
Chapter 17

When one stares down into a bottomless abyss, what does one feel at the edge of despair?




They were all similar to what most Shinigami were feeling right now.

Beyond the Seiretei's walls, where the sky was blotted in thick black dots that encompassed the entire horizon, stood a force that unleashed a spiritual pressure that was almost intolerable. It was a sensation similar to one carrying a large burden on their shoulders, and never being able to take it off despite all efforts.

It was excruciatingly painful for the weaker Shinigami who were already in danger of passing out before any form of battle even started. It was only the seated officers and those that possessed enough spiritual energy of their own who remained standing, most of which were Captain-Class Shinigami themselves.

Yamamoto stared grimly at the enemy outside the Sereitei's walls before his eyes shifted back to Kaien Shiba who had a solemn look on his face. It appears that this was what Kaien was warning everyone of, but a King of Hollows? It had never have had been heard of before.

Regardless, it wasn't the time to be thinking of such matters.

Crease marks formed on Yamamoto's brows, before he immediately began to issue orders.

"Shunsui, gather your squad and immediately begin the evacuation of the unseated officers towards the protected shelters near the fourth division," Yamamoto spoke.

"Understood," Shunsui replied, giving a nod to Ukitake before tipping down his wide-rimmed straw-hat and leaving.

"Now for the rest of you," Yamamoto continued, watching the faces of the other captains. "Hitsugaya, Kaname, and Komamura, lead your divisions to reinforce the Western Gates." Yamamoto squinted his eyes in the direction of the horizon, before saying grimly. "They may not last for long."


The expressions on the three captains faces shifted into disbelief. The walls that surrounded the Seiretei were made out of Sekkiseki, a rare type of stone known to negate the effects of spiritual energy, making it incredibly difficult for any attack to damage it. Cero, or Kido, both would prove ineffective against the stone. Only physical strength could bypass the walls, and that was why the Soul Society had Gate Keepers to open and close the gates themselves.

Stunned, none of the Captain called upon could react, standing still in their stupor, and garnering a look of impatience from Yamamoto. Said Captains soon noticed this, and immediately left without another word.

Time was of the importance. They didn't know how the Hollows could break through the gates, but they would prepare for it nonetheless.

Yamamoto hmphed, before sighing and then turned his attention to the rest that remained.

"Aizen, inform squad Eleven of the situation and bolster their strength by providing support with Kido. We are currently lacking a Captain of the Kido Corps, but you yourself have enough knowledge. Thus, I will trust you with this responsibility as I will be sending Squad Eleven to act as the vanguard after getting an approximate reading of the enemy's strength."

Aizen pushed up his glasses after Yamamoto finished speaking and gave his agreement. Promptly leaving the room moments later in the direction of Squad Eleven.

Finished with instructing Aizen, Yamamoto then turned to Soifon. "I will need you to gather intelligence on the enemy. I trust that your information will prove accurate," he stated.

"There will be no errors," Soifon responded swiftly with a nod.

"Good, then go now, and return as soon as possible."

"Understood Head-Captain," Soifon's voice replied, her after-image already fading away after a burst of Shunpo, or Flash-Step.

Shunpo, or Flash Step was a Shinigami movement art that belonged to one of the four basic combat skills of the Shingami that incorporates speed and agility for spurts of instantaneous movement. This technique relied on the user's speed above all; to transverse a distance from point A to point B in as few steps as possible, making it less draining on the user's reserves.

Soifon, Toshiro, Shunsui, Kaname, Komamura, and Aizen having left, only a few Captain were left in the room.

"Well then Head-Captain," Gin smiled as he spoke. "What would you have us do? You obviously must not intend for us to stand idle now, do you?"

Yamamto glanced at Gin, before deciding on a response. "Then direct your squad near the Southern Walls and prepare for any unexpected circumstances," he said.

