
Chapter 2


Note: I'm not pushing anyone to give me money or anything but sometimes, you gotta take advantage of what you can do to benefit... I'd still translate regardless (if people with money would really consider giving me something) coz I love reading books.

P.S. Money can make you happy, so is reading books.

P.S.S. Read the Prologue. I bet some of you still haven't read the Prologue (coz when I tried to read this to check the quality of the book, it straight up went to Chapter 1). You might miss out something (context, more details) if you won't read that. :)



Her words made Count Nersid's face strange. He stared at her as if he were trying to hold onto Sooin's intentions. She didn't give in and looked at him with unshakable eyes, and soon smiled cutely.

"I thought I fell in love with His Highness the Crown Prince at first sight, but it wasn't." The person I really liked was Sir Hisis."

She once again gave her strength to express her intention. Then she was relieved by his face, who was watching her foolishly for a while.

"That's a relief. I'll quickly figure out what you're talking about. Well, regarding the tutor, I knew for now. So don't ever do anything to bother that Mianel, alright?"

Count Nersid fiddled with his beard and soon expressed his positive intentions. From her brief observation, it seemed that he should consult his wife regarding Vekinia's tutor. But for now, it seems that he made this decision because he decided that it was a priority to turn his attention from Mianel to Vekinia.

'Considering this and that, the real power of this house can be said to be Countess Laene. This is also very different from the novel.'

Countess Laene. She was the younger sister of the Duke Luisita, the father of the novel's heroine, Mianel. However, she was not a blood relative of that family, but an adopted daughter. After losing his wife, Duke Luisita's father adopted her, an orphan, as his daughter. And after the death of Duke Luisita's father, she married the Count Nersid from another country.

This was almost all about her in the novel. Therefore, Sooin did not care about her existence at all. But just by talking to Count Nersid for a moment, Sooin could see what position she had maintained here.

As soon as she learned something new, she felt insecure. The fact that she is Vekinia is also shocking because of the fact that the situation where she is now is strangely different from the situation in the novel.

Fortunately, her conversation with Count Nersid did not continue after that, but Sooin felt that this meal time was too long. She wanted to quickly go back to her room and check out the differences from the novel.

* * *

"Looking at it earlier, there was a diary here."

Sooin returned to the room after finishing her meal in a hurry. Immediately before breakfast, she took a small notebook out of the drawer. And she read the contents by comparing today's date confirmed by the maid with the dates written in the diary.

'According to what I just checked, it means that Mianel and Rayshid are in a relationship.'

Sooin carefully read what happened afterwards, reflecting on the information she had obtained before breakfast. Of course, Vekinia was not the type to keep a diary thoroughly, so there was little information she could get, and even that was not detailed. But very little information was enough.

For example, there will soon be a celebration party to commemorate Mianel's return from another country.

At this point, what Sooin could do was already decided. Her current goal was not to participate in Vekinia's evil deeds. In order to do that, he had to avoid friction with Mianel as much as possible. Currently, the part where she has a big conflict with Mianel was about Rayshid. Although it is a one-sided dispute with Vekinia.

"Yeah, but that won't happen from now on."

She wasn't Vekinia, so she didn't like Rayshid, and she knew what was going to happen. However, there were too many people in this novel who tried to harass Mianel by sticking to Vekinia's side. She thought strongly that if she stayed like this, she could be swept away by them and be framed for touching Mianel.

She decided to take some action. First of all, it was to openly express interest in Hisis. And she was already in the first step.

Just now, Sooin secretly revealed her emotional state by telling her father, Count Nersid, that she needed a tutor.

She said that the person she likes is not the person that Mianel likes. Of course, based on her behavior so far, he would not believe her easily. Vekinia in the novel didn't try to let go of what she wanted.

At the same time, however, Vekinia was fickle. So it might not be too awkward to say that she suddenly changed her mind. Also, there was no reason for Vekinia to change her mind to Hisis. As far as she remember, after Mianel became associated with Rayshid, Vekinia's obsession with Rayshid became stronger. Vekinia followed him more closely, and in the process, she became involved with Hisis.

It happened very accidentally. One day, Crown Prince Rayshid made an informal schedule. It was a simple social gathering for the purpose of hunting. The site was a hunting ground near the Aidan's home, one of the members of the group and a friend of Mianel and Vekinia.

She was well aware that Rayshid was close to Aidan, so she kept wandering around him and got this information in advance. After that, she was attacked by wolves while trying to step in front of them as if she had accidentally encountered them. At that time, it was none other than Hisis who saved her.

