
The Villainess Is Immortal

"where I now?" "choose your fate" "who are you! come out!" Jasmine said "I'm your ancestor" "Impossible" "that's are not possible and choose your fate" "why I need choose my fate? I'm not die" Jasmine said and weirding "die? you just die a few minutes ago" her ancestor said "what? how I'm die?" Jasmine ask "your husband, Lee Seojun just put the snake poison at your drink" "what?!" "just give up Jasmine, you need to glad b'cause you're blooding our noble Qecryt" "Qecryt?" "yes, the world magical, founder of Qecryt has manipulate power" "so, he's always help his descent until now" "now choose your fate" "but-" "first, be a noble woman" "second, be a normal human with life happiness" "last, be a servant" "ofcourse second choices!" "sure? but you need to die early before your ages achieve to 15 years old" "um, no" "I think first better" Jasmine said "I not suggest you about this choices, better you not choose that fate" "hah? why?" "do you want to be a queen when your age in 80 years old?" "what!" "hahh, better I die, I don't want life again" "how about you life in world magical?" "can I?" "yes, but you need to be a immortal, and for sure, you need to marry and loving one man" "who? I will do it" ......

MsHan · Others
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17 Chs


PRINCESS BIBLIOPHILE the person got ranked by her own power to got this wonderful noble rank, only 5 people got this ranked and I never known she is one of them. Two woman with yellow bright hair. Two man, one man had black hair, one man had white hair, and the special is the lady with orange bright hair has wonderful minded is front of me right now!

"Glad to heard, you're one of 5 noble pick the Bibliophile rank"

"So where other 4 went?"

Violatte ask and getting close to her

"Them travel to other country to find and study new knowledge in this world"

Ivy Perrien answering

"You has orange bright hair, so you're?"

Violatte stop to let Ivy continue her word

"I'm the leader of Bibliophile and the second Bibliophile after Princess Catarina passed away"

Ivy said

Oh no! She must be safe right now!

"I'm sorry to ask something like that"

Violatte said. Then she grab Ivy to wake up from knee down along time at the floor

Full look, gorgeous Princess Bibliophile Ivy Perrien with orange-red hair was like an Angle

"Didn't has you think about your face? You're so pretty"

Violatte whispered. I might she will be a rude person cause her highest rank and rumours at out side, but what an unbelievable reason! Actually she are the person with kindest hearted!

"Ah! Don't make me embarrassing now your grace!"

Ivy answer and her face turn to pinky-peach faces

"You came from a far"

"How about you stay at my home for a few days?"

"I'm really bored since my people let my husband goes to jail!"

Violatte said. Them steps out from the hall. Her feels be angry when talk about it, sincerely she had bad felt b'cause let Qaesar go and can't do anything without thinking first

The nobles sight when looks them go out from the hall

"The meetings ended now"

Someone talk confidently at all

"You can go-"

"Wait what? Where did you all want to go?"

The lions asking

Them shocked, their faces turn white and step a back to aware from the lions attack them

"Don't worried"

"I not eat human meal as my lunch"

She said surrounding them all

The lions stopped, then a babies royal chair appeard. A guards use their power to appeard the chair

"Wait! Why you use your power for this lions!"

The noble ask

"Know your place! Respect our little Princess Tiana Ninie Qecryt Qaesar!"

"Royal World has gifted she for our Queens!"

The newest Capten of guard shout to told them the person them called lion was the real little Princess


Them talk. There has no reason to ask how and when Violatte pregnant whatever them think but the real happen now how the babies born? And also her mother, if Violatte is her real mother. She should borrow her daughter but now? Violatte let her daughter here without bring her back?

"Now, you know who I'm"

Tinnie said and her lions body turn to human body with wear the royal clothes

"Knee down y'alls!"

She said and sat down at the chair

The capten of guards looks proud

"Yesterday, full days I help her to suite with royal places and she was fast learner"

"I'm proud of her!"

He said and smiling

Start from the day, Violatte just spent her time with Ivy as her guest. Meanwhile Tinnie manage economy of country for 2 month, war, and study she do it too with Helen as her tutor. Everything is okay until Tinnie go to the rooftop to see the stars at the night..

Million of star was blinked make Tinnie think long. "Who am I? Where's my father?"

She has thinked many times and still not found the answer

"Could I ask to Mommy?"

She think. Then she nodding

"I hope Mommy know something"

She said. Then she jump from one roof to other roof to search her mother at their home

"Your highness!"

"Where are you going?!"

Tinnie maids yell when see Tiana suddenly jump from the roof

"Back to the home! I want to find my mother!"

Tiana answering after said it

"Find Queens?"

The maid said to herself and runs to followed Tiana

At the front of gate,

"I'm really sorry little Princess Tiana"

"We got inform anyone can't enter or go out from this place"

The guard bow his head after knee down at front Tiana. His face really stronger strange like something got happen in the castle

"What do you meant?"

Tiana ask with weirding faces. Why I can't entered? This is my house!

"I really can't let you go"

"Please go back to your work place"

The guard said

Tiana not moved. She was really sad when heard that, she grab her hand and see anywhere.

"Please! I want to enter!"

Her maids followed her from back appeard and make Tiana really happy for her maid appearing

"Princess? W-why are you crying?"

The maid said and knee down to see Tiana

"I want to enter, but the guard said people can't enter or even go out from my house"

Tiana said. She hug her maid

The maid lifted Tiana to her own shoulder and help Tiana stop cried, then she ask at the guard

"Why people can't enter or even out?"

The maids ask

"I'm really sorry Lady Angeline"

The guard said and stole glance at Tiana, then he turn his head to focus his information to Angeline

Angeline understand and nodding

"It's okay"

"tell it now"

Angeline said and stare everywhere to behave something. She had good experience in life since got hire to be Violatte maid until be a leader of maid Dileraś empire and teach them to serve the noble good as their boss

The guard sight,

"The guests has serious sick and make Queens help her"

"I heard the guest got upgrade her power and defect of the power make her magic create a plague...."

"That's why Queens tell us to not enter in"

I'm understand with this problem, but Tiana still child, she need her mommy's love too..


Violatte shout

Them turn their head to see the castle condition with the same time

"Open the gate"

Angeline said to the guard


The guard said and pick his sword up

"Move! If you not want to got attack!"

Angeline said again. She really worried at Violatte


The guard said

Tiana jump from Angeline hug and turn to lions mode, she being angry when the guard still not give them to enter

The guard steady with the sword and not scared at Tiana

"I said no and never no!"

The guard said

The guard attack Tiana start from her leg, Tiana being forced to attack and she bite the guards leg until the guard bleeding and make the guard fall down to the floor

"I'm sorry but my mother need to be safe!"

She said and run to get her mother with Angeline followed her from back

"Hell no!"

The guard shout

To be continue