The Southern Walls were actually one of the more fortified areas of the Sereitei, and for that reason, it was where numerous facilities were situated. Most importantly, the Central-Forty-Six was built near there as well, making it an important location to protect.

It also so happened to allow Squad Three to conveniently support the Western Gate should the other Squads run into trouble.

"Then I'll be taking my leave," Gin said before suddenly pausing and standing silent for a moment in contemplation. He walked out moments later.

Yamamoto closed his eyes, thinking quietly to himself before wordlessly staring at Byakuya Kuchiki, and then to Renji. It didn't take long for him to speak once again as a heavy spiritual pressure thick in a hollows Reiatsu descended on the area.

Yamamoto's hands tightened around his cane as the entirety of his body tensed, yet a silent tap from Unohana caused him to reconsider his actions. "Lt. Abarai," he called. "As Captain Kuchiki is currently incapacitated, you will lead Squad Six and join up with the Twelfth Division nearest the Eastern Walls, and help fortify it."

"U-Understood!" Renji made a clumsy salute, then quickly straightened his back, paid his respects to his Captain, and then left after a troubled glance at Rukia Kuchiki.

No one paid this mind though, as there were more important matters to discuss.

"Now for the rest of you," Yamamoto spoke. "You will all station your Squads near the fourth's barracks in the case of defending the injured and positioning yourselves to aid the other Divisions." Yamamoto then gathered the attention of all Captains present before speaking once more. "If these hollows think that they can invade the Soul Society as they please. They are wrong. And we will show them why."

Accompanied with Yamamoto's words was an aura of authority that permeated throughout the room, and with it, a domineering air. None dared to refute Yamamoto's statement, instead they readied themselves to fulfill their duties.

"Dismissed," Yamamoto said with a tap of his cane, sending reverberations throughout the room.

One by one the remaining Captains exited towards the direction of their own squads with the exception of one.

"Captain Ukitake?" Unohana asked. Unlike the other Captains, Yamamoto had not dismissed Unohana, as he had other things to discuss with her. Because of this, it was her who voiced out the question.

Jushiro Ukitake had a complicated expression on his face, that was more akin to reluctance as he lingered by the entrance of the room. Presently, he was not staring at either Yamamoto, or Unohana, but at Kaien Shiba, and the unconscious Rukia Kuchiki. He swallowed stiffly before turning his attention towards Yamamoto.

"If I may Head-Captain?" Jushiro spoke. "May I ask what you wish to do with them?"

Jushiro's question was only natural. Both of the two were part of his Squad. One as his sole Lieutenant, and the other a Seated Officer. Both were people he thought highly of and wished to protect.

A light flashed in Unohana's eyes as she stared fixedly at Jushiro, who shivered, feeling as if Unohana knew exactly what it was that was going through his head.

"Those matters should not concern you, Captain," Yamamoto said with a sigh, yet he didn't stop there. "But as the leader of these two, I can only say with surety that the order towards Rukia Kuchiki from the Central-Forty-Six will not be changed. As for Lt. Kaien Shiba…He was right in his decision to not come back. Laws are not meant to be broken, and possessing the power and spiritual energy of a hollow is a violation of what we stand for as Shinigami. Just like back then in regards to the old Captain, this rule has not changed. In the mean time, he will be held captive with Rukia Kuchiki in the Northern most tower where he will likely be purified by the Sokyoku to have his soul rest in peace. Thus, redeeming himself under the laws of the Soul Society."

Jushiro's hands clenched into fists, yet his expression remained the same.

"Captain," Kaien spoke softly, his eyes staring down towards the wooden floor. "I already knew this would happen, and have already resolved myself to meet Miyako in the next life. Otherwise, I would not be here. Take my warning as my final contribution to the Soul Society, and promise me you'll watch over my brother and sister," Kaien smiled wryly. "Kukaku's never been the most reasonable, and Ganju still has a lot to learn, but all the same, please continue to take of them. I already knew my absence would affect the situation of the Shiba Clan, but I knew you wouldn't leave Kukaku to handle such matters on her own until she grew used to them. I'll also ask the same of you, Head-Captain," Kaien finished, bowing his head.

