
Inevitable banters


I travel in haste when I heard Lisa's voice thru telepathy. I'm confused wether I should feel happy at the thought that I can hear Lisa's thoughts or gets mad because they were being attacked, especially when Lisa told me that three of them were already unconscious.

What are they even doing outside?! They were just playing earlier and now they are outside with Daddy Marco?!

"Jennie! Here!" Naian shouted when they saw me and there I saw my two friends lying unconscious on the floor, with Mara and Jory.

"Where's Lisa?" I asked when I didn't saw her with them.

"She was abducted!" Small Chaeyoung said while crying and hugging Mara's head. "Please, help us Jen."

My eyes slowly widened upon hearing that Lisa got abducted, my body started to tremble, along with my hands and I already have an idea who took Lisa away.

"That bitch! I already warned her not to lay a finger to Lisa!" I said in greeted teeth and bend over to approach my two other friends and called for Sana using my telepathy.

"Help us, Please!" Naian begged and she was also crying.

"Relax, they were just sleeping." I assured her when I saw the dart on Chaeyoung's nape and pulled it out, I tightly gripped it and released a shaky breath before I throw it away. "Sana will be here." I said and stood up.

I was really mad right now, I can feel my anger boiling up to its peak and If I had Lisa's ability to transform into a werewolf whenever she's mad, I would probably have done it.

As much as I want to look for them, I don't know where I should start, I was too late when I arrived and I know that bitch has already fleeted away. I had to go home immediately to ask dad where I could find her and to chastise him for not doing what I asked him to do.

"Where's daddy Marco?" I asked when I remember that he's with them but I noticed that he wasn't here.

"He's there." Naian pointed at the side of the the road and I saw Daddy Marco sitting there and he seems that he's under hypnotism as he's not moving and just staring out space. "He tried to follow them but he was put under hypnotism." She adds. I was right, the tranquilizer would put him in sleep for a month if they tried to shoot him with it.

"Did you see who did it?" I asked.

"I saw a guy with a blonde patches on his hair and he looks like dumbass and another one with medium bald and he looks more dumber." Naian said and I stifle a laugh. This bitch really doesn't know how to be serious at times like this.

"That must be Muri and Shou."

"You know them?" Small Chaeyoung asked and I nodded.

"They were my mom's men."

"Your mom? So your mom kidnapped Lisa? For what?" Naian asked again but I didn't had the chance to answer her as I saw Sana running towards us with Chewy.

"What happen?!" She asked and she first heals Mara as she's the one in front. "I was just gone for thirty minutes!"

"She's back." I said and when Chaeyoung got her consciousness, I helped her to stand up. Sana froze from healing Jisoo and her widened eyes dart up to me.

"What happen?" Chaeyoung groans while massaging her nape, then as if she remembered what happen and she snapped her head at Jisoo. "Babe!" She exclaimed and approached the latter. Sana snapped out from shocked and she blink her eyes before continuing to help Jisoo.

"Chaeyoung, we need to go back in the Kingdom, she already came back and she has Li–."

"I did not kissed Lisa!" My words were cut off when I heard Jisoo and I whipped my head at her. She was just got her consciousness and she blurted it out all of a sudden.

"What did you say?" I asked, her widened eyes darts up on me and they grew even wider when she saw me. "Did you kissed Lisa?" I asked again.

"Th-that was just an accident, I s-swear!" Jisoo crawled toward me and hold my hands. "Please, Jennie spare my life, please! I'm begging you, please! The kissed was only for one pint mili second and–."

"Stop." I said and clenched my eyes hardly. "Is this the reason why you are all out? To talk about what happened?"

"We're just afraid that you might kill me if you find out."

"And look what happened!" I snapped and my bloodshot eyes pierced to Jisoo.

"I'm sorry.."

I don't know whom I should be angry with, to that bitch who kidnapped my fiancé or to my friend who kissed Lisa, or Lisa herself.

I released a soft sigh before biting my lower lip to stop myself from saying harsh words to Jisoo that I might regret at the end, they are all gauging for my reaction but I chose not to show them another emotion as I pad towards Daddy Marco and bend over in front of him and my eyes turned to dark red as I stared directly to his eyes.

"You will remember nothing about what happen, but you will need to grieve for your loss because this will be the last time you'll see your stupid daughter." I said and the loud and exaggerated gasped from the gang can be heard. "Jisoo, bring him home and say the same thing to Lisa's mom."

