
Good brother in law

Camila smirked as soon as she reached Laura's room. The door creaked open and Camila peeked inside

A smile crept on her face when she spotted the figure lying in her sister's bed wrapped in sheets. He was naked

“Oh gosh” Camila gasped, muffling her mouth with her hand

Long sexy looking legs, toned back all rippled muscles. Camila swallowed a dry lump, seeing Nathan

So handsome even when he had his back turned to her. She wondered where her sister got Nathan from,

He was sensual and good-looking. A creature she had never seen before. He didn't have anything to his name, yet her sister married him

“What's so special about this lake fish” Camila mumbled and tactfully tiptoed inside the room, slowly shutting the door behind her, Camila walked to the bed

He was sleeping even at a late hour. Was he in a relationship with her sister for him to be naked in her bed? This meant her sister had indeed married Nathan because they were in love. They even shared a night