Chapter one: introductions

It was any normal day... little did I know I would meet my best friend and now what I consider my brother... Hi I'm Dylan the friend I was talking about well his name is Diego though I often call him DJ because of his initials. Now even though me and him look like everyone else... we have a side no human knows of... DJ over-there Is a demon, now I know what your thinking... WOW YOUR FRIENDS WITH A DEMON YOU MUST BE SOMETHING SO MUCH BETTER!!! No... no I am not If anything I'm weaker than him actually I'm a vampire... sure I can fly and junk but he is a literal demon like powers of pure darkness itself! Yea I'm not one of those people who try to make themselves look better through writing... DJ and me, we see the world differently from you mortals we see all the fellow monsters can tell if you are one and have true forms! Mine is the typical vampire form I'm pail (despite the fact that my pure blood allows me to be outside during the day), have red eyes and snow white hair with hints of black and red (I don't even have red hair in my human form I have no idea why I have red highlights). DJ is... metal... he is a large muscular red man with sharp teeth and hair made of fire, his eyes are ink black with small white pupils in the middle.

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