"Y-yes." Jisoo immediately ran to us and she lifted Daddy Marco then she travel in haste.

"Call everyone, we're going back home as soon as possible." I said before jumping high and I landed into the Lotte tower, where I brought Lisa and– I should stop with that.

The clear dark skies immediately covered with dark clouds spinning above me, producing severals spider lightning and loud roaring of thunders. I took a deep breath and exhales slowly, I did it over and over again, trying to calm myself, but it's not helping and it makes me even more mad as I already I am.

One struck of powerful lightning in one of the towers made the half of the city lost their electricity and then another struck of the lightning, the whole city was already dark.

Lightning continued to hit various buildings, followed with roaring thunders as I was loosing control of myself and I knew that if I didn't calm down I probably could destroy the whole town, but as I try to calm myself down, my anger grows even more.

"Jennie." I zap my head behind me when I heard Jisoo's voice. "Please calm down."

"I don't want to see your face." I said without any emotion and turn my back on her. "Leave, before I will forget that you're my friend and do something I will eventually regret."

"No, I'm not going to leave you." She insisted and I heard a footsteps coming behind me. I tightly clenched my fist to hold back myself not to hurt her, she's getting nearer and nearer and my body shakes uncontrollably.

"Jisoo, please. Don't get near me."

"I'm really sorry for what happened but no one wants that, not even Lisa–."


"I'm not going to leave you Jen, if I had to sacrifice myself I would do it, just please, calm yourself, you're hurting lot of innocent mortals." I could tell she was scared and as she approached me, she became more and more afraid and her breathing are getting more ragged and shallow. "Jen, please, c-calm down."

"If Lisa got hurt, I didn't know what I could do with my own mother." I said and bit my lower lip to restrain myself from crying as the tears started forming on the edge of my eyes for worrying too much about Lisa.

My body froze when I felt a pair of hands wrapped on my waist and Jisoo engulfed me. "She will be fine, Jen. You know that she will be fine." Her calm and husky voice that lingers on my ears sends me to tears. A lone tear escaped and that's it, the floodgates open, the beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping. "Jen.. you're crying."

"No bitch, I'm laughing." I retorts and she laughed.

"I'm serious thou, I've never seen you cried, not even when your mom left you, not even when you Grandpa died, not even when–."

"I know, I know." I said to cut her off and stir my body to face her, I used her hoodie to wiped my tears and then buried my face on her shoulder. "I still hate you for kissing my girl."

Jisoo chuckled softly and she tightened her hold on me and as she started stroking my back, I felt that I'm starting to calm down as she continue what she was doing. "I'm sorry Jen, I mean it, if I have to suffer in pain just for you to accept my apology, I would gladly take every hit."

"Shut up, I'm not going to do that, but I want you to come with me to take back my girl from her."

"Of course, I don't want to see you cry again like awhile ago. Girl, I got scared for my life and I'm not really used to see you crying. That's like a new sight for me." Jiso said in full of amusement on her voice.

I can't blame her, because it's true that I've never cried, not even once, but when I found out that Lisa was abducted by my own mother, I couldn't help but to felt so scared to think that Lisa was in danger.

I don't know what my mom plans to do with Lisa, but one thing is for sure, if I see Lisa have wound, I will kill no matter who they are.

"Thank's God, she's already calmed." We both looked on our side as we heard Chaeyoung, she was flapping her wings so that her bat body would not fall to the ground. "I already gathered everyone and they are all waiting for us."

"Thanks Chaeng." I said and I pulled away from Jisoo, who's still staring at her girlfriend weirdly.

"Babe, it's kinda weird to see you transformed into a bat if we were always calling you chipmunk."

"Don't talk to me dickhead, I still don't forgive you about the kiss!" Chaeyoung hissed at her and I swear that Chaeyoung's tiny head as a bat, whipping on her side is the cutest thing I've seen tonight.

"Oh please, Jennie already forgave me!"

"Is Jennie your girlfriend?! You fucking piece of shit?!"

"But babe–!"

"You better shut up, Chu." I cut her off and she snapped her head at me. "You don't want to see her mad if I were you, and we need to save Lisa, so I could kill her."

"Poor Lisa, she always have no choice and poor me, for having a mean best friend and scary girlfriend." Jisoo shakes her head as she stepped back and jumped off.

"The nerve to sulk in front of me knowing she's the one whose at fault!" Chaeyoung scowled but instead of agreeing with her, I smiled then patted her little head.