In fact, this case may not mean so much to Vekinia. Her heart was filled with Rayshid without any gaps.

In any case, he was a lifesaver to her. Of course, it could have been natural as a gentleman to save her in danger. However, considering his usual image, his behavior felt quite unfamiliar.

Hisis Denell Raven. Although he was the eldest son, he was an unlucky prince who could not become a crown prince. His personality was so cold and indifferent that anyone who had ever seen him would recognize him. So, what was supposed to be a normal thing didn't seem like a normal thing. Thanks to this, Sooin was able to say that she had a crush on him. And convincing them to believe her would depend on how she behaved in the future. Fortunately, it will be much easier since the person who will teach her will spread the story about her, a troubled child in the Empire.

The last thing she thought of was about the way Vekinia treated the people around her. This was simple. It was a matter of keeping a distance from them. These are the maid Inette, who took the lead in the Vekinia's evil deeds, and the noble children from other countries who whispered to her about how to harass Mianel.

"This is enough to prevent the worst situation."

She said that it doesn't matter whoever the tutor is, so they'll be here soon. Until then, all she had to do was to calmly think about what she should show at the party that was just around the corner.

'What was the problem that Vekinia caused at the engagement ceremony?'

She closed her eyes still to reflect on the story. There seemed to be quite a lot of work, but she almost remembered it. Sooin suddenly opened her eyes while biting her lips in frustration. This is because one thought suddenly passed through her mind.

In the novel, it clearly said that Mianel ate cookies with poison given by Vekinia as a gift. Although no poison was clearly detected in the cookie, she collapsed on the spot shortly after she ate the cookie, and poison appeared in her body.

She didn't know why Vekinia couldn't make a proper judgment out of jealousy, or was it because she was just a simple thinker? But...

'I wouldn't do such a crazy thing.'

However, she was going to minimize contact with Mianel at the party with a crazed mind and not give her a gift that Vekinia was originally going to give.

After finishing that thought, Sooin sighed deeply. When she opened her eyes, she was suddenly in an absurd reality. She considered the surrounding situation as urgent as possible and concluded in her own way, but it was still so unrealistic that she wondered if it was still a dream.

In addition, she joined the party even before she could adapt to this situation. That's also the party where Vekinia was called the Villainess.

Sooin unfolded the diary that she had covered again. The number was shown as May 28, 1142 in the Descal Empire. There are only three days left before the party.

* * *

Beautiful melodic music filled the banquet hall. It fits very well with the bright and colorful atmosphere of this place. In addition, large and small sculptures were properly placed here and there. Among them, there were many sculptures made of transparent ore like glass, and they gave off a more beautiful color when reflected in the bright lighting of the chandelier.

Sooin admired the appearance without realizing it. It was said that it was enormous. She heard that today's party was as simple as possible. She couldn't even imagine what the previous party would have been like because it was said that the size of the banquet hall was reduced than usual.

In fact, this party was not much different from before, except that it was reduced in size. Formally, it was just a social party to celebrate Mianel's return from another country after a long time, but in reality it is more meaningful. Her lover, Crown Prince Rayshud, was supposed to attend the party informally, and Mianel was going to formally introduce him to others today.

"Lady Vekinia."

After a while, someone called Sooin, who was gradually burdened and uncomfortable because she couldn't admire the luxurious banquet hall. She was somewhat surprised by the sudden call, but soon turned around and greeted her casually. Her face had a light smile on it.


Of course, she had no idea who the woman was in front of her. Although it was possible for her to know who the other person was due to the appearance of their face or hair color.

'If anyone is here, it must be a young lady from a foreign country who is close with Vekinia and Mianel. I can't narrow it down to one person because her hair color is so common, but she must be either Lina or Daisy.'

Sooin was sweating insidely because it was difficult for her to discern who the person that was in front of her, but the woman in front of her continued to say what she had to say without any doubt because there was still a warm smile on her face.

At that moment, Sooin's eyes suddenly saw a woman. She was a woman with bright golden hair, as if made from honey, and blue eyes like a clear lake. She don't know about it here, but it was a common combination where Sooin lived. But she was so beautiful that this combination seemed so uncommon.

Moreover, her eyes were calm and solemn, making them look like sacred saints.

Sooin unknowingly looked at her a little blankly. The young ladies of other countries also noticed the changed attitude of Sooin and looked around. After a while, she nodded as if she understood.

"Oh, I was wondering what was going on. Today's main character, Lady Mianel, has already arrived."


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