
Step to the hell [1]

Early in the morning, I woke up,, as usual to find myself on my playground bed,

I stopped counting the number of times I had woken up on that ceiling as excited as I was, I was nervous at the same time.

I chose some clothes from Fray's giant closet and walked out of the room following the habits of this body.

I would wake up at six in the morning, and take a long shower because I am obsessed with cleanliness I spend the rest of the time doing whatever I want. But today was different.

At seven o'clock, I will take my first step into this world.

We will go on a three-day trip to the Oaklas Mountains, where the Starlight Family's headquarters is located. This was my first time leaving the Starlight Palace, I was like a bird leaving its cage.

The servants had already prepared everything, and I found Ada waiting for me, as she was going to accompany me to the inauguration. main story Ada couldn't agree to accompany Fray or live with him.

Here we go the Starlight Brothers are together for the first time I sat in the seat across from her and quietly ate my breakfast, for, apart from the morning greetings we had exchanged, Ada and I had not spoken at breakfast for the past month i was not disturbed by this, for as long as the cooperative relationship existed between us, I did not ask for more than that.




Ada Starlight's Pov

I couldn't help but watch him it's been a month since I moved in with my little brother, who was nicknamed the Devil.

I hated him to the core. He was a corrupt and evil being who didn't deserve to be part of this family, and that's what I believed in with all my heart.

So I refused to believe what was happening in the past, Fray would cause disasters wherever he decided to be irresponsible, caring only about his interest.

But for some reason, he changed first. He relinquished his title and privileges to me and achieved what was my biggest dream, to the point that I did not believe at first.

That day I started watching my little brother, Fray suddenly started doing a training routine that he would repeat every day, he started asking me for different training potions and sometimes asking me some weird questions, he was supposed to know the answers to, what's even weirder than that, Fray stopped torturing The butler, he was calm, he always shouted at the slightest things and had fits of anger that caused disasters in the past he harassed the ladies of the big families and always loved the daughter of the Moonlight family's lord but somehow he didn't show any interest for the past month but He became cold and apathetic he always looked carefree, as if those shoulders were bearing the weight of mountains when he told me earlier that he wanted to focus on his sword art and stay away from the nonsense of the family, especially a family that wanted to kill him, those last words made me bitter.

Did I pity him?

No... he deserves all the contempt after all he's done.

I say but if somehow he decides to change and finally get serious it was like in the past it goes back to that cute little brother that I know then I will protect with everything I have these were my thoughts for us,

today, we will start our journey towards the main family residence, and I looked at his back as we walked out of the Starlight Palace among the servants who bowed




Fray Starlight's Pov

I got into the carriage that was waiting for us at the palace gate.

I sat inside with Ada, who was in front of me, I was not yet used to the strange technologies that the inhabitants of this world lived on.

This car was like a limousine except for the fact that it didn't have any tires and was just floating in the air.

I remember writing about something like this in the past, Mana-powered cars flying over the ground.

But seeing it on the ground, I couldn't help but admit how absurd the idea was.

The vehicle shook a little when the driver decided to move in front, an armored car opened the way, and from behind, the riders followed us to protect us during the road.

We would have gone a long way over a thousand kilometers, to be exact.

Although the trip was not supposed to take 3 full days, it was logical for two reasons.

The first is the danger of flying very high because the sky was not safe because of some terrifying creatures that were ruling the sky.

The second was the point that we went to inside the empire there is Many teleportation gates connected the various major cities, but because the Starlight Headquarters was a military base in itself, there were no gates close to that area. And this is how we made this trip.

The scenes moved very quickly through the window of the flying limousine.

From time to time, I saw some people or other cars that swept the roads flying overhead. I saw some strange architecture that I only saw in my imagination, and I was happy to see the world I had imagined in my head materialized in reality. And sad because I was a part of it.

Seeing the rapidly changing scene, I couldn't help but wish for a repeat of what happened before when I was with my family inside the car. I wanted so badly for that light to come and take me back to my world.

But this was just a one-sided wish.


"Hmm? "

" Nothing ."Ada turned her head after refraining from saying something.

"If you have something to say, say it already... maybe this is a nice trip to speak freely. "

The past is the last time we'll ever have a chance. I meant what I said.

"You're probably going on a long trip soon a trip that could kill you."

"I know, don't worry about me,"

I spoke without thinking, and I caught a glimpse of some sadness on Ada's face, but I didn't understand why. Of course, I didn't know that Ada just wanted to ask

"Fray, why do you always look sad?"

Of course, I wouldn't know I didn't have a mirror to turn my expressions are constant they are days went by faster than I thought we stopped from time to time at places that had been prepared for us to overnight all the way and moved only in the morning and finally reached Starlight Lands, this was evident because of the constant checkpoints and the disappearance of everyone from kilometers away I raised my head and entered my field of vision.

High mountains pierced the clouds. These were the mountains of the eastern border

Oaklas Mountains, these mountains stretched for thousands of kilometers, forming a natural barrier against the Nightmare Lands.

Next chapter