"You're so cute and small." I teased and Chaeyoung suddenly return to her human form and she looked down at me.

"Were you saying something earlier, Jen?"

"Bitch." I hissed because she's literally 5'8 while I'm only 5'3, before jumping off in every high tower until I stopped in the top of airport control tower beside Jisoo and soon, Chaeyoung followed us. "They're still not here?" I asked.

"There they are." Jisoo said while pointing at the van rushing towards the plane and when it did stopped, all of them who stepped out of the car started vomiting. I bet, Byulie did drove recklessly for them to throw up like that. "Damn, Byulie really got them."

"What do you expect for a drag racer." Chaeyoung chuckled and when Jisoo looked up to her, she rolled her eyes before jumping off of the tower.

"She's hard to woo."

"You haven't done anything for her to forgive you."

"I already say thousands of sorry earlier! You're being judgmental!"

"That's not enough, give her food you dumbass!" I said and smacked her head before I followed Chaeyoung.

As soon as my feet land on the ground, they all gathered up in front of me and I curt a nod at Byulie. "Thank you for driving for them." I thank her and they all shoot her a dagger look but Byulie ignored them as she bow her head at me.

"I will never ride on that damn car if you are still the driver next time!" Naian growled at her but Byulie just scoffed at her and she smirk. "I hope you get barren!" Naian hissed before she stormed out and board inside the plane.

"Sorry about her." Jory said and tapped Byulie's shoulder.

"It's fine, no worries. I'm already barren." Byulie assured her and Jory froze but Naian walked back and grabbed her wife's arm.

"Sorry about that." Naian apologized half meant before she drags Jory with her, leaving a giggling Byulie.

We all boarded inside the plane and as it started to operate, I stand in the aisle and they all looked up to me.

"I'm sorry if I had to cut this trip short but we really need to go home, I need to save Lisa from her–."

"Who's her?" Naian asked.

"The Queen." I replied and they all gasped except from Sydney, Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Sana. "She's against with Lisa, that's why she's doing this to stop our wedding."

"Damn, moms are really a pain in the ass sometimes." Naian frowned. My gaze shifted to Sydney, she's been quiet for a while now while looking out the window. I pad towards her and tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"I promise you that she will be fine, just don't worry too much." I said.

Sydney looked up at me and smile, but it barely reaches her eyes as she was worried about her best friend. My gaze shifted to Irene and I smiled apologetic at her before I went back to my seat.

I wonder what Lisa is doing right now, does my mom already hurt her? Are they torturing her? Does Lisa already eat her dinner? She gets easily scared and I'm afraid that Lisa is crying because of fear.

I shook my head furiously to thrust away that thought and took a deep breath before emitting it slowly. I closed my eyes to calm myself as the lightning and thunder outside the plane started to uproar, indicating that the anger inside me rose up again.

I don't know how long I've been keeping my eyes shut but when I shot them open, we are about to land. I can see Dad waiting for us on the ground and when the plane stopped, I immediately ran outside.


"She's here! The monster are here and she's in the dungeon!" Dad said and I could tell how scared he was because of the fear behind his eyes.

I wasted no time and hurried to the castle, the gang followed me and they left Irene, Jiya and Wenzy to Dad's care. Sydney, Saddy and Happy transformed into werewolf so they could catch up to us. We looks like heroes in that one particular American movie who's about to attack the main villain, but the difference was, the villain in this story, was my mom and not some big guy with wrinkled skin.

When we made it inside the castle, we all scurried down the dungeon and I saw two familiar guy standing on our way.


"Where is she?!" I cut off Lindon in his greetings and I immediately choked him and lifted him into the air.

"We were told not to let you in." Fred deadpanned while he's picking on his nail. I signaled Jisoo and Chaeyoung to hold him but but he was very quick and avoided Jisoo immediately when she tried to hold him. "I'm sorry, Princess, but we're not allowed to let you in." He repeats.

"Then I have no choice but to kill you." I said as I tightened the grip on Lindon's neck and he started to struggles to escaped from my grip. "You've been the queen's pawns for a long time and I guess she wouldn't mind if she lost two of his men."

"That's not going to happen." Fred said and he tried to attack me but Sydney and Jory blocked his way toward me and the three of them collided. The collision of their bodies made a loud impact, causing to released a dust to cover our surroundings and then I felt the man that I was holding moved and just before he could kick me, I throw him away.

