
Chapter 18

"Captain Hitsugaya!"

The shout resounded from behind Rangiku Matsumoto, and promptly, she paused in her duty of moving towards the Head Captain to stare back.

She couldn't see too far back anymore, but that didn't matter when all she had to do was look at the Western sky of the Soul Society. Sheets and sheets of ice covered the air in a dome-like defence, yet she could see countless holes littering the entire mass.

Her lips pursed together. She knew of only one person with the ability and spiritual reserves to generate a substantial amount of ice in a short period of time, and that was her Captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Cracks were soon emerging, and moments later, the entire sheet of ice shattered into pieces, hailing down towards the ground with stones of ice the size of houses. Falling atop tiled roofs and buildings alike, it was clear from just the sound she could hear, that the damage was exceedingly detrimental. However, she didn't really care about that. Building and structures could be replaced, but not the Shinigami who were crushed beneath.

There was a reason why weaker Shinigami are forced to retreat during a battle between Captain-Class Shinigami, and that was because of the danger of being drawn in. It was even more so in regards to Toshiro whose Zanpakuto effected the weather itself without reserve for enemy or ally.

This was the case of the falling debris in the air. Within seconds though, it all stopped, upturned dust creating clouds of dirt in the air that made it even more difficult to see.


She bit her lip as she thought of what may have had happened to reduce Toshiro's defenses into nothing. Moreover, was the captain alright?

These thoughts plagued her mind, but she resolved herself to move on. After all, her power was lacking in regards to facing off against the torrent of hollows that began storming in from the breached West. Defense would lay in the hands of the Captains.

She could only hope that the other Captains arrived on time to support her own.

What she could do now though, was complete what was asked of her.

Closing her eyes, she turned away from the Western horizon behind her, and opened her eyes in the direction of the center of the Soul Society. She needed to get a move on.

Tapping lightly against the ground, her orange hair dragged behind her as her body accelerated forward.

When Toshiro had first asked her to report to the Head Captain, the situation did not appear as out of control as it was now. Meaning that not only would she go just to report, but she decided to ask for reinforcements as well.

Only, that she didn't expect to run into someone else on the way.

"Is there anything of the matter Lieutenant?" Aizen spoke.

He had appeared in front of Rangiku just as she turned the corner of the nearest building towards Squad One's barracks.

"I have information to convey to the Head Captain," Rangiku quickly responded after giving a curt nod.

Aizen stood silent for a moment before giving a reassuring smile. "No need lieutenant," he spoke before gazing towards the sky at the increasing number of hollows. "I'm sure that whatever you'd report now, its significance would no longer be relevant. Therefore, it is better to use your strength as a Lieutenant to better defend the Seiretei."

Aizen's words caused Rangiku to hesitate. After all, Aizen's words were reasonable. The information she had to report was of a dire breach, yet this report was already evident from the number of hollows appearing within the West. In which case, the Head Captain may have already sent reinforcements without her needing to ask. Wasn't that why Aizen was here?

In a way, the information would just be outdated and irrelevant.


"I understand Captain, but there's another matter that can not be assessed so easily by assumption," Rangiku said.

Aizen raised a brow.

"It's true that the Head Captain and many others may already know that the West has been breached, and may also have already sent reinforcements, but I need to inform them of how the breach occurred. Otherwise, we may not be able to mount an appropriate defence."

"O." A sharp light entered Aizen's eyes, his curiosity having been piqued. "And that would be?"

Rangiku furrowed her brows as she considered speaking her mind.

It was just a speculation, but perhaps it was worth reporting. She had been there to witness the oddity of that red spear as it pierced through the barrier generated by the sekkiseki rock surrounding the Seireitei. Perhaps it was the cause of the breach if even Captain Soifon would risk blowing her cover just to wordlessly alert Captain Toshiro of the danger.

Still, was Captain Aizen trustworthy enough to share this information with?

Out of all the Captains, Aizen was without a doubt the most well liked by others in the Seireitei. In that case, didn't his reputation alone prove his worth?

She came to a decision and began to narrate what she and Captain Toshiro had seen first hand.

The expression on Aizen's face seemed to shift from one of calm, to something harder to describe; peculiar would be the closest thing to it.

Seeing that her piece was done, Rangiku bowed and walked past Aizen and moved towards Squad One's barracks directly ahead.

Aizen pushed up his glasses, and suddenly stopped Rangiku before she could go any further.