Yamamoto's eyes lit up in silent admiration. Even under a death sentence, Kaien thought not of his own situation, but the situation of others. Going as far as to continue to dedicate himself to the Soul Society despite his own unfortunate circumstance.

"It is within my power," Yamamoto spoke, drawing an audible sigh of relief from Kaien.

Kaien lifted his head and stared at Yamamoto, and then to Jushiro. "One last request," he spoke.

"Speak," Yamamoto's voice was stern, but one could see a bitter sentiment in his following actions, as Yamamoto seemed to become the frail old man his appearance suggested. After all, he had already seen too many outstanding Shinigami perish in the line of duty. This was just another case.

"My siblings, Kukaku and Ganju," Kaien seemed to hesitate. "Don't let them know that I'm back. Knowing Kukaku, she won't stand idle."

Kukaku was Kaien Shiba's younger sister. Her personality was brash, and she was also quite impulsive at times. Most of all, she was head strong and would not stand for injustices. Ever since Kaien was presumed dead, and Miyako had passed, she had become even more uncontrollable. If she found out that Kaien was still alive, but was going to be executed just because of his existence, she may very well blast a hole into the Seireitei and inadvertently aid the hollows. After all, aiding hollows or not, she would never allow her older brother to be executed just because of breaking a rule he could not help but break just by being alive.

Of the two people being addressed by Kaien, Jushiro Ukitake and Head-Captain Yamamoto, it was clearer for Jushiro to understand what Kaien was implying.

After all, with Kaien as Jushiro's Lieutenant, Jushiro had often interacted with Kukaku and was familiar with her to a degree.

For Yamamoto, Kaien's request was just another matter that could be easily dealt with in consideration for the loyalty Kaien was displaying. In fact, he even preferred if Kaien died with the least amount of pain.

Regardless, the two individuals addressed agreed, although reluctantly on Jushiro's part as he knew what it meant to Kukaku and Ganju knowing that Kaien was still alive. Those siblings cherished each other, and it became even more apparent after Kaien's supposed death; Kukaku choosing to relocate the Shiba Clan compound outside of the Seireitei to move away from political conflicts.

"Then I'll be on my way," Jushiro spoke stiffly, bowing towards Yamamoto before nodding his head towards Unohana before freezing, and then feigning ignorence.

For all the bravado and calm Jushiro was displaying, it was evident through Unohana's experienced eyes that Jushiro was greatly troubled by the matter. However, unlike Yamamoto who knew of such things already yet didn't act on them, she would at least give a reminder of the situation.

"The Seireitei is under attack by a massive force of Hollows, this is not a time for Discord but Unity instead. I hope you take this to heart, Captain," Unohana said calmly as Jushiro left.

Jushiro's back straightened, looking at Unohana in shock for an instant before returning to normal.

Jushiro unclenched his fists then breathed out a sigh. "Understood Captain Unohana. I will keep it in mind."

With that, Jushiro left the room.

Yamamoto hummed in thought, feeling out at the fluctuations of spiritual energy present in the air, and the brief flashes of red that appeared just by the horizon. His mouth set into a thin line, his eyes narrowed, and a nostalgic bloodlust arising from within him. He could no longer remember the last time any kind of hollow dared to attack the Soul Society, but his body still remembered the battles of old.

He was Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Squads and its founder. He was the oldest among Shinigami, the most traditional, and the most loyal, expecting nothing less from his subordinates. However, he was once known under a different name.


Head Instructor of the pre-existing Genji School, and the strongest Shinigami to have had ever lived.

"Head-Captain, something feels off about this entire matter," Unohana spoke.

Yamamoto raised a brow. "Go on," he said.