When the dust dissipates into the air. I saw Sydney whimpering on the floor meanwhile, Jory pressed against the wall and seemed to be unconscious.

"Jory!" Naian shouted and she ran toward her wife but Lindon attacked her and Chewy blocked him and they had a combat fight. I looked for Lindon but I didn't see him where I throw him at, my head snapped behind me when I heard Sana screamed in pain.

Fred twisted her arm and by the look of Sana's arm, it's already broken. "Let her go!" Jisoo shouted and she charge at him, I was about to help her but Chaeyoung stopped me.

"Go to Lisa! We'll take care of them, bring Sydney and Saddy with you!" She said before grabbing Mara's arm. "You'll need her too." She said and pushed us away before she ran to help Jisoo. I looked to smaller Chaeyoung and she nodded her head and smiled to her girlfriend before running to Chewy and she helped her too.

We were about to ran but Mara halted her step and ran back to grab Sana and we continue our way towards the dungeon, when I ran by to Sydney, I picks her up and asked Mara to heal her first and she quickly obliged.

When Sydney regain her consciousness, she shakes her body before we continued our way, but Lindon stood in front of me.

"We were told not to–."

"Damn annoying bitches!" I shouted and with one swift move, I ripped his head off and kicked his body.

"Lindon!" Fred shouted and he ran toward his friend but just before he could reached him, I appeared in front of him and he was really got shocked as he froze on his tracks, I didn't let him react as I twist his neck and pulled it off before kicking his body.

"Damn Jennie! You should've done it sooner!" Jisoo blurted out while pressing her palm on her wounded arm.

"I'm sorry, I thought you could handle him."

"They became more stronger since the last time I had a fight with him." She said.

After Mara helped Sana to fixed her dislocated arm, she ran to Jisoo and heal her wound. Sana immediately approached Jory and Chewy who got badly hurt by Fred.

"I'm going in, just stay here–."

"No Jen, we all came here together and we will save Lisa together." Sydney cut me off. I stared at her for a few second before releasing a lungful sigh and nodded my head.

"Ok then, just be careful, Brock and Matthew are more stronger than those two and please..." I trailed off and roamed my eyes at them, they are all serious and seemed to be dedicated to save Lisa. "...don't die." I finishes and they all nod in agreement.

When I made sure that Chewy and Jory are already fine, we proceeded straight into the Dungeon, I'm still far away from Lisa's place but I already can hear her voice, she was shouting and screaming for help, and I guess she was tied up or in a cage.

When I pushed the tall two way door open, I immediately looked for Lisa and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her unscratched but she was inside the cage.

"Lisa!" Sydney shouted her name and Lisa whipped her head on us and her eyes widened.

"Sydney! Oh my God! Thanks God you arrived!" Lisa shouted back. "Please help me to get out of here! There's a lot of skull here and I'm scared!" I snort a laugh when I heard Lisa, she's really a nerd.

Sydney was about to approach Lisa but she halted her steps when Matthew appeared in front of her and he throw Sydney but Jisoo catches her quickly.

"Hey! You fucking patches man! How dare you to throw my best friend?! Let me get out of here so I could kick your ass! You goddamn weird haired patches man!" Lisa shouted while kicking the cage she was in. "Let me go! You cowards!"

"Lisa, I'm fine! Relax!" Sydney assured her.

"Matthew, let her go." I commands but Matthew just laugh at me when he shifted his gaze at me. "I'm not going to asked you twice." I warned but he even laughed louder. "You–!"

"Relax, princess. You don't want to hurt your husband, right?"

I paused my supposed attack and tilt my head sideways with furrowed brows while staring at him in very confused look.

"My what?" I asked.

"Your husband."

"Lisa is a woman." I corrected him but he just laugh again.

"Does Matthew gone crazy?" Jisoo whispered on my side while giggling. "But it's not really surprising, he was with the Queen for eighty years."

"No, the King and the Princess must be the crazy ones." Matthew said and he stepped back to walk near to Lisa. "This monster killed Jonny, the one your supposed to be husband, but guess what? Since Jonny is dead, I will take his place."

All of us exchange glances before bursting out into loud laughter. That's probably the funniest shit I've ever heard aside from meeting Naian in the middle of the chaos and she denied that she's not stupid because she's Naian.

After our laughter died down, I wiped the edge of my eyes and snort a last laugh before I started walking near the cage but Brock appeared in front of me to blocked my way.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"To Lisa." I deadpanned and looked up to him. "Get out of my way if you don't want to end up like your two brothers."