Rangiku raised a brow, and was growing increasingly impatient due to the severity of the situation. "Is there anything more you need Captain?" She asked curtly.

"About that, if you're insistent on going, then I would like to trouble you with a few other important matters," Aizen said before quickly conveying his intentions.

As Rangiku listened, she couldn't help but be surprised with Captain Aizen's forethought. His reputation within the Seireitei was well deserved as it would seem.

Rangiku didn't bother with pleasantries anymore after Aizen finished speaking. Instead, as a resounding impact echoed in the distance, she just nodded her head before turning to leave.

But at the same time, the sound of heavy footsteps entered her ears.

What appeared in front of her was a squad of brutes, savages, and warmongers, but she couldn't be anymore thrilled if just a little apprehensive as Aizen gave a short nod before assimilating with them.

It was Squad Eleven, lead by the strongest Shinigami to earn the title of Kenpachi who stood at the front.

He was a man of tall build, his toned muscles visible from the groove created from his loose haori and kosode. In his hands was a jagged blade with a leather grip fashioned with a criss-cross pattern that led down to the pommel and up the rounded hilt. Bells were tied to his pointed black hair which resembled a starfish; each tinkling with every step the man took forward.

On his face was a scar that ran vertically down his left eye, and his other eye was covered by a black eye-patch. Yet, what was the most disturbing about the man was not the little pink haired child hanging off his shoulder, but the savage smile and murderous aura the man exuded.

His name was Zaraki Kenpachi.

Captain of Squad Eleven.


Toshiro pulled the red spear from out of his arm with a pained grunt before watching it fade away into small particles of Spirit Energy.

Soon after, he stared in shock along with the rest of his returning squad at the collapsing form of the ice barrier he had created prior. Numerous buildings were crushed from its debris, and even some Shinigami were caught beneath and killed, leaving a bitter feeling in his chest.

What was worse, was that not only did the barrier of ice he created break, but so too did the natural barrier emitted outwards from the Sekkiseki stone which was restoring itself at an abysmal rate.

The situation was not something one would call dire at first, rather, it had still been manageable up until the point all the hollows began charging in.

"Where are the other Captains?!" Tohiro called to his seated officers, ripping of a piece of his haori and tying it to his arm to staunch the bleeding.

One his seated officers moved forward to report. "Sir, the other Captains have already been informed and are on their way. It's just that due to the distribution of placements, they can't all get here at once and will take time."

Toshiro cursed inwardly before raising his sword up. "Then we must make that time," he spoke as his eyes assessed the situation. "Gather the rest of the squad and prevent the hollows from dispersing into the Seireitei. It would be a catastrophe other wise as the amount of damage they can do is immeasurable."

Even more so when the weakest is an Adjuchas.

Toshiro couldn't help but click his tongue after the initial assessment. "GO!" He yelled, his tone expressing his urgency.

With that said, those of squad Ten and the nearby Shinigami who had heard Toshiro's instructions began undertaking them.

Releasing a sigh, Toshiro looked up at the enemy who had been silently floating up in the air, his face paling.

Vasto Lordes.




The number of them was just too horrifying. There must have been at least seven of them, maybe even more hidden within the crowd of Adjuchas.

One moment he blinked, and in the next, over half of the Vasto Lordes were gone.

Toshiro's eyes widened. "Be careful!" He yelled.

The Vasto Lordes scattered in all directions, destroying anything in their way with their sheer strength alone. Only one had remained behind.

Despite his warnings, his squad members could not possibly prepare themselves to defend against the attack of a Vasto Lorde.

Screams echoed out at the Western wall, a cero ripping through a formation set up by the seated officers, and another being disrupted with a single swing.

"Shit," Toshiro cursed, taking action against the groups of Adjuchas that quickly followed the backs of the dispersing Vasto Lordes.

"Hyorinmaru!" He called, swinging his sword with his left arm and forming arcs of ice that accelerated forward. Under the ice's effect, nearly a quarter of the Adjuchas that entered the Seireitei were encased in ice.

The lone Vasto Lordes narrowed his eyes upon seeing this before raising a hand. And from it appeared the red spear.

Toshiro's eyes immediately dilated as the wound on his arm began to act up. It was this very spear that allowed the hollows the ability to bypass the Seireitei's defences.