"The Soul Society is being attacked for the sole reason of saving a single hollow that Captain Mayuri has taken to his labs?" Unohana voiced her concerns. "Not that I don't detest such actions to a degree, but Captain Mayuri has been doing so for many years, and has brought about his own contributions as a result. However, not once has a situation like this ever turned up. It is…unprecedented."

The nature of a hollow as discussed by the academics in the Soul Society was based solely around a hollow's evolution and life-style. From the moment a hollow is born, the instinct to feed would drive them to act against spiritually aware humans and even their own kind. As such, survival did not just depend on safety in numbers, but safety in one's own strength. This was why the base strength of any Vasto Lorde was so astounding. They were hollows able to survive countless battles and evolve to their prime state through their own efforts. Yet as a byproduct of such a lifestyle, hollows did not naturally seek to live in groups. After all, it was more likely that they would be betrayed and eaten should they succumb to a weakened state. Thus, it was absurd to believe that the selfishness of any hollow would allow them to mount an attack on the Soul Society just for a 'presumed' comrade.

Yet there must only be a single reason for it.

"And it all comes down to a sole being. In the end Head-Captain," Unohana's gaze was riveted towards the direction of the defending walls, and towards the eyes of a figure in the distance. A frown soon appeared over her face as the figure then disappeared behind a massive group of hollows.

Yet the impression she was able to get from the figure was lasting. From how tight Yamamoto was gripping his cane, it was clear that he had developed his own impression on the figure as well.

A stillness descended across the room that could make any other person feel stifled. Ignoring this, Unohana voiced the only question on her mind.

"Who was this King of Hollows?"

Silence once again permeated throughout the room, the only sounds coming from Byakuya's soft breaths. From there, it didn't take long before Yamamoto himself began to move, pausing by the door as he gave instructions to Unohana while answering her question.

"I do not know what kind of being he is, nor should we place much importance on it. This King of Hollows is threatening the well being of the Soul Society, and that alone is enough of a reason to act. For now, I will be heading towards the center of the Seireitei. There are a few matters I have to deal with, but in the mean time, please watch over Captain Kuchiki, and prepare yourself and your squad to receive the injured," Yamamoto said before pausing.

A bang resounded throughout the Seireitei, sending tremors through the ground, and reverberating within the buildings, threatening to collapse them.

"It won't be long before this battle begins."


Bodies were sprawled out against the ground on the dirty streets near the outer districts of the Rukongai located outside of the Seireitei's walls.

The Rukongai was the largest portion of the Soul Society and the most populated. It was divided into a series of three-hundred-and-twenty districts with eighty allocated in each lateral and longitudinal direction. The divisions of the districts also represented the well being and general life style of the inhabitants. Those districts closer to the Seireitei's walls were the most orderly and well maintained while the outer districts fifty or greater received a drastic difference in livability. It was like a process of decay where the farther the district was from the Seireitei's walls, the worse the living conditions became, resembling that of a slum rather than any sophisticated society.

But regardless, of such facts, what mattered at the moment was the overbearing spiritual pressure bearing down on the Rukongai's inhabitants.

They were not protected by the walls of the Soul Society and were thus under the mercy of the army of hollows that had suddenly just appeared. They numbered in the hundreds, and were composed of many strong hollows, the weakest of which were the Adjuchas-Class.

Soifon moved swiftly throughout the Rukongai, her eyes never straying from the movements of the hollows above her. It was strange though.

Despite the hollows having arrived at the Soul Society, they have not attacked a single resident of the Rukongai who were all literally defenceless under the might of even a single regular hollow. Perhaps some of the more promising spiritually strong souls could survive an encounter with a hollow, but with an Adjuchas-Class hollow? It was impossible even with training unless one had unlocked their Zanpakuto. This being the case, with the sheer number of souls living within the Rukongai, why then did these hollows numbering in the hundreds not feast, and instead direct their entire attention on breaking through the Seireitei's walls?

