
Alcohol is banned!


When Jiang Ai Yue opened her eyes, instead of the bluish ceiling of her room,what welcomed her was an unfamiliar grey ceiling.

Fully registering what she saw, she jolted up awake and she instantly regretted her movement. Ai Yue felt that her brain must've turned mushy overnight and now she was having a splitting headache.

Holding her forehead, she tried to think about last night's events because she clearly have no memory of climbing this unfamiliar bed.

Wait a second.

"Where the hell am I?!" Jiang Ai Yue examined the room she was in but it was just a simple room with not much furniture in it. Realization dawned in and she felt like jumping from the window.

This was a man's room!!!!

Why is she lying on a man's bed?!

Jiang Ai Yue's fear turned for the worst when the dress that she was wearing was completely different from what she has on her body at the moment. She was having a breakdown and forced herself to remember what happened yesterday.

Was she defiled?! Is her chastity gone?!

Jiang Ai Yue's anxiety was kicking in and her thoughts turned more paranoid. She was pretty assured that she was safe because she was with Chen SyaoRan but she was wrong. She gasped. Was she kidnapped from the party?! And then... and then... was raped?!

Jiang Ai Yue was confused on what to do. She felt like crying but at the same time she have to runaway to escape. Even if she was still dizzy and her balance all wobbly, she climbed off the bed and walked to the window. It was an unfamiliar scenery and she got even more scared. How should she runaway?

The door of the room opened and Jiang Ai Yue froze on the spot. Is it the kidnapper??

"You're awake. Are you okay?" When she heard that familiar voice, she turned her head towards the direction of the door. All her previous thoughts and paranoia wiped away replaced by relief.

"Syao...Ran..." Her wobbly feet gave up and she was forced onto the floor into a sitting position.

Chen SyaoRan panicked when she saw her suddenly fall on the ground. He quickly approached her to help her up when she saw tears falling down on her cheeks. SyaoRan grew more worried. Is she still in pain?

"Ai Yue, tell me where is it painful?!" He kneeled in front of her, wanting to carry her but she just shook her head.

"No, I was just scared." Jiang Ai Yue wiped her tears with her hand as she faintly laughed at her previous thoughts.

God, she didn't know she was such a paranoid person.

Listening to her words, he realized that Jiang Ai Yue must've been so scared to wake up in an unfamiliar place. Especially after what happened last night, she was surely terrified.

"Sorry. I was supposed to be watching over you but I left you alone when you woke up." Chen SyaoRan pulled her to his chest and patted her hair to comfort her.

"It's fine." Jiang Ai Yue pulled away a bit from him. "I just panicked when my clothes was changed into something different when I don't remember changing them. I thought I was taken away and raped somewhere you know." She faintly laughed at her ridiculousness.

"You're with me. I won't ever let you be harmed under my supervision you know."SyaoRan wiped away the rest of her tears on her cheeks.

"I brought breakfast. Do you want to eat?"


Chen SyaoRan assisted her to the bed and laid the tray in front of her. She looked at the bowl of egg drop soup and took a spoonful.

"Is it good?" Chen SyaoRan asked as he watched her eat.


"That's good."

Her spoon stopped moving and she looked at Chen SyaoRan with curious eyes. She remembered something that she wanted to ask.

"How did I get here? What happened last night? I only remember getting drunk and there was some weird guy that talked to me. Anything after that was all fuzzy but it felt like I did something I shouldn't have done afterwards." She tried to recollect last night's memory but a wave of headache hits her before she could think even more.

"You were so dead drunk last night that I had to bring you to the nearest villa that I have for rest." Chen SyaoRan lied. He wasn't going to tell her that she got drugged by an aphrodisiac by one of her crazy fans else she get more scared.

"Really? Did I just get drunk? Nothing more? Why do I feel like I'm supposed to remember something important other than that??" Jiang Ai Yue placed her chin on her hands and wondered.

"What important thing?" Chen SyaoRan quickly changed the subject and lightly hit the middle of her with a handchop. "You should be more concerned about the fact that you drank alcohol when you're not even at the right age to drink. What's worse was you got so drunk you're not even aware of your surroundings. Pray tell me Ai Yue, how should I report these things to Uncle Jiang and Aunt Jiang?"

When the topic of her parents knowing that she stole the car from the garage and above all that, her major offense of underage drinking, she knew she could say goodbye to her dream car for her next year's birthday.

Jiang Ai Yue quickly pleaded for leniency from Chen SyaoRan. "No, please no. Not only Mom and Dad would kill me but my brothers will hack me to death as well." She felt like crying from her misfortune.

She should really stop rebelling against Chen SyaoRan's words in the future. He clearly knows how to make her parents side with him everytime she made misdeeds in the past. Right now, Jiang Ai Yue was at SyaoRan's mercy.

"Are you going to keep driving again?"

She quickly shook head. She won't drive until she gets her license. At this rate, she won't even have a car to drive.

"Are you going drink alcohol again?"

She shook her head again. Maybe not until she's old enough to drink.

Chen SyaoRan grew up together with Jiang Ai Yue for 10 years and partnered with the techniques he learned from the military, he could read the smallest change in her expression. She knew that the she would be drinking again once she turns 21 and from last night's events, he knew Ai Yue has low alcohol tolerance. Who gets drunk from a glass of champagne?

"You're not allowed to touch alcoholic drinks again, do you understand?" SyaoRan warned her.

Jiang Ai Yue complained. "What?! But why? What if I'm already 21? Can't I still drink?"

"No means no." Chen SyaoRan is very firm on his words. It's either he risks Jiang Ai Yue being taken advantage of while drunk or getting herself on harm's way without him around, both situations are not okay with him. He will eradicate such thoughts on her mind to prevent any accidents in the future.

