
Past Lives

Failure is normal. It does not determine the entire course of your life. You are bound to fail at least once in your life. It's okay. Just get up and learn from it.

For the past two years, this mantra has been my guiding light. However, despite my efforts to stay resilient, I find myself at a crossroads. The challenges of the past years have taken their toll—I've lost loved ones, my career stagnates, and my daily routine feels like a monotonous grind.

At 25, I'm a far cry from the hopeful dreamer I once was. Instead, I feel like a solitary tree in a relentless desert, weathering harsh conditions with dwindling strength. But amidst this despair, I yearn for change. I want to rediscover self-love, reignite my career aspirations, and find peace in remembering my lost family without succumbing to tears. I want to sleep without having a drink or exhausting my body to the point of catching sleep immediately after hitting the bed. I want to wake up in the morning without thinking about how annoying the sun is or how I hate the cold, I want to embrace the weather. I want to be better, and I think I figured the way out.

Fortunately, I'm not devoid of resources. Thanks to my father's teachings, I've dabbled in stock trading since I was 18, placing me in a favourable financial position. With this in mind, I've made a bold decision—to leave my editing job and seek solace in a tranquil environment. While some may view my choice as extreme, unless you've experienced the depths of depression, it's not for others to judge. South Africa, despite its challenges, beckons me with its beauty, offering a sanctuary where I can heal and grow.

"Mom, I can't do this anymore," I tell my mother, Selene. "You know, I've been feeling pretty off for a while now. Don't you think it's time I start feeling better?"

"Rhyn, can't you do that without going to a third-world country with a lot of crime? What if you're kidnapped? Or even worse, killed?" my worried mom says.

"Come on, Mom. I'm exhausted, and honestly, South Africa isn't the end of the world. Crime happens everywhere, right? But trust me, it's a beautiful place, and I think being there will help me get back on track." I respond.

My mother sighs and takes my hands in hers and places them on top of her thighs. She looks at me with worry in her eyes. "I want you to be better, I honestly do, but can't you do that near us? I wouldn't be able to send you food when you need it. I wouldn't be able to hug you when you want comfort. Rhyn, understand me." She takes a deep breath and continues, "But, you know what? I trust you and your choices. I must not be selfish when you're pursuing your happiness. I will support you and I hope by the time you come home, you're the better version of yourself. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I didn't let you go. Leave the nest, darling."

I grasp my mother's hand tighter and give her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me, Mommy. I wouldn't be Rhyn, if I didn't get better. I'll go and come back".

That marked the end of our conversation about my move to South Africa. After some research, I made up my mind to travel the country by car. They say the most amazing places often reveal themselves when you least expect it. So, I'm eager to uncover the beauty of South Africa as I journey through its landscapes.

Now, you're probably wondering where I'm going with this… This is where my story begins, the journey of my incredible life.

Right now, I'm at the airport and about to check in. I've never felt more certain about a decision in my life. Yet, as they say, there's no remedy for regret. So, I steel myself, put on my big girl pants, and board the plane. Despite some pre-flight nerves, I make my way to my seat—luckily, it's a window seat. I pull out a cheesy novel I picked up at the bookstore and settle in for the journey ahead.

Luna von Dewill is the epitome of villainy. A narcissist with a heart as cold as stone, she ruthlessly destroys anything in her path, including innocent lives. But her descent into darkness didn't happen overnight. It all began with an obsession: Cade Winchester, the male lead. Luna's relentless pursuit of Cade led her to forsake her humanity entirely.

However, Luna never anticipated Cade's visceral hatred towards her. Aware of Luna's despicable deeds done in the name of love, Cade sought revenge for his beloved, Lyla Harrington. In a twisted act of retribution, he manipulated Luna's belief in his love and subjected her to the ultimate cruelty: forcing her to witness the demise of her child, a fate no mother should endure.

In the end, Luna faced the consequences of her actions. Her relentless pursuit of power and love cost her everything, including the one person who could have loved her. Luna met her end in a manner befitting her deeds, a demise that tragically entangled the fate of an innocent soul. With her final breaths, she spoke words tinged with remorse and acceptance: "I don't wish to be reborn. May my suffering serve as penance for my son's future happiness." And with that, Luna's story came to a close, leaving behind a legacy of darkness and the hope for redemption.

Luna's life was undeniably tragic, and in some ways, her ending seemed fitting. If only I could step into the pages of her story, I'd be there to offer her friendship and guidance, steering her away from the mistakes she made for someone undeserving of her love. She deserved more than to be mere cannon fodder for the plot's protagonists. With a sigh, I close the book and tuck it away, replacing it with my eye mask as I drift into sleep.

I'm awoken by the shaking of the plane. "There is a slight turbulence, please be calm and it will pass in a moment," a shaky voice makes an announcement. There is something different about this 'turbulence' though.

As the air grows dense around me, a sense of dread fills the cabin. My entire body trembles uncontrollably, and a chill runs down my spine. This is it—the moment I've feared. I'm convinced that my time has come, that there's no place for me in this world anymore.

With a sinking heart, I brace myself for the inevitable. The plane lurches downward, hurtling toward the ground with terrifying speed. In that fleeting moment, I close my eyes, surrendering to the impending impact. My mind races, memories flashing before my eyes as my consciousness begins to fade.

As the world blurs into darkness, I feel a sense of resignation wash over me. It seems that my journey is reaching its end, my grasp on life slipping away like grains of sand through my fingers. And in that final moment, I find a strange sort of peace, accepting whatever fate awaits me beyond the veil of consciousness.

I am going to use a mixture of American and British English because I'm South African. Anyway, try to have fun!!

Gontle_Jantjiecreators' thoughts
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