
Chapter Two: Look Out For The Platform

"Traveling through universes cannot be done by mere humans with current status of technology we have. But that doesn't conclude the impossibility. Science researchers from all over the world are now finding a solution to get this done — are you the first person to travel through universe? Let's interview Naru—" Turning the television off, I finish my cereal bowl and get myself changed. It's almost 7:30 so I need to get going. After getting things done by then, I locked my apartment and headed straight to the station.

"Good morning! Aiken-san?"

I glanced over at Sou, waving his hand to my direction as I watch him drag his enormous amount of luggages. Wearing a plain of white shirt matching his denim ripped pants and white sneakers, the boy took his energy to drag his feet with three amount of excess bags towards me.

"What the... Why are you carrying too much bags?" I asked him.

"A-aah...! One bag for clothes, one for foods and the other are my things like camera and notebooks." he answered.

'This boy is crazy.' I thought to myself as I shake the thought off. I don't expect anything from him anyway.

I just nodded and signaled him to follow me as I walk into the train. Looking around the quiet area, I noticed that there are only few people around.

A family of three, a high school girl with her grandmother and couples are seen. I might come out as creepy but I am extremely keen and observant of the things around me.

'Two, four, six, eight, ten and twelve.'

There's only twelve people visible to my sight. I wonder why, but my guesses are due to the lockdown that gives the citizen limited time to explore. I still do not understand what causes the sudden lock down, but I don't have time to conclude that. So it is predictable that these people inside this very train must have had an important reason to go to Hokkaido.

Sitting next to the window, a poster next to the wall caught my attention. It has letters written in English alphabet. I can understand English very well, but the odd poster did not really caught my interest.


I can feel the train started moving above the trails slow and gentle. In a matter of fact, we are the last of passengers to be in this train for the next of months.

A faint yelling then soon being heard as a familiar young lady jump her way into the inside of the train— not to mention, bumping her head to a railing.

Wearing a purple blouse and skirt, too much make ups and unnecessary hair designs, I could immediately tell.

'Michiko Takahashi?'

What is she doing here? Why is she catching on the train to go to Hokkaido? Could it be possible that their agency also received the same report that we have? No. That's not it, she don't appear to look like going anywhere for work.

I keenly observed the young gal.

A shoulder bag that is irrelevant, high pink heels and freshly applied cuticles— not to mention the hair. She's more likely going to a date rather than work.

"S-S-S-SOU?!" she exclaimed, running towards our seat with wide eyes.

Sou, huh? They know each other?

"Michiko! It's you!"


Takahashi soon then took her seat right in front of ours with eyes wide opened. "I can't believe it! You know each other?" she added... and again with her unnecessary flustered face.

"I'm his assistant and we're heading to Hokkaido for w—"

"Trip. A vacation." I bluntly cut in between words. She then swift her gaze towards mine then again, with the unnecessary flustered cheeks of course— she nodded excitedly.

'Sou, you imbecile!'

Due to the lack of sleep last night, I then soon after feel the weight of the world upon me. I laid back to my seat, closing my eyes in depths of falling asleep.

"Owie? What's this?"

"Oh my God! What's that?! Is that a deer? Oh deer. Hahaha!"

"Baka, that's obviously goat. Mweeeehehe!"

"You guys have foods? I'm starving!"

"Why are you up to Hokkaido by the way?"

I can feel my vein popping and beating in my forehead. It's been an hour or so, and I did not merely rest at all. I'm fixed with two emotions right now— pissed but collected.

I sigh to myself and shook the irrelevant thought off my mind.


I glance out of the window in order to enjoy the beautiful scenery to at least take my mind off the annoying brats— but unexpectedly, it is raining heavily outside and the raindrops are fogging up the mirror.

I sigh to myself and goes back to rest my lazy ass. I guess I'm too unlucky having these kids around me. I close my eyes once again and tried to calm myself in despite the loud yelling coming from my own companions.

"Woah woah woah, look!" Michiko shouted, soon after I heard a scratching sound of paper — they did not rip the poster off the wall, did they?

"Look out for the platform

Before you alight,

For if by mischance

You stepped into the night,

On the side of the train

That's away from the station,

You might not arrive

At your true destination."

I feel my ears twitching as I eavesdropped the two's conversation. I'm not interested, but I got nothing else to do so might as well baby-sit these two.

"On this side's a platform

But who can be sure,

Where you'd be if you chanced

To step out by that door?

On this side lights, luggage

The name of some place,

On the other side, nothing

But darkness and space."

"On this side is Reading—

Or Tooting— or Epping—

But you might on the other side

Find yourself stepping,

Right into a land

Where the moon shines all day,

Where horses have fins

And the sharks live on hay."

'Sharks live on what?'

I can't help but smile at how ridiculous the poem is. Hearing the thunderstorm from the outside, I soon then open my eyes only to be greeted by the heaviest rainstorm. I must say that this might be the craziest weather I have had experience.

I just hope to not regret coming here today.

"Where you watch out at night

For the terrible whale,

Who comes galloping after you

Threshing his tail—

Where the sirens sing ballads

And play on guitars,

Where apples and walnuts

Shine brighter than stars."

I felt the thunderstorm became louder and louder, carelessly aiming nowhere, it can hit our train anytime— and it did. One side of the train has been stricken by thunderstorm — having it caught on a fire, making the fewest of people flinch and scream in terror.

My mouth gapped opened as I got off my seat, "Get away from the fire!"

"So look out for the platform

Before you alight

For if by mischance

You step into the night,

By the door that would lead you

Straight on the track,

It's a thousand to one

You would never come back."

"THIS POEM!" I gasp loudly as I watch the train split in two— making the side we are in aimlessly continues to drive through, leaving the other side of the train left unmoving.

The scream of terror coming from person to person deafened my ears, I stood there frozen.

'What is happening? Am I dying?'

My eyes widened in terror and in shock. There are two emotions inside of me right now— scared that someone in this very train will die, and confused about what the hell is happening— what the hell are Sou and Michiko doing? It feels like the poem itself are responsible for... no.

I'm going insane.

'This poem, I'm confident enough that I had heard this before.'

"W-WHAT IS HAPPENING?" hearing that Michiko and Sou finally back to there senses, I can't help but feel relieved. They had been staring at that piece of poster.

"AAAH!" a young girl's voice right across our seat are loud enough to destroy my ear drums— but that is not the point here. I can sense how terrified she is right now so I run towards her to calm her down. I can tell that she is a high school student — around the age of 16 to 17.

Hugging me as tight as possible, she sobbed on my chest. "G-grandma..!!"

I look around, anxious and afraid of what might happen. Michiko and Sou are now freaking out, as if they just casted a spell right after reading out loud the poem. There are only five people left— including myself, Sou, Michiko and the young girl.

I hold the girl's shoulder and look into her watery eyes, "Wait for me, alright?"

I took my time to go to the front part of the train, might as well try to stop the train from moving when a sudden light blinded me off. I fall down and hit my head onto something—

And I passed out.

[Yo reader-chan! Please comment below what you want to happen and what you think about the story— I'm inexperienced so I really need your advice. Thank you and have a good day!]