

This happened around two years ago in a small place named Manhattan of New York City. Where lived a billionaire family The Williams who had a firm named after their son Richard.

The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night. Inside the comfortable room on the bed, Richard was lying with his face all wet with sweat and his body strut with fear and all of a sudden he wakes up screaming in a way that all other people in the house come running for him.

His mother holds him tight and consoles him " It's fine honey … everything around you is the same .Nothing happened to you it was just a stupid dream ."

As he clears his mind of that nightmare and falls asleep he finds himself driving through the woods at night and as he moves forward on the path his car gets punctured .

Richard gets out of the car to change the wheel and as he opens the car trunk to get the spare wheel he hears footsteps through the woods and that very moment curiosity fills his mind .

so he moves forward to see who was it roaming through the woods in such a dark night and as he gets closer he gets a glimpse of a lady treading around in a very beautiful white dress having a very unique ivory work on it. There goes Richard behind this lady as he finds her to be a lot more attractive than any other women he had ever met. He goes around following that lady like he wasn't able to understand anything else at that moment.

A sudden screaming brings Richard back to reality and there was standing his childhood friend Susan. She was there to take Richard for an outing to the country side where they could spend sometime together and talk about all the problems they were facing in their lives.

Being in trouble due to the repetition of the same dream Richard was lost in deep thoughts about that lady and her appearance that he forgets about the driving and as Susan notices the car moving towards the other side of the road and she pulls the breaks immediately and the car stands still in middle of the road and they sit still with fear all over their faces.

They decide to take a break so they find a restaurant and get something for themselves and then start travelling again as they reach the bungalow Susan gets disappeared and Richard full of anxiety gets inside the bungalow where there is no light calling out for Susan .As he moves forward a he sees himself standing in the centre of the hall with a spotlight pointing towards him and Susan sitting on her knees with tears filled up in her eyes .

"You made me feel restless... I feel my heart wall always crumbles down, I could not comprehend earlier but now I realise that it is you... You are the one making me feel very uneasy every time whenever I am around you and with you. I don't know whether you might realise this or not but I am definitely sure about my feelings for you. With each and every passing day gets stronger and stronger....

Mr. Richard Williams would you like to spend rest of your life with me?"

Richard stands stumped in the hall filled with all their close friends and family. he has this doubtful look on his face that makes Susan a bit uncomfortable. Then she gets ups and takes him to the next room .

"Is everything okay with you? why didn't you say anything over there everyone was looking up for your answer. you know ,can tell me anything ... right? "Susan asked in a worried voice.

"I know that dear but you know I can't love you cause my work has always been my priority and it will remain the same forever, so I just don't want to put you through hard times that's why i didn't say any thing then." answered Richard in a very pale voice.

Listening to Richard's answer Susan's soul was shaken deeply and as she moved out of that room all those orchids used for decoration were looking white lilies as a sign of goodbye to her . she bowed her head down so that none can see her tears and went running out of the mansion .

Richard's mother Mrs. Carol Williams went after Susan to check on her and know what happened between her and Richard. "Susan wait ….!! Honey listen to me …. You can't go like that just talk to me …. Susan!!!!" Mrs. Williams called out to her .

As Susan heard that voice she couldn't move any forward and as Mrs. Williams reached out to her she just turned to her and hugged her tight and just couldn't stop herself from crying out loud.

" What is this Honey how can you lose all your hope so soon ? this is not that same Susan I know since she was a little girl. I make this sure that my son will be yours soon. " Mrs. Williams said with a glare in her eyes .

Susan seemed very satisfied with Mrs. William's assertion that gave her some strength to get back to the party where she saw Richard stand on the door with a deep regret over his face that he unknowingly had hurt his childhood friend and apologised to her saying "I'm an complete idiot and you know that very well I known it wasn't the correct way to say all that what I just did inside, please forgive me Ms. Susan Mathew I'm really sorry for what I did. "

Susan looked at Richard's mother and then with a smile said "it's all okay Richard you don't need to be sorry for anything."

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