
Going through the motions

"You've got to be kidding me! it frustrates me that you don't know this about me. But I'll be the one to tell you… people call me little superman" said Gregory. Honestly, I don't know how he says things like that with a straight face, he was clearly making some absurd joke about either his dick or muscles.

"Why do they call you little superman?" Samantha asked, in a quite curious voice. "oh, you're a poor naïve girl" I thought, looking up from my menu, I could tell she was seriously curious. Because of how attentively she was listening, breathing in every word he said practically trying to inhale him. "You'll find out later tonight," he said leaning in close to her and placing a hand firmly on her thigh.

"Awe dick joke I was right," I thought to myself chuckling just a little.

I honestly couldn't tell how the night was going, but hey I'm probably doing a good job at this double date thing.

Though my mind is mostly on autopilot and I'm not the most talkative person, only ever talking as a response to a question asked to me or when I'm trying to keep Rebecca entertained enough to remember this date pleasurable.

"Michael, what nicknames do you have?" Rebecca asked while leaning close and seductively breathing on my ear, with a hand lingering around my dick. Honestly, I was torn between just saying "Mick, Mickey, Micky, Mike, Mikey" but I obviously realize that's not what she wants to hear.

"You can find out right now," I said turning towards her and gently placing my hand on her thigh, then slowly making my way towards her wet pussy. Staring deeply into her eyes the entire time, letting her know just how serious I was about fucking her here and now.

"Michael!" Samantha yelled, throwing a piece of breadstick at me. "You know I always thought you were the good innocent one, but now I see you completely differently," Samantha said in a childlike voice while wolfing down a piece of breadstick, I strangely still had my hand up Rebecca's thigh, playing with her pussy.

"Dude the waiter is coming," Gregory said with a face full of worry. He always got like this when around people he didn't know, "I don't want to be known as a creep" he'd always say. "Fine fine, we'll finish this later Rebecca," I said flirtishly.

The person coming over to serve us was the same lady who gave me that funny look. "How can I serve you?" she said in a somewhat annoyed voice, rolling her eyes while looking at us. She hid nothing, her body language, voice, and facial expression. Everything about her screamed out

"I don't like you!" Everyone noticed her obvious dislike of us, it's not as though she was trying to hide it, Gregory was the first to answer her, "I'd like a burger with large fries and mash potatoes with a large side of gravy". He ordered what he always ordered, his go-to combo meal. Next was Rebecca who just ordered a cobb salad, she obviously wasn't bothered by the waiter's clear dislike of us.

"Oh, and for my cobb Just make sure leave the poison and spite out of it," she said with a slight smile. Hearing her say that shocked everyone. She brought out something on all of ours minds to the forefront. "oh, I'll try, but I wouldn't want you to change up your normal diet too much.... and you?" the waiter said still giving the evil eye to Rebecca.

"I'll have all the poison and spite on a grilled cheese sandwich. Please and thank you" I said while trying to hide my smile. "I'll make sure to add all I can," she said with a cold smirk. "This waiter is my kind of woman," I thought before redirecting my attention to the group. Everyone had a sour look on their faces, all except Rebecca and me.

Rebecca had a more vengeful look on her face while Gregory had a dumb "is the night ruined? Will, she still let me hit it?" look on his face as he panickily said, "so what should we do after dinner?". While putting a hand on Samantha's thigh. Which surprisingly shook her out of her daze, simply adding "well I did rent out two... hotel rooms just about 10 mins from here"

She said this with a pretend innocence. While looking lustfully at Gregory, the whole scene was kind of cringe. I always thought Gregory was an ass for simply going out with this girl for clout and a quick fuck, but she's no better. She didn't love him. Though I couldn't exactly tell what she wanted I knew it wasn't anything related to love.

The moment she brought up the hotel room, Rebecca's eyes light up, she reached across my body grabbing my right arm and placed it on her breast. "How do they feel?"

she said heavy breathed, I didn't care about her breast, it was the speed at which she grabbed my arm that honestly startled me, and that's saying something, I've been known to have nerves of steel. You need them growing up the way I did. While lightly touching herself, Gregory and Samantha pretended not to notice, Gregory more than Samantha.

The restaurant we were in prioritized a private eating experience, having booths with thick dark red covers over every entrance, and the sound of running water drowning out the sounds of people talking. I don't know how they did it, but the booths were kind of soundproof and with the added bonus sound of running water I'm serious you could shoot a gun off in here and none would be the wiser, I couldn't hear the people in the booth right next to me and vice versa. Which now that I'm thinking about it must be the reason the girls chose this place.

After being drawn away from my thoughts by Rebecca soft breast, and the fact that since 5th grade where I finger sally price, on the playground Infront of about 4 other girls on a cold windy day, I've never been the type to shy away from a sexual situation.

So, I firmly squeezed and fondle her breast, paying special attention to her nipples. "For fuck's sake you guys' Samantha said red in the face and holding a breadstick up in the air ready to throw it.

"Tell him to stop," said Rebecca red-faced and still rubbing her clit. "Fine but don't forget you started it". "I'm seriously starting to tolerate this girl". I thought with a smile that resembled happiness on my face.

After a visit from the interesting waiter, we quickly ate our meals some faster than others. I'm looking at Samantha when I say that. When we were finished eating Gregory decided we should head over to the hotel.

