
63. The Aftermath

A knock and the door pushed open, Mauve did not stir from under the sheets. 

"Mauve," Mill yelled as she walked to the bed. "You didn't eat," she said in horror.

Mauve didn't reply, didn't even move from under the sheets. 

"Mauve," Mill called softly.

No response.

She raised the cover sheets exposing Mauve.

"Leave me," Mauve said without opening her eyes.

"You have to eat princess, you can't stay in bed all day."

"Leave me!" She growled, pulled the sheets from Mill's hands, and wrapped herself with them.

Mill sighed audibly and Mauve heard the sound of her picking up the tray. A couple of seconds later she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. 

Mauve relaxed into bed now that she knew she was all alone. She couldn't sleep and hadn't been able to sleep since she woke up hours ago. She knew remaining in bed wasn't hurting anybody but herself but she still couldn't find the courage to leave it. 

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