Jonathan stopped for a moment to text Nathanael, Eve, and Samantha.

'We've already taken the beds. Daryl and Glenn are returning to prison. I'm on my way to the church and by tomorrow I should be back.'

Putting his cell phone aside, Jonathan sped off in the direction of the church.


After a few hours and a few obstacles, Jonathan finally arrived at the quiet church. He looked around, 'There don't seem to be many people around.'

Checking the area and confirming for sure no one was outside, Jonathan started screaming, '' Hello! Anyone there?''

It mind sound weird to shout in a zombie apocalypse, where danger is everywhere. But Jonathan had confidence he could face any danger head-on. The last battle against humans boosted his ego quite a bit.

No one answered Jonathan's shout. So he arrived at the door to the church, tried to open it, and found it was looked. '' I know someone is inside. Don't worry, I came in peace.''

Still no sound.

Jonathan tried another approach, '' Listen, I have a large group and we are always on the lookout for more people to join. I found this church by accident and came to see if there was any survivor in the area.''

'' We have a sustainable source of water and food, electricity and ... beds.''


'' Listen, I know the world ended and the ugly aspect of humans came to the surface, but there are good people out there. I only came here by chance... How long can you last with the food you have? How many people will die because you guys refused my help?''

Jonathan was growing frustrated. But he came here with a mission to save Gabriel, and he would do so. He tried the door one more time and it was still locked.

''Our place is well secure, with fences and many other things. We also have weapons to fight against zombies.''


'' Sigh... I guess there was no one here.'' Jonathan went away from the church door. '' A shame. We needed more people.''

Jonathan sat on the bike and turned it on. He wouldn't leave, but it was bait to Gabriel. It worked like a charm.

'' Wait.'' A voice came from inside the church.

Jonathan stopped and could hear the sound of the door being opened. From inside came a man Jonathan recognized, ' Father Gabriel. The first character I plan to rescue.'

The only reason Jonathan came here first is that it was the closest to the prison. After taking care of this, he would deal with dangers around the prison and then search for others.

Gabriel scanned the young ... man? in front of him, 'He doesn't look older than 15... could I trust this man?'

When Gabriel saved some of his believers, he listened to them recalling how the outside world was. Humans killing others for food... even Kids doing that.

So it wasn't weird he was reluctant to open the door. But he had no choice now. His stock of food was running out. Besides, his gut made him believe this young man.

Jonathan and Gabriel were now face to face. The boy took the lead in the conversation, '' Hello. My name is Jonathan. Yours?''

Looking at the hand in front of him, Gabriel decided to trust his guts. '' My name is Gabriel. Nice to meet you.''

Both of them shook hands.

After that, Gabriel asked, '' What you said about your place being protected and having food and water... Was it true?''

'' Why would I lie? If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it when you were opening the door.''

Gabriel scanned the face in front of him but found nothing weird, '' Do you only have this bike as a way of transport?''

Jonathan nodded, '' As I said, I only got here by accident, but I knew there was a chance people were inside, and my group is looking for people to join.''

Gabriel sighed, '' If you are saying the truth regarding accepting new people in your place, you'll need a large vehicle.''

Jonathan tilted his head, '' Why?''

Gabriel looked inside the church, '' Because you'll need it to carry us, and I doubt a bike would be enough.''

Jonathan looked behind Gabriel and was surprised to see others people inside the church. ' What the...'

Inside the church were at least 15 people, men, women, and children. This greatly surprised Jonathan, ' In both Comics and TV show, Gabriel initially was a coward but grow into a badass later on. But this... he has guts!'

Still, Jonathan didn't mind that. '' Yeah, I think I'll need a bigger vehicle.''

Gabriel asked once more, '' You are sure you can have all of us? We will not leave not a single one behind.''

Father Gabriel trusted his guts, but he wasn't sure if the place Jonathan lived could accept so many people and still have food.

Jonathan smiled, '' Don't worry, there you will have more than enough food... The only problem will be the travel. I live roughly 200 km away from here and making single trips with 10 plus people it's not so great.''

While Jonathan had an unlimited amount of gasoline, he needed to hide the existence of SHOP as best as he could. So, making 20 trips without worrying about gas was weird.

Looking at the people inside the church, Jonathan asked, '' Does anyone here have a car big enough to carry all of you?''

He knew it was shot in the dark, but it didn't hurt to ask.

Surprising everyone, including Gabriel, one person raised his hand, '' I know a place where there's a bus. But last I heard, that place was overrun by zombies.''

'' Where?'' Jonathan didn't mind fighting against zombies.

The man who raised his hands explained the situation.'' There's a school 15 km from here. They had 4 buses in the area, and I'm sure one of those must be there. We just need the keys to the bus or someone who knows how to turn a car without its keys.''

Jonathan asked the man, '' Could you take me there? I can handle the zombies. I just need you to show me the place.''

The man looked at his wife and daughter. They had a face full of hope, and he knew if the person in front of him was speaking the truth, they would not starve anymore. Besides, Father Gabriel seems to trust the man, so he also did.

'' I can.'' The man got out of the church and arrived near Jonathan and Gabriel, '' When do you want to go?''

'' Now.'' Jonathan turned the bike on, '' Get on.''

The man did so.

Jonathan remembered something. He put a hand on his hip, which both Gabriel and the unknown man didn't have a vision of, and pulled out a radio. He passed it to Gabriel, '' Use this to talk with us if any problems arise.''

Gabriel accepted the radio, '' I'll be praying for your safety.''

The man said to his family, '' See you soon.''

Jonathan then speeds up towards the school and the busses.


It didn't take long for them both Jonathan and the unknown man, who said his name some time ago, Patrick, to arrive at the school. It looked empty, but Jonathan knew it meant nothing now.

