


Vekinia's hands trembled. She simply couldn't accept the present reality.

What in the world is all of this?

Although from another country, she was definitely a lady of a count family of this empire. However, a few days ago, she was helplessly taken to prison after being caught in her hair.

But even before she could adapt to that reality, she was ordered by the tyrant emperor last evening.

'Vekinia Lauren Nersid will be put to death at 9 a.m. the next day.'

In a dazed state, Vekinia was doomed to have her throat chopped away in an instant. She feel quite mortified and vexed.

"How can Your Majesty do this to me?!"

She shouted that all she loved was him, but nothing changed.

"What in the world did I do to you?!"

Even if she changed her question, there was no answer that was coming back to her. Nevertheless, she didn't stop talking. She pleaded not guilty until she lose her voice. All the guards around her tongue stuck out at her continued violence. However, they did not approach her and threaten her. They just rationalized that she was about to die, so they avoided seeing her as much as possible.

The Villainess of the Century! She was just that kind of being without having to explain it long.

Not only did she try to assassinate the Empress of the Empire, she was also a woman who actively participated in the treason with her crooked affection for the Emperor. Even her face itself had a fairy-like aspect. Her gorgeous looks and sullen eyes were like a witch.

Besides, rumors have it that she really does witchcrafts like a witch. So no one tried to get close to her. By the time the prison guards' patience reached its limit, her shouts gradually subsided. There must have been a limit to how she kept screaming with a voice that was quite restless. All the guards breathed a sigh of relief at the peace that came after a long time. Such a quiet time has passed helplessly.

An hour before the execution of the sentence, those sent by the Emperor rushed into Vekinia. And dragged her forcefully like the day they brought her here. Surprisingly, this time she was dragged so easily without any resistance. The prison guards who were watching this were relieved of the morning that passed without any problems, but wondered.

"...for that reason, the villainess Vekinia Lauren Nersid is beheaded, and all of her blood relatives were destroyed regardless of whether they are close relatives or far."

"Emperor Rayshid and his beloved Mianel, I will and would be cursing you again and again. I will hope and hope that one day, today's curse will surely extend to you as well."

As soon as the words of the person carrying out the emperor's orders were finished, she muttered with a simmering voice, who sat down without mercy. But her voice was not so low that everyone nearby could clearly hear what she was saying. Vekinia's eyes, uttering curse words, were full of spite. Ahead of her death, she seemed to have nothing to fear.

Everyone trembled with fear at her appearance, who's really like a witch, but Emperor Rayshid ordered the execution of her death penalty by raising his hand without blinking once. Immediately, the sharp sword of the executioner's blade touched her neck. Even at that moment, Vekinia did not take her eyes off the two person in front of her. When Mianel was lastly caught in her eyes, her life was finally over.

Mianel couldn't see that sight and turned her head and strongly asked the Emperor with a tearful face.

"Vekinia has committed a crime that cannot be washed even after death, but she is like a sister to me. Please have mercy on me, as I will atone for her unpaid sins on her behalf as long as this lowly life is attached to me. There is only one thing I want, but please completely recover her body and allow her to hold a funeral."

Not only did she forgave her for trying to kill her, but she had also showed her mercy and so everyone here admired Mianel's attitude. Her benevolent attitude also moved the heart of Emperor Rayshid, who was somewhat cold.

Thus, Vekinia, a notorious villainess, died and was able to have a funeral for which her sins were partially forgiven. When this fact became known, the people of the Empire moved and praised the mercy of Mianel, the Empress and Saint of the Empire.

– Among the Saintesses of the Empire


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