"I don't think so, those two are the weakest ones, so it's not really surprising that you beat them." He said with a shrugs.

"And you clearly know that I can beat you too, right?"

"I'm not the old Brock, it's been thirty years since we last saw each other and I'll make sure that I will take my revenge to you and that giant stupid girl for embarrassing me in front of the whole vampire clan."

"Ok? But it's not my fault that I'm much a better fighter than you." Chaeyoung said with her typical innocent face.

"Shut up!" Brock shouted, face getting in deep shade of red, clenched jaw and his fist curve into tight balls.

"Hey! How dare you to shout at my girlfriend! Be a fucking man and just accept that a woman kicked your ass!" Jisoo shouted back at him.

"Stop defending me, I can defend myself." I heard Chaeyoung scoffed.

"Enough of the talking, let's just all went back and prepare our wedding." Matthew butted in and he turn to face Lisa. "Sorry pretty girl, you will be rot in here and I will–."

"Shut up you patches haired weird man!" Lisa cut off and he grabs Matthew's shirt and pulled him closer to her but not too close because there's a bar between them. "If you ever touch Jennie, I will tear you into pieces just like what I did to Jonny, you understand?"

"Oohh, scary." Matthew mocked and he laugh loudly but he immediately stopped and put his hands on the bar and pressed her head against it to lean her face closer to Lisa, but the latter didn't even bat an eyelash as she held Matthew's gaze. "You're lucky that the Queen wants to rot you in here instead of killing you immediately, but don't worry, I will take care of Jennie for you and produce a hundreds of little vamp— arghh!"

"Oh my God!" I gasped when Lisa punch Matthew right in his face, making Matthew to dropped on his knees while covering his broken nose.

Lisa didn't mind the bar between them and she grabs Matthew's hair to slammed his face against the bar.

We all left speechless on how did Lisa managed to hit Matthew even if she's inside the unbreakable cage. Lisa ain't really a fan of violence because she fucking hate to see blood, but in this case, she forgot about her hemotophobia and beat the fuck out of Matthew.

"No one will touch Jennie but me!" My heart is melting, even though we're not in a good situation, I'm not complaining as I get to hear Lisa saying these kind of words that's melting my heart. "She's still inexperienced–."

"What the fuck, Lisa?!" I cut her off and shoot her a dagger look.

"It's true tho–."

"I don't fucking care, just shut your mouth off!"

"Ok, but can you get me out of here so I can beat this guy?" She asked while pointing at Matthew.

I shook my head in disbelief before releasing a loud sigh. I can't believe that Lisa can make my heart melt but pissed me off real quick. This innocent and nerd side of her are still beaming even if we're in a chaos.

I was about to take one step toward Lisa but Brock hold my left shoulder making me to halted my step and look at Lisa. "He touched me!" I whined while showing Lisa that Brock's hand is on my shoulder.

"Jen, what the hell?" Sydney exclaimed and they all laugh.

"Ok? But it's only your shoulder, stop being dramatic." Lisa snort and they all laugh harder. I pout and rolled my eyes at her before removing Brock's hand from my shoulder but he swat my hand and the laughter replaced with exaggerated gasps. "Hey! How dare you to lift your hand in a woman!"

"Shut up! All of you shut up! I've had enough of this stupid talk and y'all laughters are making my ear to itch!" Brock shouted and he tried to grabbed my arm but I grab it first.

"What a drastic move." I said and swing his arm to throw his body but he did maintain his body not to fall on the ground, with his hands on the floor and bended knees, he charged again but he halt halfway when Matthew stood in front of him.

"Oh please, you're not going to hurt my wife, aren't you?" Matthew asked and Brock huffed a breath and turn to Chaeyoung. Jisoo stand in front of her girlfriend and prepared herself for the attack. "C'mon Brock, stop it already. They are my wife's friend."

"Would you stop calling Jennie your wife, it makes my whole body to shudder and please, wipe that blood, jeez! You looked scary with that blood all over your shirt." Lisa said with a disgusting look on her face while looking at Matthew.

"Shut up, bug. You're not going to tell me how I want to call her." Matthew retorts and turn around to face me and smiled. "Why don't we all go upstairs and forget everything what happen so we can start preparing for our wedding?"

"Are you talking to me?" I asked while pointing at myself and he nodded. "Where's my mom? I need to talk to her, she was pretty insane to think that I will marry you instead of that bug."