Regarding Patrick, Jonathan thought for a while but didn't remember anyone named that way in the comics or the TV shows, so he wasn't a hidden villain or something.

'' Where are the buses?'' After looking around and making sure no zombie was in the area, Jonathan stopped the bike, dismounted, and asked Patrick.

'' I can say the way, or show it.'' Patrick didn't really want to go, but for the safety of his family, he was willing.

Jonathan took a pistol off his 'back' and passed to Patrick, '' Show me the way.''

Patrick took the gun, checked it, and nodded, '' Follow me.''

Leaving the bike behind, Jonathan followed Patrick. He asked, '' Do you know how to turn the car without the keys?''

Patrick shook his head, '' No but I know where the keys are.''


Entering the school, Jonathan noted it was pitch black. He took two flashlights from his 'back' and passed one to Patrick, '' Here.''

Patrick accepted the flashlight but found it weird Jonathan had this many things on his back. Regardless, he continued leading the way.

They continued going through the hallway but didn't find a single zombie. '' So, what's your story with this school?''

Patrick was going slowly, but checking every corner, '' I was a janitor here. The pay was good and my daughter managed to get a scholarship. That's how I know where the keys are. And you?''

Jonathan spent the next few moments talking about him, but he stopped when he heard something nearby, '' Stop.''

Patrick did so and readied his gun, '' What is it?''

'' I heard something...'' Jonathan had the protection suit, so he took the lead even though he didn't know where to go. Following the sound, it leads to a curve that Jonathan didn't have a vision of.

Knowing something was there, Jonathan took a deep breath and looked at it. The light shone on the group of zombies there, ' 5, 10, 20... kids.'

Sighing, Jonathan realized they didn't notice them yet and turned around to Patrick, '' It's zombies. A whole bunch of them... I doubt you want to see it.''

Patrick knew if there were zombies, it would be kids. He didn't want to see that. '' I don't.''

'' Where exactly are the keys?'' Whatever that path leads, Jonathan knew it wasn't available now.

Patrick stopped. He just realized the problem and sighed, '' It's in the director's office... The path to there is where the zombies are.''

Jonathan sighed. '' Fuck... Listen, I can handle them. Just stay away for a minute or so.''

Patrick passed the pistol back to Jonathan, '' Be careful.'' He left soon after that.

Jonathan took the pistol and put it in his inventory. He took a rifle and took a deep breath.

He then jumped from around the corner and aimed at the zombies, '' Sorry.''


After changing rifles 2 times, all zombies ahead are dead. All this took less than 20 seconds. But now Jonathan was in a hurry since it meant the sound would attract all zombies in the area, ' We must hurry.'

'' PATRICK! The area is free.'' Jonathan shouted.

Patrick appeared soon after and unharmed. He asked Jonathan, '' All of them are dead?''

Jonathan nodded, '' Yes, so let's go fast. The sound of the gunshot will attract the rest of the zombies!''

That was all Patrick need to hear. He rushed ahead, not looking at the kids on the ground. Jonathan followed after him.

It didn't take long for them to stop at a door, '' It's here.''

Jonathan shot the doorknob. He didn't even try to see if the door was open, shooting the doorknob was a reflex. Opening the door, he looked at Patrick.

Patrick then looked at a wall, where there was a wall of keys. He used his flashlight on it and took 4 keys.'' Done.''

'' Let's leave it.'' Mind you, only 5 minutes passed since the both of them entered the school, and less than 2 minutes since the shooting. But when they left the director's office, they heard zombies around them, '' More arrived. Where is the bus?''

'' Follow me.'' Patrick started to run and Jonathan followed.

Patrick guided Jonathan into a door that leads outside. When he opened it, he instantly shouted, '' FUCK!'' and closed the door immediately.

Jonathan aimed the gun at the door and asked in a hurry, '' What is it!?''

Patrick was painting, '' There are a shit ton of zombies outside!''

Just then, Jonathan heard a sound behind him. He knew zombies are coming from behind. He took a decision in slipt seconds.

Jonathan passed one of the pistols to Patrick, '' Stay behind me.''

Looking at the window on the door, Jonathan could see the bus. He also could see the horde outside. He was going to make a run for it. '' Ready?''

Patrick was trembling a little, but he knew it was the best option they had. He nodded.

Jonathan opened the door, '' NOW!'' He started to run towards the bus with Patrick right behind.


The bus was 100M away, but it looked 1KM. Jonathan only shot when necessary, because a zombie noticed then. He knew the sound would attract the rest, but he didn't have the luxury of not shooting.

Both managed to arrive at the bus without problems, but now they need to open it. Jonathan let Patrick open the door while he covers him. '' Open it!''

The zombies were getting close, so Jonathan had to shoot.


2 zombies died but it meant nothing, as hundreds of them are in the area.


'' DONE!'' Patrick opened the door and entered the bus. Jonathan jumped right after and closed the door on the zombies.

'' Turn it on, fast! Before they surround the bus.'' Jonathan knew if the zombies managed to surround the bus, it would be difficult to leave.

'' ON it!'' Patrick fumbled with the keys but managed to turn on the bus before the zombies surrounded it. He pressed on the gas and left the area in a hurry.

Jonathan sat on one of the benches. He sighed and closed his eyes, ' That was a little dangerous... I really don't like to hide what I can do. It limits my options.'

If he was alone, Jonathan could think of 10 ways to go out without trouble, but with Patrick here, he could not act free.

' I'm forgetting something... Wait!' Jonathan asked Patrick to stop, '' Patrick, stop for a moment!''

Patrick shouted, '' WHY!? We are still close to the school?''

Jonathan gave a twitching smile, '' I forgot my bike...''

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