In Toshiro's eyes, the Vasto Lorde in front of him became the priority target. If that Vasto Lorde went down, then so to did the hollows ability to bypass the Seireitei's defences. Even more so when any other defence they could come up with would be created by spiritual energy much like the ice that he had used to cover the sky. And in that case,

The ice encasing the Adjuchas shattered upon contact with the red spear.

It would all be futile.

There was no longer anytime to assess the opponent's abilities. He had to act now.

"Bankai: Daiguren Hyōrinmaru,"

Bankai was a Zanpakuto's second and final released form, granting their wielder an immense increase in strength and versatility. Normally, one would need an extensive amount of practice and hardship to unlock this second stage, thus making it a crowning achievement. This was evident as only Captains have currently unlocked their Bankai in the Seireitei. In Toshiro's case, his allowed him significantly elevated control over ice.

From the pommel of Hyorinmaru, ice began to crawl up Toshiro's arm until it created wings of ice around his back, and then promptly covered his arms and legs before forming a tail. A dragon's head made out of ice acted as Hyorinmaru's hilt.

Layers of frost covered Toshiro's entire body, three flowers of ice forming around him each with four purple petals shaped like diamonds.

"You," Toshiro spoke, pointing his sword forward. "Who are you?"

It wasn't quite apparent, but he had noticed something in the hollows behaviour.

Because it was the sole Vasto Lorde in front of him that the rest differed to. If he could somehow defeat him, then perhaps the rest would be far easier to deal with. It was already too late to stop the hollows from dispersing into the Seireitei, therefore, Toshiro had to think of other methods.

The hollow before him was pale all over, and appeared human. Its arms and legs covered with hollow bone armour possessing tribal markings that ran up and down. From its narrowed auburn eyes, Toshiro could tell that this Vasto Lorde was far different from a regular hollow.

"My name is of no concern, but you can just call me Shirou," the Vasto Lorde spoke. "I only have a single question for you, and I urge you to answer truthfully."

Shirou's eyes shone with a calm light, the spear in his hand fading away as the spiritual energy around him became chaotic.

"Where is she?" Shirou asked. "The one you took in the Human World."

Toshiro's scalp began to tingle, his hairs standing on end as his mind thought of Mayuri Kurotsuchi and blanked. Knowing Mayuri as well as he did, even if he were to agree to return the hollow without the orders of the Head-Captain, there was no guarantee of the hollow's survival under Mayuri's examinations.

Even then, it was impossible to tell Shirou where Silent was due to Squad Twelve's barracks being near the Central Forty-six. Similarly, multiple technological buildings were also located there; the monitoring devices for the Human World for example. Knowing the nature of hollows, it was not in the Soul Society's best interests to allow hollows entry.

"I can't answer that," Toshiro spoke grimly. "Just know that it is impossible for you to have your way within the Soul Society."

Just as Hueco Mundo was the home ground of hollows, The Soul Society was the home ground of Shinigami. There was a reason why no unit of Shinigmai ever returned from Hueco Mundo, and there was a reason why no group of Hollows invading the Soul Society ever returned either.

The advantage of the Home Field and number.

Shirou didn't speak, instead, he just looked on at the hollows that came with him scattering across the Seireitei in search of Silent. He wasn't a fool, and he knew that by doing so the risks only increased by spreading their numbers thin. Therefore, the faster he could deal with the Shinigami in front of him, the faster he could aid the others and Silent.

"Then step aside," Shirou spoke. "I don't hold any grudges with the Shinigami, but I won't allow you all to take a comrade."

Toshiro tensed, blood flowing out of his injured arm which he then promptly froze. He didn't move from his spot, making it clear to Shirou of where he stood. He would not allow Shirou to do as he wished in the Soul Society.

Multiple bangs echoed out in the distance, and both Toshiro and Shirou glanced at the directions.

Everywhere, the fighting had exploded.

When Shirou had first sent Starrk, Harribel, Ulquiorra, and the rest to search within the Seireitei, he was sure that they would be apprehended by Shinigami eventually, but he didn't expect for it to be this soon. The only upside was that only four of them had been stopped while the others continued to spread out within the Seireitei.

Harribel stood in front of Kaname Tousen, and not too far away from her was Sung-Sun, Apacci, and Mila-Rose who stood before Sajin Komamara.

Toshiro let out a sigh of relief. There was no way he could have had handled the situation by himself, and knowing the Head-Commander, reinforcements may already be on their way.

"Give it up hollow," Toshiro spoke coldly. "You can't win."