The Samantha went over to pay for our meal, while the rest of us went to the limbo. The entire ride over Rebecca was slobbering all over my dick while I squeezed her nipples. "I'm actually having fun," I thought to myself. While shoving my dick down her throat. Honestly, things got wilder than I expected, after fingering Rebecca for a while, we reached our destination.

The hotel was extravagant, every aspect of it seemed to scream out of the mouth of giant's "elegance". "First time in such an amazing place? Let me show you how to handle yourself in proper society" Rebecca said somewhat seriously with dried saliva on her cheek. "Don't try to buy yourself more time.

I'm going to spend every second of the night exploring all of you" I said placing a firm hand on her pantiles ass, trying my hardest not to burst out laughing. The whole thing felt like some kind of kinky movie, "geez Gregory where did you find these girls?" I thought to myself, just barely hearing Rebecca saying, "I won't keep you waiting".

Inside was something else all you'd have to do was picture the palace of god if you wanted an image of what amounted to only half the beauty of this place. Floors that sparkled like diamonds, pools of crystal-like water, stained the walls. I couldn't tell you if they were paintings or if this hotel really had tanks filled with this magical water posing as walls.

After noticing my awe Gregory came over, dashing his arm over my head, I haven't paid much attention to him this night but seriously whenever I looked over at him, all he and Samantha were doing was staring intently at each other or him just slightly touching her pussy. "This is it, the last thing of the day," he said smiling as we both looked towards the translucent walls. "You said this would be over quickly"

I said jokingly. Honestly, sometimes it seems he knew me more than I knew myself. "and aren't you glad I lied? look brother this is a place we could never dream of even working at, let alone staying in. Let along with fucking such beautiful women in, I'm going to fuck Samantha on the balcony while gazing off into the distance!". we laughed for a while not caring how people would stare at us.

"Let's go, Michael," Rebecca said, putting out her hand impatiently waiting for me. "Sure, I'm on my way, let me get a quick picture". The scenery was so unique that I had to take a picture of it. Something so rarely beautiful was not something I could pass up.

While walking up to the hotel room, I'd make sure to grab a handful of Rebecca's ass, just to keep the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. For the entire night, Rebecca was a complete freak, not caring about who saw her. But things were different here, where she put on the proper girl act, there wasn't a hair, or step out of place.

The way she moved and talked showed her proper upbringing. The halls of this hotel were not secretive, you could see a person turning a corner all the way across the hotel. The hotel didn't have many walls and instead placed completely see-through glass, up as makeshift walls. It gave the place an up class feel but also really limited how you could act seeing as everyone on your floor could see you.

When we reached the door of the hotel, an almost primal urge pulsed though me, "what are you doing" Rebecca whispered, I could practically hear the version of her that I knew breaking through this façade she put up, as I pushed her up against the door. Letting her feel my steel hard cock, press against her soft ass, slowly hiking up her dress, I stood just about 6'2 and had somewhat bulky body, "I'm sure that If I chose to pull my dick out and fuck you here and now the cameras wouldn't be able to see anything other than my body moving in a suggestive manner".

I unknowingly said, breathily somewhat heavily down her neck. Rebecca was a very average woman, other than her big tits, pretty smile, and her somewhat short slightly chubby physical body. I let go of her skirt for a moment, the moment I did she quickly released a disappointed sigh, just hearing her sigh of disappointment nearly made me cum in my pants but instead I reach down and unzip my pants, pulling out my dick, the hardest its ever been this night.

"What are you doing? There a people here" Rebecca said, pressing her ass against my dick, almost instinctively. "I'll give you exactly 5 seconds to open the door, otherwise I'm going to fuck you here, Infront of all these people… 5" I said breathing down her neck, sliding my dick up her leg, feeling her every shake, that caused her pussy juices to drip down onto my dick.

she had reached into her bag to get the room key, she had to place her face against the door to use both her hands to hold her bad and reach in to grab the key. Choosing to spread her legs more and press her ass against my cock. Seeing this obvious opportunity, I lean in and slowly whisper "4"

when she had the key in her hand and was about to open the door, I tapped my dick against her pussy making sure to hit her clit, the slushy wet sound seemed to ring out, sounding more like more than anything else. "Rebecca what are you doing you're at 3 now, not much longer". I said now just lightly tapping my dick against her pussy.

"What are you doing?" she said slowly sliding her pussy along the shaft of my dick, moaning uncountably. "Hurry up and pick it up, you only have two seconds left".

When she reached down, I could see every bit of her lower half. Her pussy was completely shaven, with her signature phat pussy lips seemingly overflowing. "1," I said as I placed half the tip of my dick inside, only to shortly afterword's, slowly plunge inside completely.

"Rebecca quiet down," I said hearing her moans become even louder, her legs becoming like noodles shortly afterword's. "Someone could see someone could see" she whispered while bouncing her ass on my dick.

Now not even pretending to get the door key off the floor instead of trying to control her moans. After a while of slowly fucking her, I decided to pick up the pace. Grabbing her soft ass, squeezing and spreading her pussy lips to the furthest they could stretch. Pounding her pussy with all my might as fast as I could. As soon as I started her moans became too loud and we had to move into the hotel room. Continuing our fun, a lot wilder in the room.

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