
41| deja vu, the finale



We were still outside when Rine left. Still in same circle but only two people missing. We continued chatting amongst ourselves and let the love birds be together. "Let's play truth or dare,"

"Nope," I shake my head repeatedly. The last time we had done this game I was in middle school and I did not have a lovely experience. That was a story for another day- plus, this game always had a history of something going bad. Or there were personal dared or truths.

"Yeah let's do it," Levine smiles. She loved to stir the pot.

"Nope," I stand by my answer. That's when my phone beeps. I take it out from Darek's jacket- yeah... another story for later.

I see the text on my lock screen. It's from Rine.

From; S is for sister - don't judge.

- I don't think Alexander is who I thought he was.


don't tell the guys.

I frown at message not knowing what the hell was happening. Weren't they just all lovey dovey just moments ago? But I remember my mom always told me, "Don't believe everything you see, it could be all hidden in disguise.'

Things hadn't really been going well for them, until recently. Me being their biggest shipper was hoping they get through it but that was my best friend he was with. My sister. I wouldn't give two fucks if he was hurt in the process- if he hurt her.

That's right people! I can cuss.

"Beauty, what's wrong?" I look up to his emerald orbs. His voice soft and radiated with genuine concern. Guilt rushed through me. I didn't wanna lie to him- to anybody. But I couldn't tell them even if I wanted to. Serine trusts me. Without bothering to do muster up a lie- I grab the arm of two toned hair girl next to me and gently force her to stand up with me. She doesn't blow my cover nor mess up.

As per.

"A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, Darek," she shrugs and I drag her along to the back door. "What's up?" she asks once there's a good distance between the guys and us.

"I think Rine's in trouble," I mutter but loud enough for her to hear. I hand her over my phone and she unlocks it. Three seconds later, "That bitch," she hisses glaring into space. She hands me back my phone and we rush inside- the music is still loud and clear on. Every body is partying and I almost text her asking where she is but I assume, in her room. Hopefully. How would l find her through this bunch of people. With me in front- "Dude are seriously walking in there with nothing to protect you?"

I don't argue with her but just take the pepper spray in ny hand and I almost choke when I see the lip stick, pepper spray tazer. It was an actual thing. I don't question her or anything and just make my way towards her room. We make our way up the stairs which feels like a hundred, especially now that we're in a rush. "Don't you wanna take your heels off?" She shakes her head almost aggressively. "Never know if I might need it for that-"

"Okay, okay, chillax." she exhales when we reach the top of the white stairs, which is covered in carpet to avoid any accidents. We finally make it to her room and that's when I raise my hand up to knock but a hand stops me. "Haven't you seen in the movies, how an idiot knocks, while the villain inside is getting away with it?" Before words could come out my mouth, she barges in and I stand behind her.

Our eyes search the room

And she's nowhere to be found.



My eyes were open after moments of me being passed out. I was sitting on a chair, in what seemed like a warehouse- one of those dusty, rusty brown ones. It's now that I realised I've never seen a clean one before.

My hands were tied together- in what felt like a rope, as well as my legs. Goody.

"Well, well, well," I heard the voice from behind. I spot the shadow of the figure but restrain myself from doing anything. It's not like there was much I could do anyways. "Look who's up," the voice was familiar.

"You bastard," I glare at the shadow and they chuckle. A psychotic chuckle. "Technically you're the bastard because I'm not the one who has a sick father- basically dead but your old soul refuses to let him go."

"Y'know, driving you to the hospital- I hated it. Because then I'd see you cry. I hated seeing you cry, I still do! It drives me crazy because only I, only I princess, can make you cry." I shake my head at the sudden change. "This is not you, this is not you Alex. This is not the Alex I know,"

"IT'S ME," I flinch at the tone of his voice. "I've always been like this. I've always been good to you, so why are refusing me now? No girlfriend does such a thing. Why can't you love me just as I am," he sits down, his head in his hands. I don't answer- trying to process this.

I was tied up, kidnapped by my own boyfriend. How- "WHY HUH?" my ear rings under his loud tone and once again I can't take it. He angrily stands up and just as I think he is about to approach me- he walks past me. A minute later he drags in a figure, she's a girl. A black hood covers her head and she's dressed in a blue jeans and a gray hoodie. An unsettling feelings sits inside of me. He sits her down aggressively on the wooden stool.

"Who is she?"

"That is none of your business," he glares before smiling once again. "I've got something for you and also, something to show you." I don't say anything and just stare at him. His silver orbs were no longer looking the same. They had a different intention, a different aura, they didn't have the Alex that I thought I knew. He brings out an orange flower and then shoves it in my hair. "So gorgeous," I shiver when his skin makes contact with mine. "Look at this, look what they did to me," he raises the newspaper to me. Who even reads- anyways- it reads, ALEXANDER McCANN; WANTED FOR MURDER.