Instinctively, she already knew the answer, but it was one she was having trouble believing.

What was being displayed by these hollows was the etiquette of a trained force. One that had already experienced what it was like to be under a chain of command. It reminded her of her own days working up to her current position, but she put those matters aside and instead recalled the words Kaien Shiba had spoke moments prior to the invasion.

The King of Hollows.

How absurd.

She knew from field experience how hollows moved. Instead of following a single hollow out of obligation, they followed because of their own fear with the stronger hollows vaunting their authority. None would rebel through threat of death.

In a way, this reasoning was correct. It was a prime example of how the God King of Hueco Mundo, Barragan Luisenbarn ruled. Defiance meant obliteration, and rebellion meant certain destruction. It was why none had ever refused the orders of the God King. That is, until an aberrant factor came along.

Yet Soifon could not possibly have about this. Too often she had encountered similar scenarios, and this one appeared to be just another case.

At least this observation made everything easier.

A course of action could now easily be taken to reduce the number of casualties.

Strike the head, and the body will certainly follow.

Yet to control such a large number of hollows, this King of Hollows must possess strength above all others in Hueco Mundo. This reasoning led her to only a single conclusion.

Vasto Lorde.

The highest form of power for any hollow. In which case, this reasoning still left her at a loss. After all, no matter how influential a Vasto Lorde may be in the eyes of other hollows, they could not oversee such a massive force at all times. Perhaps there was more than one?

Her expression grew grim. If such were the case, this attack on the Soul Society would be the first ever battle against a Vasto Lorde for many Captains and even herself. Only Head-Captain Yamamoto, Captain Shunsui, and Captain Ukitake may have any sort of experience against these hard to come by foes.

Pondering quietly to herself as she hid in one of the many shack-like buildings of the Rukongai in the fiftieth district, she masked her presence using methods she had learned from the previous leader of the Stealth Corps. Confident in her ability to stay concealed, she once again resumed her reconnaissance, making sure to jot everything down to memory to convey the most accurate information.

She was known to be an individual of little words, and fewer expression, and yet her body couldn't help but shudder after watching with rapt attention as once again the hollows in the air charged up a massive flurry of Ceros that died the sky in multiple streaks of resplendent colour. No Shinigami she could think of could survive such a barrage should they get hit and caught up within the storm. Perhaps only the current Kenpachi could withstand such a thing.

Yet despite the overwhelming might of the attack, all the energy was naturally dissipated by the properties of the Sekkiseki stone that comprised the entirety of the wall. She observed silently as one of the fewer impatient hollows decided to try flying higher into the sky and shooting a Cero directly over the Seireitei's walls. However, it too was dissipated.

This was due once again to the effect of Sekkiseki stone which generates a special energy wave from its cut surfaces, forming a barrier above and below the Seireitei with the same properties of the stone itself.


Her eyes flashed in the direction of the group of hollows nearest to the center. There was movement of some kind before all too soon something unexpected occurred.

A spear?

It was a quaint looking weapon with a design similar to entwined branches running up the entire length of the red spear's shaft. From its initial position having appeared from within the group of hollows, it slowly and discreetly plummeted down towards the barrier generated by the Sekkiseki stone that encompassed the upper half of the Seireitei.

Watching it pick up speed as it descended, she couldn't help but open and close her mouth in disbelief as for a moment it seemed as if the spear were about to pierce through the spiritual negating effects of the barrier. The scene before her resembled the action of pushing a finger against an inflatable balloon. Yet at that moment where one side would burst, both sides crumbled.

The red spear, as if its existence was negated the Sekkiseki stone began to whittle away into little pieces of fine dust blown with the wind. However, much to Soifon's shock and dismay, a portion of the barrier equivalent to the diameter of the red spear was punctured through the barrier, and it was closing at an abysmal rate. It was as if the spear had a similar property to the Sekkiseki stone that prevented the barrier from recovering quickly.

