1 Survival of the fittest

The constant slander of crows yelled at each other as they lunged towards the rotten flesh stuck to the cracked pavement. Behind a corner across the herd of birds there is an adolescent boy hiding in the shadows casted by broken pieces from the skyscrapers. His stomach almost gave out a growl, he hadn't eaten for days. Currently the boy, also known as F13, is staring lustfully at the fat birds nibbling at each other. If only there was a way to catch them without the 'monsters' reacting to his movements.

Tranced by the sights of the birds he suddenly managed to make out a figure rushing towards the black chubby dots. It is an older man, maybe around 70? Who cares… The boy thought it is a foolish move, it will only result in another human life taken or one more of those spiteful creatures devovering human flesh. The grandpa managed to kill one of the crows with a piece of concrete, surprisingly the guy turned and quickly gave the dead bird to what most likely is his wife. Impressed that the man managed to avoid detection F13 felt intrigued, but at the same time he couldn't shake of the uneasy feeling that the ordeal isn't over as he watches the old couple eat the raw flesh.

The sound which almost felt like someone opened an old creaky door whispered lowly, as if it was warning about what would come. A cold feeling travelled down his spine making him shiver lightly. Goosebumps spread on his skin and his facial expression stiffened. It is here, and soon it got confirmed by blood shivering screams. It is feeding on the elderly man, how disgusting… It's difficult to imagine that it once supposedly was human. The creature is partly decomposed, it is severely deformed, something terrifying must have happened since its body is of an scelitalised moose. However, its upper body was human, except the head which was more like a combination of the two. Red liquid colored the monsters bones red as the antlers held onto the now limp body of its prey which is unable to escape. F13 felt bad for the elderly couple, they should at least have had the chance to leave this world peacefully.

But as they say: "Survival of the fittest".