"Hey, I'm the hottest, stop calling me bug!"

"I'm afraid that the Queen already facing the King as of this moment to reprimand him for allowing the mortals, werewolves and that bug to be here." My eyes widened when I heard him and I immediately looked behind me.

"Protect the King!" I shouted and Chewy, the equerry's daughter immediately ran away, followed with Happy and Jory. But they were stopped when Brock suddenly appeared in front of them to block their way.

"Why don't you let the Queen reconcile with his husband so we can have a whole happy fam–." I didn't let Matthew to finished his nonsensical words and I travel in haste to grabbed his neck and tried to rip it but he grabs my hands and he removed them from his head before twisting it to locked my hands behind my back. "Not too fast, princess." He said smugly.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung ran to help me and Matthew jumped away to dodged the attack which caused him to released me.

"Damn, we need to stop fighting, I don't want to hurt anyone." Matthew said while shaking his head.

"Stop pretending to be nice." Jisoo growled as she turned into her real vampire form and starts attacking Matthew and so does Chaeyoung helped her girlfriend.

"Ok, let's start this shit." Naian said and twist her neck and stretched her arms before charging to Brock.

"Jen, go to Lisa!" Sydney shouted before she transformed into werewolf and help Jisoo and Chaeyoung, meanwhile the others are fighting against Brock. I immediately ran towards Lisa to freed her but I couldn't find any gate and chains.

"How did you get in, if there's no gate?!" I asked in frustration.

"I don't know, I was unconscious." Lisa shrugs her shoulder.

"Fuck!" I groans and grabbed the bar and tried to bend them but it don't budged and I don't know what kind of steel they used for it. "It's not bending!"

"Well, I heard that your mom used something powers on them."

"Urgh! It's not working!" I groans again still trying to bend the steel but I stopped and my eyes darts up to Lisa. "Mind if you help me? Damn, you were just blabbering words there instead of helping me, you fucking nerd."

"Ow ow, right. I'm sorry, I thought you don't want my help and you were so cute just now."

"You should supposed to help me not admire me, dickhead!"

"Why? Is it wrong to admire you? You're too cute with your nose scrunching up and your eyes squinting like this, you looked like a cat, but a human angry cat." She said, she's even re-enacting the look on my face.

"I swear to God, Lisa! I will leave you here and let you rot in hell if you didn't stop talking!" I warned her and she huffed a breath and crossed her arms.

"Bold of you to assume that I'm going to hell!"

"And bold of you to assume that you're not!" I retaliate and crossed my arms, too.

If Lisa and I had something inevitable to do, it would be to banters even if we were still in the middle of the chaos. At first, it looks cute not until she started to throw me an attitude that I should be the only one doing it because yes, I belong to bottom industry.

"You meanie!" Lisa scoffed and she grabs the steel and with all of her strength, she tried to bend it but just like me, it didn't even move a little. "Aish! This is five times harder than any normal steel!"

"I know, that's why I'm asking you to help me but you were throwing an attitude at me!"

"Now now, let's stop bickering, can I ask for a kiss first? Maybe that's the only way to released my whole strength and ability." She said while wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

"I want to get you out of here so I can beat the hell out of you, Lisa!" I threatens and she widened her eyes before she took steps backward.

"You know what? Let me rot in here, instead. I'm actually fine with it, and just marry that patches haired man." She said and sat down on the floor with her arms crossed.

I clenched my eyes hardly and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Ok, just rot in here and die, you fucking bitch!"

"Fine!" Lisa shouted.

"Fine!" I shouted back and turn my heels. When I shot my eyes open, Matthew was already standing in front of me while smiling widely. I look for Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Sydney and they were all lying on the floor. "What the hell?!"

"They were actually strong, but not strong enough to beat me." Matthew said and shrugged his shoulder. "And I heard you will let her rot in here, so are we going to continue our wedding?" He asked and his face leaned closer to me but I ignores him as I was staring horrifically to my friends. "Hey, Jen? Are you okay?" He asked again but I still ignored him. "Ah, ok. I understand, sorry if I hurt your friends but I guess a kiss would do, right?"

I snapped my head at him and step back when he tried to kiss me with his eyes closed. "Just what the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

"Kissing you?" Matthew stated the obvious.

"What the hell?! Why are you going to kiss her?!" Lisa asked on my back, she's already standing and gripping the bar tightly. "No one will kiss my fiancé!"