"The thing is," Shirou spoke slowly. "I can't do that. And if you would block my way, then I'm afraid I have no choice. Trace, On."

Toshiro's brows furrowed in contemplation about the phrase Shirou spoke, but disregarded it in favour of increasing his guard. This hollow wasn't normal in any way, and looking at it now, his way of thinking bordered only on the conservative.

Before, Toshiro had already speculated that Shirou had the ability to create an odd type of red spear, but the evidence spoke otherwise.

"Kanshou and Bakuya," Shirou spoke, introducing the weapons that appeared in his hands.

For a second, Toshiro didn't know what to think. A hollow possessing a named blade reminiscent of a Zanpakuto? If he hadn't seen it, he would never have had believed it. Yet, it was clear through Toshiro's eyes that the weapon in Shirou's hands was not an authentic Zanpakuto.

The energy and feel was different.

After all, a Zanpakuto was an extension of a Shinigami's soul. Still, it was unheard of for a hollow to possess something so similar. Toshiro's suspicions only rose before he decided that it was best to observe the situation carefully.

The battle began like a storm.

Hyorinmaru, the Lord of the frosted skies roared as multiple sleek dragons of ice accelerated forward.

This was an extensive ability of Hyorinmaru. Each slash had the capability of unleashing the head of an ice dragon forward. Even the claws of ice on Toshiro's arms and legs were capable of extending outwards to attack.

Shirou narrowed his eyes and immediately engaged, tossing Kanshou forward in an arc while two-handing Bakuya.

He had fought against Baraggan.

He had fought against the speed and destructive power of Grimmjow.

"Speed, lacking," Shirou dove into one of Toshiro's slashes, and rammed his elbow forward.

Toshiro dry heaved, but immediately reacted as he saw Bakuya's edge gleam in sight.

Toshiro kicked forward, using a slab of ice to strike against one of Shirou's elbows, before promptly disarming Bakuya with an extended spike of ice.

Shirou backed to make distance.

Utilizing this chance, Toshiro struck out, ice forming at the tip of his blade and extending forward to close the distance.

Mouth twitching in disbelief, Toshiro's attack was stopped by a single uninjured hand.

"Power," Shirou crushed the blade of ice in his grip. "Weak."

Toshiro's forehead creased, but he refused to believe his capabilities were so low. He was a Captain. Even if he was facing a Vasto Lorde, the disparity shouldn't be this large.

The ability and strength this hollow displayed was shocking.

Yet with renewed determination, Toshiro initiated the attack, neglecting the thrown Kanshou that was spinning in the air.

Shirou didn't speak a word as Toshiro attacked. Another copy of Kanshou appeared in his hand to replace the first one as he parried with his sword style.

The disparity in sword play soon became quite evident.

Still, Toshiro was sure that he had disarmed Shirou numerous times, yet in every instance, a new sword took the displaced sword's place. It was only after several of such encounters that Toshiro realized that something was wrong. He had disarmed so many, yet he had not heard a single clang of steel impacting against the ground. Similarly, Shirou did not look at all like he was concerned.

Toshiro's hairs stood on ends when moments later, a buzzing sound appeared near his ears.

Swerving his head to the left, his eyes dilated upon seeing a strand of his silver hair missing from a rotating Kanshou.

And there wasn't just one.

Every single copy of Kanshou and Bakuya he had disarmed were spinning around him like a vortex, and in front of him stood an impassive looking Shirou.

"If you won't help me, then all that's left is to make sure you can't harm anyone else," Shirou said, tossing Kanshou and Bakuya directly at Toshiro.

Sweat collected on Toshiro's brows before he cursed as the blades all homed in on him, following the trajectory of the thrown blades.

"Sit upon the frosted heavens, Hyorinmaru!" Toshiro yelled, encasing himself within a dome of ice as resounding explosion sent him rocketing across the ground.

Bruises covered his body, the arm that had once already been stabbed by the red spear beginning to swell despite its frozen condition. Numeorus other parts of his body were bleeding, but Toshiro promptly froze them in place. His expression was grim at this point.

Toshiro could feel that his reserves were sitting just over three-quarters, but Shirou did not appear too winded yet despite the small cuts Toshiro was able to land. It was almost laughable really when the high-speed regeneration characteristic of hollows began to act up. Under its effect, Shirou did not appear as if he had just gone through a battle.

Damn it.

