
1 The Weird Family

The Vampires in Old Ariena were a weird sort. Most vampires are just regular vampires. These Vampire sisters sure weren't like the other vampires. They are both witches.

Witches or not their father loves them a lot. The one daughter can be described as having long platinum blonde hair with sapphires for eyes, she's skinny and tall too. The blonde her name is Rayne Lynn Windrose. The other Daughter is similar to her sister only with mousy brown hair and honey colored eyes. She is Rynn Lee Windrose. Their father he is Trance Bayne Windrose also he is a count.

These three vampires live in a seemingly abandoned castle at the edge of a bustling metropolis. The father is a pure lope Vampire where the girls are more. Their father had told them that their mother had died after their birth. Yes, you guessed it the girls are twins. "Sister, when are you planning on coming down to join our family ball?" Rynn asked.

"I will be down after I get all of these Damned knots out of my beautiful hair." Rayne said calling down to her sister. "Father would be furious if I am not presentable to his foreign guests so a prim and proper lady I must be." Rayne thought to herself. "Gerald can you go check and see if father is starting to get mad?" Rayne asked their newly hired butler.

"Of course miss." Gerald said flatly. "Gerald is sister still brushing her hair?" Rynn asked. "Yes, miss she is indeed still brushing her hair maybe you should help her speed up the process so I don't get yelled at by the count." Gerald suggested. "Great idea Gerald, I will go do just that." Rynn says before going to her sister's room. As the two girls are upstairs getting ready Gerald goes to the count and relays that the young ladies are working together to brush Rayne's Unruly hair.

After another half hour both young ladies descend the stairs together. Upon seeing his daughters together the count smiles and greets them. "Daughter's how nice of you to tidy up for this occasion." Trance said. "Father!" both girls exclaim in front of hundreds of guests. The guests are stunned by both girls beauty but they realize that the girls are fraternal twins. Their father waved his hands over the crowd and states loudly and firmly, "today my daughter's are 25 it is the year they are to find and we'd their partners."

The guests expressions falter they weren't expecting to hear the count say such a thing about his daughters. The count continues to speak, " Furthermore if one comes back to this house without a spouse they will not be allowed to enter the house. "This new shocks not only the guests but the girls too. "Father you mean to lock us out?" both girl ask Together. "You girls have always done right by me but you need to go and be free from my rule even if it's for a short term." Trance stated to the Young women before him.

After the announcement the girls pack a single bag each and leave the castle to go find temporary lodging in town just to clear their minds after getting told that they were banned from coming home without husbands. A month later the girls were made to leave the palace and go into town to pick a place to stay until they find their husbands. They found a cost two bedroom apartment with a medium size kitchen and medium size dining room. It also has a small yard and a shared bath.

" How could father be so cruel?" Rynn asked Rayne. " I warned you before I had a feeling that father wanted us to either chose someone in that room or a complete strange to marry soon." Rayne said. "Well not that the party is over let us rest and see what tomorrow brings" Rayne said to hopefully lighten her sister's mood. "You're right we can take it a day at a time" Rynn said. The next day they received a letter from their father stating that he intends to find a step-mother for the girls. They both looked at the letter in shock.

"So more bad news huh?" Rayne said out loud. "He should have asked our opinion about finding a new mom." Rynn said. "We can't make that decision for him." Rayne said. "But he could have at least told us his intentions before throwing us our of our home."Rynn said. "Father must have his reasons."Rayne said. "Sister! How can you be so lenient to the man who just threw us away?"Rynn says with indignation in her voice. Rayne knew if she said the wrong thing her sister would probably leave and leave her alone. "I know nothing of how dad feels or how we should feel just that we must be wedded when we return to the palace." Rayne said matter of factly.

Just as the two are discussing how they should handle things they receive another letter and a check for enough to pay rent and get other amenities."It seems father has really taken to kicking us out." Rayne said with a frown. The sister stared at the check not knowing what to do about it. Suddenly they heard a howl from outside. The two of them have never heard such a noise. The sat closer together holding each other for comfort. "What was that?" both girls said in unison.

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