I freeze. There's a younger looking version of him but it's still him. "Murder?" It comes out in barely above a whisper. What had I gotten myself into? "Do you see what they did to me? They are blaming me, ME."

"Calm down-"

"They are blaming me. For their daughters death. Knowing damn well I never laid a finger on her," I internally release a breathe of relief once I hear that. "Okay now look at me, Alexander look at me." We manage to make eye contact. "If you did nothing wrong- then we'll figure it out together okay? You just don't need to have an innocent girl, kept here okay?"


"Don't trust her boy," the familiar manly voice strikes me like lightning. "She's manipulating you,"

"Alex I would never-"

"Oh shut up and cut the crap." And there he is, face to face with me after 4 years. Four years of me trying heal myself. Trying to push it all back- all for the past to come creeping in once again. "Why hello there princess," a cold chill runs down my body and look at man with so much hatred. There was no longer fear. Fear wasn't anything. You could overpower it, fear just stopped you.

I don't say anything but look at Alex. "Traitor," I mutter. "Do you know how this man ruined my childhood? He ruined my entire childhood because of his needs as a man. Something that shouldn't even be done. There's hookers- man, prostitutes who need the damn money but y'all are way too stingy and easy- that you'll just ruin another person's life because of your selfish needs. How could you do this to me, Alex? HOW COULD YOU?"

"Oh don't hate me yet," he says way too calmly for my liking and I grow impatient. He was walking over to the girl who still has her face covered in a black hood. She was definitely a girl. The legs said it all. He tugs her by the arm and forcefully makes her stand up. Denzil glances at me with an evil smirk on his face. Something feels wrong.

How the hell did they meet again-?

I have a bad feeling and my body feels uneasy. Denzils fingers brush my skin and I immediately want to take a shower. "Don't touch her." says Alex.

"Relax pretty boy. I'm over her," I feel even more disgusted. I hear his fading footsteps, he was going somewhere. I did not like this. "Alex how do you trust him?"

"I don't," his tone nonchalant. "Then why are doing this? Is this because Ange-"

"Don't mention his name," he glares into space. "Give me a reason why then! Why?" I so desperately want to hear his reason. I internally applause myself as I was able to untie myself. I free my hands from the tangles but still keep the rope in my hand. I might just need it.

"Why don't you understand that I'm doing this for you? For us. I-" Thank God he was close because I managed to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, the girl stumbled back, while he was still on the ground, groaning and cussing, I untie the ropes around my legs. Once I'm free, I grab the wooden stool and crush it on his back. He groans.

I quickly make way towards the girl. I had a strong feeling I needed to get to her. I untie her hands quickly so she can do so to her legs. Right as I'm about to take off the hood on her head- somebody grabs a handful of my hair. "Bitch,"

"How did you let her go, you sissy?" Denzil's voice booms through the warehouse. Then I hear sirens. Police sirens.

I feel him freeze under his grip. I take this as a chance to elbow him in the gut, with all the power I have, I push him into a mirror and he breaks the whole thing. Feel pain bitch.

"You insolent dickhead, you don't deserve to be called a pussy. It's more relevant than your entire existence anyways. I hope you rot in hell, maybe we might even meet. Who knows? I might finish you off there," I don't know where I got the time to tell him all that- but I did. "Have you forgotten me?"

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, fully aware that I sound like a broken record. "It's for the both of us princess, we're in this together. I can't go down alone-"

"Excuse me?"

I hear the sirens going louder and louder by the second. He grabs out his gun, I look at him, not having a care in the world. Nothing shocked me anymore. "Kill me, I don't even care. I've wanted to die since I was a year 8 year old me that was turning 9. Go ahead and pull the same trigger," I raise the gun to my heart. My damaged heart. Overused and stabbed repeatedly. "Don't you understand that I love you and I'm doing this for us?"

"This isn't love Alex. I would've loved you, but I would've hated myself and been ashamed of myself if I did. I deserve better than a psychotic bastard. But unfortunately, I didn't even realize that I do hate and myself- because I love you anyways but this here, this ain't love," I walk away from him. He was going to kill me, I knew that.

But little did I know he'd kill someone else. That innocent girl. The sound of the gunshot echoed, I ran back to her, to see her. Once I uncovered her, my heart stopped. It was the orange headed girl- my sister,


From that day on, it didn't matter who I hated. It didn't matter if Denzil was dead, if I hated Alex, she was gone. All because she was trying to save me. She risked her precious life, for my miserable one.

I didn't want to forgive her, but I did. She was my sister, she died for me. Something somebody's done and I made a promise to her before she closed her eyes- I'd live the life she left to me, happy.

beautiful readers this is the end for book 1.

to see the sequel preview, scroll down!

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