"But SyaoRan!!" She pleaded. Hey, she really wanted to try more drinks you know. She got even more excited to turn 21 but SyaoRan was shooting those dreams down quickly at this moment.

Chen SyaoRan pulled out his phone from the pocket. "Let me just call Auntie Jiang for a minute." He pulled out his contacts and attempted to dial the number when Jiang Ai Yue finally raised the white flag.

"I promise okay! Don't call Mom. I won't drink anymore. I mean ever!" She even raised her right hand to look more sincere. Her car was more important than the alcohol.

"You promise?"

Jiang Ai Yue nodded. "Promise!"

Chen SyaoRan finally smiled at her and rubbed her head. "Good girl."

She pouted wanting to slap away his hand but she doesn't want to risk facing his wrath again when they just got it over with.

Chen SyaoRan left her for a moment to change to his working clothes. Jiang Ai Yue continued eating when she remembered another important thing. She dropped her spoon and looked for a clock. Damn it, she forgot about the morning interview!!

At that moment, her phone inside her bag rang loudly. It was the ringtone she had set whenever her manager calls and it sounded more like a death song right at this moment.

Dread filled her as she shakily answered the call.


"Jiang Ai Yue, do you know what time it is right now?!" Manager Xing's voice was so loud that it sounded like the call was on speaker.

She looked at the clock on her phone and she got more scared.

"Um...uh...8 am??" She tried laughing it off when her managered angrily responsed to her.

"It's 8 am. Do you know where you should've been at this time?"

"At the station... I'm sorry. I overslept. I'll be there as quick as I can."

"You better be or you can forget about eating your snacks for the whole of next week."

Jiang Ai Yue almost stood up at the threat of food. "I'm on my way!" She desperately wished she could fly at this moment. Why is it so hard to fly? waaah.

After hanging up the call, she finished her food and drank the medicine that Chen SyaoRan told her to take.

"Here's your clothes for the day." Chen SyaoRan brought her a new set of clothes.

"Thanks." Without a second thought, she grabbed it and ran to the bathroom to take a quick bath and fix herself. Her body was reeking if alcohol scent and skipping a bath was not an option. If anyone knew she was drinking, they would instantly kill her.

The both of them left the villa ten minutes after. Thankfully, it was just a 20-minute drive away from the studio and seems like there's no heavy traffic along the way. As long as this keeps up, Jiang Ai Yue still have time left forr retouching her make-up.

Along the ride, Jiang Ai Yue saw Chen Syaoran making a lot of calls on his phone and typing away on the laptop. As the Heir and Director of LuChen Group, he always had a hectic schedule than her. It actually surprised her that he even have time to take her out for a meal at last once a week. Jiang Ai Yue thought that it would've been better if he spent that time resting instead than hanging out with her.At this rate, he will collapse for lack of proper rest.

She removed her sight from SyaoRan and watched the scenery outside.

Jiang Ai Yue wondered if she should start turning down his offer for dinner sometimes. That way, he can get rest and relax even for just a bit. Jiang Ai Yue knew that Chen SyaoRan always takes care of her ever since she was a kid. Despite all his scoldings, he would still stay beside her, comfort her and help her whenever she needs help. He would teach and help her out in her studies, he accompanied her everytime she wants to go somewhere, he taught her a bit of martial arts so that she could protect herself from perverts and many other things.

Chen SyaoRan supported her decisions most of the time and she was more comfortable in confiding her thoughts to SyaoRan than to her parents. Jiang Ai Yue realized that all this time, she was actually so dependent on Chen SyaoRan.

She wondered what if he finally decides to settle down and finds the person he would love and spend the rest if his life with? What would happen to her? Would he ignore her if that happens?

She felt a small pang on her chest when such thoughts played in her mind. Maybe, she'll be suffer quite a bit and it would take quite some time before she gets used without his presence around her. But it's fine, I would always support his happiness. It would be her turn to support his decisions and happiness.

Jiang Ai Yue unconsciously sighed.

"What's that sigh for?" Chen SyaoRan asked as he lifted his gaze to the dozing childhood friend if his.

"Oh, nothing! Just thinking about the possible ways my manager would do to kill me for being late." Ai Yue quickly thought of an excuse. It's not like she can tell him that she was thinking about him right?

Chen SyaoRan would surely remember and tease her about her having a secret crush on him.

"Hmm...goodluck with that. Just don't forget to eat your lunch and dinner. Don't skip a single meal but don't overeat." He flatly warned her.

Jiang Ai Yue knew that his tone sounded like he doesn't care but only she knew how many times she heard him speak this familiar line countless times.

"I will."


Jiang Ai Yue finally waved goodbye to Chen SyaoRan after he dropped her off in front of the station.

Watching her gradually walk away from the car, Chen SyaoRan's lips turned upward. He remembered the articles that his secretary sent to him in the morning and he couldn't help but be a bit nervous and excited.

What happened last night was not within his plans but knowing what will happen the next day, Chen SyaoRan did not plan on blocking it. Maybe it's time for him to make Jiang Ai Yue realize his intentions.

"Oh my god, it's Ai Yue!"

"My Queen, we love you!!"

"Please marry me, Ai Yue!"

Jiang Ai Yue walked past the crowd of fans waiting at the entrance of the station. She gave them a quick greeting before going directly to the shoot location.

"Quickly sit on the chair." Her make-up artist told her when she saw her come. Only 10 minutes left before the morning interview starts. She rushed to get changed and have her hair fixed before going to the set.

While getting fixed, Manager Xing Ning handed her the list of questions from the interviewer. She skimmed over it when she noticed some weird questions.

"When the hell did I become SyaoRan's girlfriend?!" Jiang Ai Yue blurted out.


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