T-This was absurd. She would have to report this posthaste.

Yet something stopped her from moving.

"B-But that's impossible," she couldn't help but mutter, watching the emergence of yet another red spear, and then anther, followed by another.

As this was going on, she also noticed another group of hollows had begun descending towards the ground in the direction of the Gates. This was also troubling as hollows possessed a natural strength higher than that of regular human souls. The Gate Keepers who were physically strong themselves, were normally the ones responsible to lift the gates as spirit based attacks were useless. As such, didn't that mean that the hollows themselves could lift the gates with just their strength alone?

She had to admit, the Head-Captain's foresight was astounding. He had already sent the various Squad Captains to reinforce those gates. As soon as any hollow or hollows even attempted to lift the gates, they would only be met with death.

What was truly troubling was the irrationality of the propagating spears overhead. There was now enough of them to pierce a sizable gap into the barrier's defense should they drop successfully. Luckily, because of the sheer number of the spears now hovering over head, it was easy for another Shinigami within the Seireitei to react. However, they probably did not witness the ability of these spears as the initial one was too small to be discernable in its descent and any remnants of it had long since disappeared.

Recalling the orders Head-Captain Yamamoto had instructed, she was sure a Captain or two would be near the area. All she would have to do was somehow alert them of the danger of these spears.

She contemplated silently to herself while simultaneously readying her body for action. Head-Captain Yamamoto had sent her for reconnaissance nearly an hour ago, and she probably had enough to make a general report. Yet this situation was not one where she could just leave without doing anything but watch as the barrier surrounding the Seireitei gets compromised.

The question now was, what would she do?

However, that question was not something she no longer had the liberty of pondering on.

The hail of red spears descended.

Shit, she swore before she accelerated forward in a burst of Shunpo, arriving directly in front of the barrage of descending spears. Their speed of decent was nothing compared to her speed of slashes, but she knew that it was probably because the enemy had not anticipated for this attack to be blocked, nor did the opponent anticipate the agility and speed she possessed. Or perhaps, the enemy was merely testing something? Regardless, it was unlikely that she would be able to defend a similar attack for a second time. But with what she had in mind, she probably wouldn't need to.

She clicked her tongue as her attire was almost reduced to shreds from maneuvering around within the storm of spears. It was not the blocking part that was difficult, but rather the deflecting part. She couldn't allow the spears to half-hazardly fall over the Seireitei's barrier so she had no choice but to go out of her way to redirect them to land outside of it.

When the last spear was about to make contact with the Seireitei's barrier, she promptly grabbed it in her hand and looked at the other Shinigami staring at her figure from behind the barrier. Her eyes then shifted to one of the individuals she was looking for.

Making sure she had made eye contact with Toshiro Hitsugaya on the other side, she directly touched the spear's tip into the barrier, and allowed Toshiro to witness the spear's effect himself before quickly fleeing.

With this, and the young Captain's intellect, Toshiro should understand the situation and react accordingly. It didn't have to be Toshiro, but of the three Captains Yamamoto had already sent, she had spotted him first.

Time was of the essence and already she could see the movements of multiple hollows converging on her location. So, with but a nod towards Toshiro, she took off in the opposite direction, a trail of hollows following behind her.

But who was she?

She was Soifon, the leader of the Stealth Corps, and the current fastest Shinigami within the Soul Society.

Within seconds, the distance between her and the pursuing hollows drastically increased till the point where she was but a speck in their vision that suddenly disappeared.

Deciding to conceal herself within a deep forest in the Rukongai, she settled herself down and discarded her tattered attire in favour of wearing the lighter form-fitting outfit she wore beneath. Like the Shinigami uniform, it was black in colour, but was shoulder-less, allowing for a greater range of movement during combat.

Breathing slowly, she began to process her observations, and began to compile a list of priorities to forward to Head-Captain Yamamoto. There were three matters of the most importance.

