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"So are you going out with us tonight Kat?" Lexi asked while we were sitting in class waiting for the teacher to come in. He was already twenty minutes late and none of the other teachers or administrators had noticed yet and I hoped that he wouldn't show up at all and that no one else noticed. "Yeah I'll go" I said I know that my parents wanted me to stay for dinner tonight because of something work related and my dad wanted to show off his "perfect daughter" but I'm not the perfect daughter. I'm always getting in trouble and I always get in fights. But whoever he's having over wouldn't know that. But fuck that and fuck them I would rather be out with Lexi and the others instead of sitting at a boring dinner table making small talk. "What time should I come pick you up?" Lexi asks I tilt my head and think for a second "7:00 works" I say. "Kk" she says giving me a smile. We both know that the party we're going to doesn't start until eight something. But we already had preparty plans of going to her house and hanging out while we get ready.

I look back up at the clock and see that another ten minutes has passed and still no teacher. Good I don't like school already and I hate these classes even more. At least this one is actually fun because we get to do whatever the hell we want. Me, Lexi and our friends Courtney, and Alissa are all sitting in the corner making fun of all the other kids that keep going back and forth if they should tell someone that there's no teacher or not. "Who gives a fuck" Courtney says and suddenly they look at her and the rest of the class look at her too. The rest of us snicker and all the other people that aren't goodie two shoes start snickering too. "We can do whatever we want for once and you guys are worried about if you should or shouldn't tell someone" "pffft please just enjoy it it's not our fault that the teacher isn't here for class" "and it's not like we're going to get in trouble for him not being here and if we do so what" "the most we would get is a lecture because we really didn't do anything wrong except for have fun."

She rolls her eyes at them and then turns back to us "ughh kids why are sophomores even in a senior class" she says. "Who knows but they're annoying as fuck" I say. Courtney laughs and so does Lexi and you can tell that Alissa is trying so hard not to laugh. "C'mon Alissa it's ok to laugh" I say she looks up at us and then starts laughing "we're so fucking mean" she says. "Of course we are we gotta put the other ones in their place" Lexi says "plus it's part of the reason why we're friends" I add. We have been friends ever since we were in second grade. We're more like sisters than friends. We always do everything together and hang all the time, people say that we are inseparable but that's not true because we do things on our own too. We're not by each others side and in each others faces 24/7 because that would start to get old and become annoying real fast. But we also make it clear that we are here for each other 24/7 even if we're not physically there. Finally the bell rings and the teacher never showed up. We grab our stuff and head out.

"So we'll see you at seven?' Lexi says on our way out "yeah" I say looking over my shoulder trying to see if I can find him. But he's not there. "Great!" Courtney says wrapping me up in a hug "I can't wait tonight is going to be so fun" She lets go and smiles at me "see you guys soon" I say as I walk off to my car wondering why I didn't see Victor. I know we aren't together anymore but it was still nice seeing him around the halls and stuff. I look up from my phone and grab my keys to unlock the car door but when I look up I see victor leaning against the door. I gasp startled "what are you doing here? I didn't even see you today. He chuckles and says "I came in late but I was there" I roll my eyes and unlock the door trying to make a point that I was trying to leave and that he was in my way.

He looks at me for a second and then opens the door for me. I look at him and tilt my head and then get in. I look up at him and see that he's staring down at me but his stare is cold, almost that empty murderous stare. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" "Yeah see you tomorrow kat" he says back but his voice had turned cold too. "Are you ok?" I ask him "fine" he says and then walks off. Well that was weird I think to myself but just brush it off as him being tired or stressed. When I finally get home I walk straight up to my room. And flopped onto my bed. I turn the tv on and start thinking about Victor's strange behavior. He wasn't at school and I know that because I never saw him there. And then the teacher not showing up but I didn't care about that. But how did he just appear I had been looking at my car when I was walking but when I looked down for a minuet and looked back up there he was leaning against my car.

But I didn't see him standing anywhere near it in fact I didn't see him anywhere at all but there he was as if he just appeared out of thin air. And then the way he was looking at me not like I was a person he was talking to or like someone he used to date. He was looking at me like I was something to eat. And his cold stare then his voice sounded cold and he just walked off. What was going on with him? He never acted this way so why is he acting like this now? Did the breakup affect him that much? or was it something else. Or maybe it was nothing and I was just imagining it but I could feel that something was off. Being around him as his friend then as his girlfriend and back to his friend again I always felt safe around him. But just for the few minutes that I was around him I felt like I was in danger.

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