Toshiro cursed, placing himself back onto his feet.

Suddenly, the ground shook as a man heavily descended from the sky, cratering the ground with hairline cracks.

It was clearly a Captain-class Shinigami from the haori and spiritual pressure emitted.

"Kenpachi Zaraki," the man introduced grinning at Shirou. "Are you strong?" He then asked.

Evidently, Shirou didn't have to answer as Zaraki came to his own conclusions after looking at the state Toshiro and the surroundings were in.

"Oh Kenny, you found a good one today!" The little girl sitting on top of Zaraki's shoulder exclaimed.

Her name was Yachiro Kusajishi. She had short pink hair that stopped just past her neck to sit around her shoulders, and she wore the same black hakama's that all Shinigami wore. Her face was round, still possessing some of the baby fat known from children of her age. Similarly, her eyes were just as round, staring curiously at Shirou with a hint of playfulness which should not have been present towards one's enemies. In a way, Shirou was reminded of Lilynette, but he quickly got rid of the image in order to concentrate on the next individual who landed beside Zaraki.

"Ikkaku Madarame third seat," the new comer spoke, his eyes glancing around him for an enemy yet growing increasingly frustrated when all he saw was Shirou. "Well, shit. Only the Captain gets to have a good fight."

Ikkaku Madarame was a lean built man with muscles clearly evident behind his black Shinigami garb. He was bald, and had narrow eyes streaked with a dash of red eye-shadow that curved up. His smile though, as he had first arrived, was only beaten by the grin on Zaraki's face.

And with the arrival of this wild and fierce looking Captain holding his jagged sword out with a single hand,

The rest of Squad Eleven had soon arrived.


Looking at the increased number of opponents before him, Shirou could only sigh in relief that the other hollows that had come with him had already scattered within the Seireitei. In which case, they would not have to deal with this large of a force that only Starrk, and perhaps Harribel and the other Vasto Lordes may have a chance of surviving. Individually, a Vasto Lordes was plenty strong to crush a Shinigami, but against large numbers of difficult opponents, it would be hard to determine the winner.

With the scattering of the hollows across the Seireitei, numerous sounds of destruction began to resound as they initiated the search for Silent.

Not only did the hollows searching for Silent do it with vigour, but they also obtained a sense of pride from it. Here they were, hollows indirectly attacking the Soul Society as they pleased while searching nonstop for a companion. It made their blood boil with excitement just thinking that all this was because of the leadership of their King.

While the hollows reveled in their elation, it was only because they had not yet met danger due to Shirou diverting the attention onto himself as planned.

The larger of a mess he made, the more likely he would attract stronger Shinigami to ease the burden on the weaker hollows that followed him, however temporary it was.

Zaraki Kenpachi was one such strong Shinigami.

Yet something else took Shirou's attention aside from the killing intent in Zaraki's eyes.

It was a killing intent for greater than what Zaraki could ever emit at the moment as it was accompanied by an ear-splitting wail of anger.

Shirou couldn't help but stare openly at the fierce expression of the man which hovered above Zaraki's blade.

Nothing could describe it other than 'demon.' It was a beast, with unruly black hair that draped down from over its red bare-chested body. Horns sprouted from its head, bending at odd angles before suddenly spiking up

Its name was Nozorashi.

Almost instinctually, Nozorashi's hollow eyes zeroed in on him, it expression becoming increasingly disturbing.

Seemingly hovering just over Zaraki's blade, Nozorashi immediately appeared before him, stopping its face mere inches away from Shirou's.

"Use me," the voice that came from out of Nozorashi's mouth was like the sound of grating metal. "Call upon my name, and show this world who I really am."

Something stirred from within him, his eyes furrowing as a phrase took root in his mind. Unlimited Blade Works. The world of the lonely hill, and the swords that surrounded it.

On that hill, a jagged sword had formed.

Nozorashi fell silent, its gaze penetrating as a faint golden light exuded from it. It then nodded its head.

"Beaten and worn, chipped yet not defeated, a soul born from blood shed and will,"

A choking sound echoed out within the area, Toshiro and many others not even realizing it was their own.

"Call my name!"

A blade identical to the one in Zaraki's hand appeared in Shirou's, and began transforming under the astonished gazes of everyone present.

"Drink: Nozorashi." The once jagged blade became an axe-like war cleaver with a cloth-wrapped handle and a tassel attached to the top.

