
A great day

Today is such a great day for everybody to start their new day while birds are singing beautifully . The sun is shine brightly while many people is enjoying their new day .

<<At Black Palace hotel >>

Everybody in the hotel is bow to welcome their new CEO . The CEO is stepping out from her new brand car slowly with her black outfit while her secretary is holding an umbrella for her . The CEO walks in her hotel confidently while others are bowing to welcome her . She walks until she reaches her office which is cover by black wallpaper which make all of her staff wonder why she loves to live in this kind of dark place . Even her secretary doesn't dare to ask her . Her secretary only know that her boss hates something that is bright .

<<At meeting room >>

The CEO : my name is Lee Elena . I hope to work well with all of you.

All of her staff : hello M.s Elena . We hope to work well with you .

The CEO : so... that all for today .

Everybody is preparing their stuff and paper to went back to work . Then Elena works out and start to work . Time passes by and it's time for everybody to go back to meet their family , friends or someone they love .

Secretary : Goodbye CEO Lee .

and that the end of today work.

CEO Lee heads back to her place to relax .