"Yeah right, if it's me, I'm not allowed to kiss anyone but if it's you, you can kiss anyone as you pleased!" I scoffed and turn to her. Her widened eyes with mouth slightly hung open greets me. "Do you really think that I wouldn't know?!"

"Oh c'mon princess, stop talking with her!" Matthew whines.

"Who told you?! Naian?! Chaeyoung?! Jis–."

"Jisoo! It accidentally slipped on her lips!"

"And we accidentally kissed! Didn't she told you that it's accident?!" Lisa said, she was mad, but why? Why the hell would she be mad if I should the one supposed to get mad?

"The hypocrisy jumped out to get mad at me, Lisa."

"I'm not mad, I was just telling you that its–."

"Enough of this talk, you girls are getting on my nerves as you both ignoring me like I wasn't here." Matthew appeared on my back and wrapped his arm on my neck as he whispered on my ear. Lisa's eyes burns in anger when she saw Matthew hugging my neck from behind.

"L-let go of h-her." Lisa said stuttering. Her hands trembling against the steel she was gripping tightly. Her eyes getting red and her face slowly covering with furs and I know that she's about to transform.

"Ooh, this is what the Queen's talking about." Matthew chuckled while staring at Lisa. "But that's not enough to scare me, little puppy." He adds and smirk at Lisa before he jumped to distant himself to Lisa but he brought me with him.

"Let me go." I deadpanned but Matthew isn't giving me any attention as he's still staring at Lisa who's now growling inside the cage while trying to escape. "I said let me go!" I yelled and twist his hand, locking it behind him and he screamed in pain.

"Fuck!" He cried and I kicked the back of his knee and he dropped.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung appeared in front of me and they both nodded before they grabs both of his arms while stepping his two legs so he couldn't move.

"I told you not to mess with me." I whispered and my hand patted his head before I hold both side of his face and was about to rip it off but the grounds vibrates, causing all of us to stumble on the floor. "Cover Lisa!" I command and all of them jumped near the cage and did what I asked them to do.

Matthew escaped from my hold and he jumped beside Brock, who's already lost one of his arm. They both stood at the door and bow their heads, as if they were expecting someone will come.

And I was right, when mom entered the tall wooden door. Our eyes meet and she smiled but it's obviously fake.

"Hello Ruby Jane.."

"Hi Charmaine." I greet back mockingly.

"Long time no see, it's great to see you."

"I was about to say back that it's great to see you too, but then I remember that you kidnapped my fiancé."

My mom laugh while shaking her head slowly. And when she took one step forward, I prepared myself for an attack but she halts and her gaze darts up on me.

"You killed two of my men, just because of that piece of trash?"

"And I'm not going to hesitate to kill anyone just for her...mom" I said and held her burning gaze toward me.

"It is really a bad idea that I left you with another piece of trash." She said then shake her head in disappointment.

"Stop calling my Dad like that, it's not his fault if he's a kindhearted vampire!"

"So it's my fault now? Did you know that being a vampire after marrying that man is such a disgrace to my family?"

"I don't know, does he? But as far as I know, all of his men loves him and they are proud how he handle the entire Kingdom for being him!"

I don't really know why vampire women can say hurtful words to their husbands after they got married and gave birth to their child. They really want to make a bad impression to Lisa. And if ever that nerd really decided not to marry me just because of what she heard, I would kill her myself.

"Now now, Ruby Jane. It really shows that you were infected with his stupidity. A King should not be kind to his men, he has to be cruel, fearless, brave and strong but neither of what I mentioned, he got nothing."

"Not because you were expecting something different from a King, that doesn't mean you have the right to talk about my father like that." I walked forward and stopped five feet away from her and stood straight. "He may be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he's still my Dad, the only guy who knows how to respect her daughter's decision and knows how to respect all in general!"

"Awe.. My baby, thank you so much for defending me to that mean woman." We all turned to the door when we heard Dad speak. He's wiping the corner of his eyes while sniffing, using Matthew's shirt who got shocked when he saw the King beside him.


"I'm fine, it's just that, I am really moved with what you've said, but the pain in the ass kinda hurts me but never mind, I'm still happy." He shrugged his shoulder before grabbing Matthew and Brock's head to slammed it against each other and he throw them out before he slammed the door. He heaved a breath and exhales before slowly turning his body to face us.

"Now, shall we have a fight, my lovely wife Charmaine?"



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