Through Shirou's eyes, it was the very picture of a monster of weapon, giving him an almost familiar feeling towards another weapon in his arsenal.

Yet in others eyes, it meant something far different.


Toshiro's expression was beyond just simply disturbed, it was horrified. If before the weapons he had seen Shirou create were enough to cause him confusion, then now, they made him feel something far more. After all, the question still remained of how Shirou was able to create those weapons. It couldn't just be a natural ability where Shirou could make either a spear or a sword, it might be something far more frightening. His mouth dried as his mind created a single conjecture.

Creation through grasping.

Toshiro had seen how Shirou stared at the Zanpakuto Zaraki wielded, and had also seen how moments later an identical copy was created in Shirou's hands. To be promoted into a Captain at such a young age, Toshiro had been very perceptive since young which accounted for his reputation as a genius. It wasn't difficult for him to link together Shirou's actions with the creation of that blade. Even more so when he took into account the root of the origin of what Shirou had spoken prior. 'Trace On.' Trace, that word alone was enough evidence to speculate.

Therefore, Toshiro's heart began to race as he stared at Hyorinmaru, and then began to recount just how long Shirou had to examine it in the fight before paling. C-Could it be possible that Shirou was able to create any Zanpakuto he's ever seen?

Almost as a reflex, Toshiro felt the urge to sheath his blade and hide it away from sight, but he realized it would be useless at this point. Instead, it was better to warn everyone else.

"Don't let him see your Zanpakuto, he can use it against you!" Toshiro yelled gravely, sharing his conjecture of which he was now almost certain of after he noticed the surprised expression on Shirou's face.

Toshiro's words had a devastating effect, as almost all the Shinigami present faltered, staring nervously at Shirou as if he was some monster and not just a hollow. Many even sheathed their swords, unable to stop themselves after realizing that they may just be empowering Shirou. Others were just unwilling to see their Zanpakuto in the hands of another.

A tenuous silence permeated throughout the area which was echoed by the clatter of panicked movements.

And in the silence, only one was there to break it.

Zaraki Kenpachi stepped forward with an expression that wasn't quite as intimidating as usual. Instead, there was something far more peculiar about it. An expression of incomprehension.

In the end, Zaraki could only mutter a single question after staring at the trembling sword in his hand, and then staring at the transformed one in Shirou's.

"What did he say?"

Was the question asked, giving the Shinigami another surprise.

It should have been impossible for Zaraki to not have heard what Shirou had said. After all, everyone had witnessed for the first time the Zanpakuto of the Captain of Squad Eleven. The only Shinigami to have become a Captain without unlocking either forms of his Zanpakuto.

Zaraki wasn't a fool, so he had heard all the words Shirou had spoken before hand. Yet at the most crucial moment, his ears had become deaf upon hearing the name of his Zanpakuto. Thus, out of curiosity, he had asked those around.

Yet none could answer with a straight face. Even then, whenever the rest spoke, he could hear nothing of the sword's name.

Only Shirou knew why though.

In Nozorashi's eyes, Zaraki was not yet worthy. It was a similar case to how Senbonzakura refused to be utilized.

"My blade is one that embodies strength. Under its swing, none shall survive."

Nozorashi swung out in Shirou's arm.

No one in the Soul Society had ever seen Zaraki Kenpachi's Zanpakuto before, and as such, none could prepare themselves for just how devastating it was. Escpecially when Shirou was using it with Nozorashi's full consent.

It was like a slab of meat was put through a meat grinder, the area in front of Shirou collapsed with just the strength of his swing alone.

Building lay ruined, dredges of dirt and debris still flying in the air and falling like meteors towards other sectors of the Seireitei.

Zaraki's eyes widened witnessing the strength of his own Zanpakuto. Even more so when he was heavily knocked back by a simple graze. For the first time, he wondered what it would have been like if he knew his comrade's name.

Toshiro Hitsugaya was not as lucky as Zaraki, his expression frozen in shock as his lower body separated from his torso.

Screams echoed out in the ensuing chaos, more so from Squad Ten who looked at Toshiro in a daze.

Shirou closed his eyes, a bitter feeling in his chest. But he had had no choice but to retaliate after the Soul Society had taken one of his own.

Nozorashi cried out for blood, and Shirou complied.

Under the weight of his onslaught, no Shinigami was able to endure it.

One Shinigami lost an arm, another a leg after attempting to divert Nozorashi's trajectory but failing.

