
8: Necklace not pole

Rain drops hit the windows begging for entrance.Sticking on the glass like transparent pearls,they reflected the lush green forest swimming right past them. Hurled back by the wind then joining and flowing down like trains, Catherine watched the pattern repeatedly on her windowsill and wondered how similar the weather was to that in England. An argument was in place as Kay and Edward were bickering back and forth over the mythical story of a Nigerian deity. She paid no attention to the ramblings that had been going on for what she felt was like eternity. No...lisabi entered the ground and left behind a necklace in his wake eddyyy....Mr Kayode whisper-yelled exhaustedly to a determined Edward who agreed otherwise. It was a pole...not some necklace...how silly is that?...snickered Edward in disbelief.  Haaa...what will i do with you?...Mr Kay shook his head in annoyance and focused back on the steering wheel. Signing Catherine laid her head against her window staring at the scenery waiting to be explored and wondered how beautiful they were. Tall green trees with persitent creepers and great hills stared back at her. The roads cut neatly between them separating the splendid display of nature with layers of limestone. The thick and virgin appearance only looked more eerie under the rainfall. Beating against the wind and swaying graciously were the movements of the leaves,bowing gracefully to the departing vehicle..So beautiful...she whispered before falling into a deep sleep thinking of osun state...*about time...hmpf*


Thumps,thuds and moans were the sounds that woke up a very tired Catherine. Christ!...all I ask is for some minutes of bloody silence!...murmured a very annoyed Catherine...*such a drama queen*...Eyes still half opened were shuttered wide awake as she glanced around at the room she was in.Dimly lighted was the large bedroom richly furnished with two properly dressed beds on each corner of the room. Beautifully embroidered rugs and curtains were added to make a luxurious appeal...*or economical appeal*... A large cupboard divided to two distinct  layers was placed at a corner in the room designed for two. A flat television was hung on the wall and a ceiling fan rolled lazily above. Holy mother of...she was cut off by a tired looking Edward storming into the room and charging towards the bed neatly placed on the left side of the room after successfully carrying the luggage through the stairs she thought as she recalled the sounds of the rollers on the box angryly hitting the steps.I'll just look around tomorrow....and how in hell did I get in?...she thought out loudly...I had to carry you all the way up. You were so deep into your sleep,you didn't even move an inch when I tried waking you up...He groaned. Sorry dad!...she muttered embarrassed as she always knew she was a heavy sleeper but never knew it was that bad...*even worse*...perhaps the stress from the journey...she finalised in her thoughts. Where is Mr Kay anyways?...she wondered about the cherry man. Out...He had a meeting to...attend...sounded a very tired Mr Winston. Noting it was her cue to help,she got the blanket that was neatly folded on the bed and gently spread on her father who retorted with a thankful snore. Goodnight dad...she whispered before heading to the balcony of the room to shut the curtains but getting curious instead...*same o'l cat*...heading out to view the lanscape.wow...she cried amused and dazed by the houses,the trees and the gentle rain. Perhaps this trip to Nigeria may not be bad after all...she thought. Her thoughts were cut off as the cries of little children happily dancing in the rain filled the air. People rushing out of their houses to collect the pouring water from the roofs into their buckets were a marvelling sight from the high room. The chilly weather reminded her of the time as the night was drawing near...*Gee...no shit sherlock*...She signed as she retired back into right side of the suite for a nice nap. Snuggling into the blankets,she fell asleep with happy images swirling in her mind.

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