
True Fear [Naomi]

I wanted to move. But no matter how I tried, my body would refuse. I looked at the arena. Blood already stained it. I didn't know whose blood it was. I looked around. There was no sign of Akumura. I remembered what happened all that time ago. I shook my head, "You idiot. Just, move." I stood up, but my body refused to go any further. The world around me was becoming dark. Then, I saw it, a split second, a figure with bright pink hair get shot in the arm. My mind replayed the scene I just witnessed. Pisces. A fire inside me became an inferno, and I screamed. I jumped in and joined in the action.

Chasan underestimated their numbers. There were at least 500. I slashed through the thugs, not caring if they were human or vampire, until I reached Alucard. He looked at me, "You, I recognize you." He tilted his head, "You were supposed to turn yourself in, weren't you?" I slowed my heavy breathing, "No. I was told to do so by a madman." He put his hands up, "Oh, excuse me." I glared at him, "What's with the change in personality? Now that I get a better look at you, what's with your whole getup? Weren't you the definition of a brute before?" He laughed, "I can't die. It's my family's strength. As long as my soul exists, I will live on! You may have killed that body, but I still exist. I always will, as will my father." I stabbed him through the heart, "We'll see." He fell to his knees. "Can't die my ass." Then, a student stabbed me in the leg, "As I said," they started, "My soul is immortal." I looked behind me. I recognized the student. Simon Moki. I fought him in the tournament. "You do know who's body you're in, right?" Alucard chuckled, "No clue. I recognize him as a former member though, so I will proudly use-" He spit up a large amount of blood. "What the-"

"You entered the body of a Fairy. I know from experience, as a vampire, having even the smallest bit of Fairy's blood inside you will do wonders!" He kept coughing up blood. Suddenly, Simon's eyes changed from Alucard's red to his natural green. He looked confused, but he returned to fighting right after.

I scanned the crowd, anyone could be Alucard. Not to mention Dracula was somewhere on grounds. I noticed Akumura and Bill fighting together, being assisted by Jamie, along with other snipers around the arena. "HALT!" A voice boomed from the top of the stadium walls, "Now, let's bring this outside. This is too, claustrophobic for me." I sighed, "Great." I jumped out of the way as a mass of black clothes hooligans rushed out of the stadium and into the rest of campus. Chasan walked over to us, "We'll keep everyone else at bay. You are the only ones who have even the slightest chance at beating Dracula." Bill glared at Chasan, "What about Jamie and Scorpio?"

"They are taking care of what they need to, for now, you need to do what is logical." Akumura rolled his eyes, "I hate it when they're right. Let's go!" We followed Akumura, who was keeping tabs on Dracula.

Eventually, we managed to reach him at the edge of campus. "Well, well, well." He started, "Of everyone he could send, he sent, a fledgling, an immature Demon, and a child-" Akumura ran toward him, and continuously beat Dracula with no regard for where he was striking. Dracula swatted Akumura away like a fly. "And they aren't even a threat." I looked at Akumura. He was down, like, really down. I ran over to him. "What the hell was that?" His breathing was labored, "Sorry, I kinda lost it."

"Really? Couldn't tell." A shadow was cast above me. "Are you one of the ones who attempted to kill my son?" I sighed, and stood up, "Yeah. But honestly, do you even want to fight?" He shook his head, "No, I do not want to fight. However," His eyes started glowing, "I do need to punish those who try to kill my family!" He swung at me, barely missing. I rolled behind him, and ran back to Bill. "What the hell did you do?" Bill hissed. "I just said I tried to kill Alucard once. You think telling him that I'm part of his line would make it better?" Bill looked at Dracula, then back to me, "No. I doubt it." He held his sword at the ready, "Any plan?"

"Nope." He took off his jacket and let his wins out, "Great." Dracula turned around, only to be met with Akumura's fist in the back of the neck. He collapsed, and Akumura kept beating him. "Akumura, stop. It won't do anything." He looked up, his eyes had the same glow as Dracula's. "That's the same form-"

"He used when he fought you, yes, I know. No need to channel your inner Speedwagon." Akumura and Dracula were matching each other in speed and strength. Each one of their blows was blocked by the other, it was a fruitless struggle, that was, until help arrived.

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