
9: Spongebob Adventure

Warm rays pierced into the room as the curtains gave way to the persistence of the morning wind. Flashes of light seemed to part the eyelids of a groggy Catherine. Slightly disoriented...*more like confused,lost,unconscious,on-mars*...,her eyes struggled to open and adjust to the bright atmosphere. Seconds later her brain began to drink in the foreign environment and playback scenes from recently. The weather seemed to amuse Catherine as it was a huge contrast to the weather in England. Good morning Nigeria... Smiling unconsciously,she got out of bed to trip on her blanket that had been discarded sometime at night and fall face flat to the wooden floor...well...good morning to you too floor...she mumbled angrily whilst getting up and hurring off to the bathroom...*Andd the floor scores again!*... Signing happily and humming to a song she had heard from the little children in the rain,she brushed her teeth jamming her head to her rockstar remixed version of the rhyme and making funny faces in front of the mirror as wide blue eyes stared back at her complementing her small oval face and pale skin. Tangled knots of rich blond hair piled on her head like she wore a winter nest of birds for a crown.Small freckles on both sides of her cheeks divided by a small pointed nose with lush heart bow lips and little hints of dried drool marks trailing from the side. Fire,mischief,excitement danced in her eyes. With a new desire and thirst to explore,she rinsed her mouth and proceeded to strip out of her worn out Harry potter pyjamas and made way/moonwalked to the bathtub...*moon walking?...what are you?...two?*...


Walking out in her bathrobe,she paused to notice a frantic Edward eagerly packing some documents and items into a bag and pacing like a lion expecting his meal. Rolling her eyes she moved to get some clothes. With the movement finally detected from the corner of the room, Edward noticed his daughter was finally awake and decided to tell her of their arranged activities for the day...morning catty watty!...He smirked knowing how much she hated the name...lovely morning to you too squidwad!...she playfully retorted taunting him with his dreaded nickname... Rolling his eyes at the typical clapback...so you ready for some adventure?...His eyes twinkling with promise and excitement...aye aye captain!...mimicked Catherine in a bored tone with a hint of humour. Secretly looking forward to the new day,she calmed her fast pumping heart to appear bored but failing miserablely...*Cue eye roll*...With purpose,she scurried off to her closet to go slip on her black tank top and high waist blue denim jeans paired with her favourite black boots. Walked straight into that one...she chuckled after hearing her dad's mutterings before closing her closet door.

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