It was like a slaughter house. Wherever Shirou went, numerous Shinigami began fell.

Shirou resolved himself. No matter how many he killed today, this was a result of the Soul Society forcing his hand.

Narrowing his eyes, Shirou placed both hands on the hilt of Nozorashi's blade and swung it at his front just as Zaraki aimed a slash at him.

Sparks fell, and Zaraki gritted his teeth from the pressure of exerting himself. Yet the blood thirsty and battle hungry look on his face was not the one Shirou was expecting.

Numerous allies had died, yet Zaraki didn't even bat an eye and continued fighting.

That was when Shirou noticed it, the layer of frost building at the tip of Nozorashi's blade and tassel.

"Do not assume that you can defeat me so easily," Toshiro's voice appeared from behind Shirou's back, along with a dangerous cold. Yet it was clear from the tone that Toshiro was exhausted with whatever skill he'd used. "For the sake of the Soul Society, you above all hollows here, must die."

Shirou clicked his tongue before exerting his strength and swinging Nozorashi in a circle, forcing both Zaraki and Toshiro back.

He wasn't in the Soul Society because he wanted to be.

He didn't come with any intention of invading.

All that he wanted was to save one of the ones he called 'friend.'

At that moment, an explosion of spiritual energy forcibly traversed through the area, causing Shirou to raise his arm to protect his eyes from the strong winds generated from such a result.

His eyes narrowed.

Such a strong energy should have had originated from an even stronger Shinigami. Good, this way the safety of the others searching would only increase if only temporarily. In that case, it was best to defeat everyone here to nullify the danger, and then aid the rest.

Still, surely the other two Captains must have been affected or have taken notice of a new addition to the fight?

Yet contrary to what he thought, the other two Captains in front of him, Toshiro and Zaraki, did not seem effected in the least as they released their own spiritual energy.

He tensed in preparation for battle.

Because he believed at that point that the fight was only beginning.

Little did he know what would soon befall his eyes.



Shirou couldn't understand what was happening.

One moment, the two Captains in front of him were just about ready to continue their assault on him, and in the next, they began swinging their swords randomly. At times they struck down buildings, and at other times they parried against each other's blades. All the while Zaraki was grinning savagely while bleeding out, and Toshiro appeared to be talking down to his opponent, ready to deal the final blow despite looking so haggard.

The same was happening to every other Shinigami in the area, all seemingly unable to determine what it was they were actually fighting.

Slowly, he lowered his weapon to the dissatisfaction of Nozorashi who began raging within his soul. The whole purpose of why Nozorashi had allowed itself to be used was to abate its fury caused by the injustice Zaraki had subject it to.

Attack! Attack damn it!

Nozorashi raged.

"Shut up fool, you're hurting my head," Kyoka's voice was clipped, having grown increasingly irritated with the new addition. Even worse…

"Well I agree with that fool, hurry up and attack!" Gae Bolg said.

Was the addition of an idiot.

With all the arguments occurring within his head, Shirou momentarily found it hard to concentrate on anything. Even worse, he was the only one who could hear the argument.

Yet, eventually, he collected himself and began to assess the situation.

The Shinigami were acting too weirdly, and what was even more confusing was that some of the hollows still close enough to see his battle didn't appear to notice anything wrong.

It was as if out of everyone present, only he was being effected by this peculiar phenomenon.

"Now that's more like it, bring it ON!"

The sudden voice caused him to tense and raise his guard, only to stare blankly at the scene in front of him.

Ikkaku Madarame, the lieutenant who had introduced himself after Zaraki Kenpachi, was yelling at a wall.

"I swear. In here, and out there, I'm surrounded by brutes with brains the size of peas," Kyoka couldn't help but sigh.

No one consoled her. In fact, Gae bolg and Nozorashi only grunted before glaring.

Nozorashi then clicked his tongue before pulling away its spiritual energy, making the Zanpakuto in Shirou's hands slowly fade away.

"If you will not attack, then it is useless for me to be here," Nozorashi spoke before falling completely silent.

Shirou did not rebut.

Walking slowly, his eyes soon landed on the only Shinigami that did not appear to be affected by the current situation at all, rather, the man was disturbingly calm.

From within his soul, Kyoka suddenly began to become vigorous as the man appeared within her gaze. After all, the one who appeared in front of Shirou was the man she admired and respected the most.

It was Aizen Sosuke.

Next chapter