One: The hollows did not arrive and gather in a disorderly manor, but rather appeared to be an organized group with strong capabilities.

Two: A form of leadership existed amongst the hollows, evident by the way none of the hollows grew tempted by the sheer number of souls within the Rukongai. Thus, presenting an opportunity to end this entire farce by cutting the leader by the head.

And most importantly three: A propagating spear with the ability to neutralize the protective field around the Seireitei. This fact was the most important as it was the field itself that prevented a vast majority of hollows from entering the Seireitei from all directions.

Her thoughts gathered in an instant, she then stood up and turned back in the direction she had left the Seireitei from previously. It was one of many paths the Stealth Force had created over the years in the Rukongai to monitor any suspicious behaviour. It was more in line on cracking down on any misconduct done near the districts by the Seireitei.

It was just, she didn't think that it would ever have had been used to aid in the intelligence gathering of an invading force of hollows.

Everything had their uses she supposed.

It was then though, as she was turning to move on her way, that the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

"By the output of your spiritual energy, you must be a Captain," a voice spoke from behind her.

She was caught by surprise and wearily shifted back by several steps, turning to face the direction of the voice before her eyes widened.

It was hard to discern before behind the cover of the numerous Adjuchas, but her assumption had been right.

Vasto Lorde.

A hollow that resembled a humanoid.

This must be one of the ones leading the army of Adjuchas above, and as such, an instigator of the attack against the Soul Society. The one in front of her had long-green hair that curled slightly by the tips, and its body resembled that of a horse.

She clicked her tongue before assessing the opponent further.

From the look in the Vasto Lorde's eyes, it was clear that it was calm despite the situation, meaning that it was confident in its strength to fight against her. Yet, it wasn't unreasonable.

Just as the Vasto Lorde had said about feeling the output of spiritual energy she was releasing, she could feel the output this Vasto Lorde was releasing as well, and it was much higher than her own. However, that didn't mean that she was any less dangerous.

Of the Captains of the Thirteen-Court-Guard-Squads, she was not known to possess any fancy technique or have substantial reserves of spiritual energy. Instead, she was the Captain of the Stealth Corps, and that itself had its own meaning.

Wordlessly she drew forth her sword, her eyes scanning the surroundings and assessing her situation. She wouldn't be able to escape without alerting the enemy of her presence, and thus drawing more pursuers. Additionally, she was alone against this Vasto Lorde, but luckily this Vasto Lorde was in a similar position as herself.


This set up was all that she needed.

"Sting all enemies to death: Suzumebachi."


The moment Toshiro saw Captain Soifon reveal herself, was the moment that he immediately sent his subordinates to send word to the other two Captains in the area. However, he couldn't understand Soifon's actions until the point she revealed the ability of those descending spears.

His eyes could only widen in surprise before his expression twisted into one of deep agitation as once again, the same attack that Soifon had just deflected was beginning to appear again one by one.

It was incomprehensible. Where were these spears coming from, and how did they possess the ability to bypass the protective barrier emitted by the Sekkiseki stone? It just didn't make sense. Even a Shinigami's Zanpakuto relied on the bolstering strength of a Shinigami's spiritual energy, and as such, would become nothing more than a regular sword after contact. Those spears must have been made from a similar construct, and yet they pierce a hole into the protective dome?

Even if he had his doubts, Soifon had already shown him the results. There was no longer a need to speculate on, it was far more necessary to act on preventive measures.

"Matusmoto!" Toshiro called out for his Lieutenant.

Rangiku Matsumoto was the Lieutenant of Squad ten, and was a naturally open woman with long and lush orange-hair that cascaded like a river down her back. She wore a necklace around her neck consisting of a silver ring with a chain running through it that disappeared between the depression between her sizable breasts.

"Captain?" She replied curtly, knowing the graveness of the matter.

