
The Vinx System

In a contemporary and formidable world, seemingly ordinary individuals possess extraordinary abilities thanks to an advanced technology known as 'Vinx.' Among them is Shin Nanoa, an 18-year-old student at Saturon University, and Mooni Sato, also known as Vinxurian Zero. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind this cutting-edge technology and unearth the origin of Mooni and her extraordinary kind. As they delve deeper into the secrets of Vinx, they discover a web of hidden truths concealed by the government to maintain a delicate balance, preventing the dominance of Vinxurians. The narrative unfolds as Shin and Mooni navigate a world where ordinary façades mask extraordinary potential, unveiling a gripping tale of intrigue, discovery, and the struggle for equilibrium in a society on the brink of transformation.

Niiyeng · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The wise young man

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"I was the reason she was saved… I distract all that, her energy recovers," Shin continues, providing the final explanations and recalling when he was in that place.

He knew that by distracting everything, he would perform a fake ritual and ultimately perform the true ritual for someone trustworthy… and that person would be him.

Jing is speechless about it and looks down at the table. Shin approaches him and hugs him.

"Your theories are the best, rest assured I'll use them for someone I'll meet someday and always be careful," Shin says, smiling at his best friend, giving full credit to what he said.

After that moment when Shin gives his complete answer to Jing's question, they finish eating their fish snacks, and immediately both sigh to calm their stomachs.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me, my friend?" Shin asks, putting his hands on his belly to calm the overeating.

Jing shakes his head from side to side, implying that he has nothing else to ask at the moment, but his mind enters a phase of theories and doubts about what Shin might be experiencing at the moment.

Even with a bloated belly, Shin finishes his drink, having learned not to waste food that has considerable value at the university.

He always remembered when he wasted food when he was younger, and his mother Emi always punished him for it because she spent one to two hours a day making his lunch. He learned in the best way possible.

Shin throws the soda can far into the trash can, and Jing notices something different coming from his forehead.

A mark resembling the shape of a moon was appearing on Shin's forehead, in a very small format that mimicked a birthmark or when you are born and get vaccinated... there's also a smaller mark on the arm.

Faced with this, Jing considered asking what that was, as he wasn't crazy and that small mark had never been on his best friend's forehead. But being crazy about theories, he remains silent to reflect on it and speak to him about it at the right time.

From now on, he will treat it at the moment as something normal that he possibly won't notice.

"Huh? Is everything okay, Jing? You're staring at me too much," Shin asks, feeling a little uncomfortable with those eyes of his.

Jing is startled by this and suddenly backs away from him.

"It's okay, my friend, I'm just seeing how much you've grown!" Jing exclaims, smiling and sweating simultaneously in Shin's eyes.

He maintains a neutral expression and only says one word.

"Gay," Shin replies dryly.

Jing is terrified by this, lowering his head in regret.

Then they both say they should go back to the classroom because break time was over and they couldn't be late.

Shin and Jing head towards the laboratory where their respective classroom was, walking down a long corridor with other students around.

In that corridor, there were several metal lockers where everyone could store their personal belongings because no one could carry large bags or food into the classroom.

Plus, the corridor they were in was on the third floor where Shin was heading towards the bathroom.

And at the edge of that corridor, you could observe the people below on the first floor where there was the main hallway that connected the exit and entrance of the university students.

Jing and Shin's lockers were across from each other, giving a good panoramic view below with the statue of Atlas holding the world.

The third floor had a tranquil luminosity, but it wasn't very bright... giving a somewhat darkened but clearly visible environment.

They stored their bags in the lockers and closed them with their access cards they use at the university entrance.

"Let's go, it's right there," Shin said, and he walked with Jing on his right to go to class peacefully.

As they were walking, a strange boy was walking ahead of them with two supposed accomplices.

He kept smiling in front of them, but Shin questioned that with a slight glance and quickly looked away.

"Good morning, Shin Nanoa and Jing Tashiba," greets the boy in front of them, and they both stop at that moment.

Shin naturally returns the greeting without showing any joy because he didn't know him... he was just polite to greet him.

Jing does the same and shakes his hand with a little joy at receiving this greeting.

Without wasting time, Shin opens his internal system shaking his head to the right.

| LOADING: 10%... 50%... 100% |

- _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - =

= User information =

¦ LEVEL: 10 ¦ (735/12000)

[Name] Nishumori Nen

[Species] Human

[Age] 20

[Racial color] White.

[Hair color] Green.

[Eye color] Black universe.

[Height] 1,78

[Weight] 69.76KG

[Individuality] The wise youth

[Hobbies] Loves drift racing and Martial arts

- _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - =

= Powers =


 - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -

= Finalizing the system =

Shin was facing the smartest student at the entire Saturon University... and that's the issue.

"Do you want something, my colleague?" Shin asks, giving a small smile in front of Nishumori, excited for what would come out of that boy's mouth.

They stared at each other for a long time. Shin was determined and proud of his intelligence and would never stoop to his level... no matter how high on the scoreboard he was.

His ego isn't easily shaken, and he always tries to outdo himself.

Besides, he's from a completely different course, so it wouldn't make any sense for him to lower himself to someone who doesn't follow the same routine and study... no matter how much he knows.

But Shin is sure that he doesn't understand the Vinxurians as well as he does.

Then Nishumori answers him.


Hey, thanks for reading The Vinx System. I'm your host and your friendly neighborhood, Niiyeng!


For those of you reading this, if you want more content from this book... I'm going to set a target here so that you, as a reader, can help me and, if you want to introduce this to another reader to get to know this work, I'd be happy to <3< p>

For every 100 collections, there will be 2 extra chapters.

I'm counting on you.

Thank you to everyone who reads, it means a lot to me.

"Every day, a new chapter, a new story." (Niyeng)

Short notice: I am a writer with beginner English, I am still studying the language so if you have difficulty understanding something in the story, just give your feedback sz

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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