
I'm a Side Character?!

What would one call the hero of a villain? A villain? A hero?

Or a stepping stone?

That's how Nicholas Wayne, the villain, treated the misfit Princess, Dimia. In the end, it led to both of their deaths. Dimia simply ended up a side character, and the protagonist who had slain the two, was dubbed "hero" of the country.


In a small apartment in Incheon, Korea, Hwang Ryujin threw her game console into the trash located next to her desk. If one looked around the room, they would see manga and anime figures filling her shelves and many collector posters decorating the white walls.

"UGH!" She exclaims in anger, pulling at her hair, "How in the world????" She pointed toward her game console sitting depressingly in the trash, "IS THAT A GOOD END?!" Her eyebrows furrowed in anger as she stared at the back of the otome game, soon adding it to the pile of games in the trash.

"I bought this game so I could play the Dimia route, but it turns out she's just a side character! Why in the world would they put her in the center of the back packaging?!" Ryujin slammed her head onto the desk, a loud ringing sound resonated in her head.

"What..." A beautiful woman in a nightgown, with long flowing golden hair, and emerald eyes steadied herself on a near wall, her head pounding. "...was that..."

The room began to spin as a loud thud resonated throughout the room.

Suddenly, memories of a Ryujin filled the young woman's head. Ryujin's parents, Ryujin's lonely life, Ryujin's obsession to otome games, The fate of her favorite character Dimia, and-

the death of Ryujin.

Dimia, the young woman, opened her eyes abruptly, the light penetrating the velvety blinds that hang on her window. A rush of fear pumps through her veins as she remembers the night before. Dimia had fainted after a memory from a foreign world drilled itself into her mind. Soon after, the rest of the foreign woman's memories completed infesting Dimia's mind. Dimia was Ryujin. It didn't make sense, Dimia could not understand how Ryujin's death led to her memories coming into Dimia's mind.


A sudden pound was heard at the large double doors in Dimia's room. Ryu- I mean Dimia, marveled at her own room. She had been in the room all of her life, but never really cared, for she was the only princess and could ask for anything she wanted. Now that her mind was full of Ryujin's memories, all she could think of was how amazing her own world was. Compared to the gray skies of Korea, the bright blue skies of her kingdom looked marvelous.

After Dimia realized that someone was at the door, she immediately hid under the covers out of strange fear. It's a trait received from Ryujin, social anxiety.

"Princess Dimia!" Someone burst through the door, a worried yet relieved smile evident on their face. "Oh I'm so glad Lady Dimia is safe!" The unknown woman heaved a loud exhale of relief.

"Huh? Oh it's just you, Lady Meredith���" Dimia smiled, popping her head out of the blanket she had been hiding under. Lady Meredith was a childhood friend of Dimia. "What do you mean that you're glad that I'm safe? Did something happen in the palace?"

"You don't remember? Lady Dimia had fainted and bumped her head! You haven't been awake for three days!"

Dimia was in shock. Had she really been unconscious for that long? Was it because of the sudden memories from her past life, or was it the head injury that caused the memories to come back?

Countless possibilities filled Dimia's head, giving her a headache. She laid down once more. Meredith ran to her side.

"Lady Dimia!" Meredith exclaimed, worry painting her face.

"Haha, it's okay Meredith, I just need some rest, come visit me when you have more free time, okay? I know you're very busy haha." Dimia giggled as Meredith helped her get situated.

"Okay then…" Meredith begrudgingly gave in, eyebrows slightly furrowing. She heads toward the exit, stealing glances of Dimia every so often. All Dimia could do was smile and wave. Once Meredith left, a wave of relief brushed over her. Dimia didn't know talking to people would be so much work. How was she supposed to be a princess if she can barely talk to her childhood friend?

Now Dimia was alone, her head still pounding out of constant stress. So much had happened in the past day, well technically three, that her mind could not keep up. All she can think of was how her life matches up perfectly to the game Ryujin was playing.

Dimia is a misfit, well "was." She never followed the rules of the palace and often snuck out even when instructed not to. She's been as such since she was just a small child. This isn't because she wanted to rebel, it's all because of the neglect from her family. All of this was in the otome game Ryujin played.

All Dimia ever yearned for was love and affection. Her father did care for Dimia, but he was so busy with his work as the emperor that they barely saw one another. Dimia's mother was dead. She had killed herself after finding out the Emperor had several wives. This left Dimia depressed and alone, barely any friends.

Eventually, Dimia saves Nicholas Wayne, the villain, from execution. Then Wayne begins the usage of Dimia, leading to their deaths. However, in the process of the plan to ruin the Adriana empire, Dimia falls in love.Throughout the entirety of the story, Dimia was depicted as a side character, yet she had a large role in the plot. She ends up dying a side character…


"That means…-"


First story! Go easy on me! ><

ShiinaAlicecreators' thoughts