"Contact the Head-Captain and relay the situation to him," Toshiro spoke quickly before ascending into the air. "We have already sent word for Captain Kaname and Komamura to hurry towards this area. For now, it is far more imperative to deliver this information to the Head-Captain."

Toshiro clicked his tongue, thinking deeply. Soifon probably had a variety of intel to impart to the Head-Captain, but may meet some delays after moving to intercept the enemy's latest attack. As such, the information she would deliver may not be as useful as it is now. Thus, it was better to report whatever news that could be gathered. In this case, a weapon that can bypass the barrier around the Seireitei was of the highest importance in intelligence gathering.

Both Soifon and Toshiro were of the same mind in this regard, except that Toshiro was in more of a position to report with the subordinates he had with him. In which case, this was a fitting job for Rangiku as Toshiro had already sent most members of his division to help fortify different locations in the area, and used the remaining ones to call forth the other Captains dispatched with him. Thus, Rangiku was the only one left to report.

"Understood Captain," Rangiku saluted before dashing off towards the direction of Squad One's barracks.

Meanwhile, Toshiro silently continued to observe the growing number of spears forming above. In the time it had taken him to speak with Rangiku and issue orders, almost another hundred had been made, and this time, it was clear that their speed of descent was far faster than before. Possibly because the enemy had already verified their usefulness.

In that case, he wouldn't let the enemies do as they wish.

"Rain over the frosted heavens: Hyorinmaru."

Toshiro's Zanpakuto came to being as he drew his blade. It was a standard katana with a cross-shaped guard that encompassed most of Toshiro's hand. From the blade was a chain attached to a small half-moon blade. From the gleaming mettle, a small fog of cold mist permeated around it.

Not wasting any time, Toshiro immediately began utilizing Hyorinmaru's ability.

Hyorinmaru was the exact opposite of Yamamoto's Zanpakuto which was the strongest Fire Type; it instead was the strongest Ice Type. Just as the name implies, it allowed the user to utilize the ice in the air and in the atmosphere as a weapon to defeat the user's enemies. Being the strongest Ice Type, Hyorinmaru could even effect the weather itself, forming thick clouds of rain that turned into snow in the air. Other strengths included abilities beyond that of normal Ice Types.

In this case, his drawing of his sword alone had created multiple layers of ice in a thick dome to defend against the oncoming spears. The Sekkiseki stone walls that surrounded the Seiretei naturally dissipated spiritual energy, and that was what made up the majority of the ice. In which case, the ice he had made should have disappeared, but he had utilized an opening the enemies themselves had made.

The holes already punctured through the barrier recovering at an abysmal rate.

Indeed. By precisely filtering his spiritual energy through the gaps, he froze a layer just above the rest of the barrier protecting the Seireitei. By the time he finished his preparations, there was a thick wall of ice several feet thick that would take a considerable amount of time to bypass for even Captains like Zaraki Kenpachi of the Eleventh Division.

Sighing in relief, he internally thanked Soifon for her warning before closing his eyes and fortifying the outside defenses even more. Within moments, a thick aura of frosty white surrounded him as the sheets of ice above became more and more glass like as the ice hardened further.

For the time being, this amount of preparation by Toshiro should be enough to stall and allow Head-Captain Yamamoto to decide on a course of action. But either way, nothing ever goes as expected.

For the briefest of moments, Toshiro had taken his eyes off of the descending spears as they neared the defensive layers of ice sitting atop the barrier; his gaze instead surveying the movements of the other Shinigami around him and making sure that those of his Squad were in their proper positions. However, he grew confused after doing so.

After all, the faces they were showing were not ones of relief after averting a catastrophe, but rather their expressions resembled something like incredulity instead.

Something was wrong.

Yet before he could react, his body suddenly registered an acute pain much like being stabbed by multiple needles at the same time.

Staring down at his arm, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

It was simply because,

He saw the pointed end,

of a red spear.

Next chapter