
The fight

I got up and punched her right in the face she instantly fell to the ground. I said how do you like that bitch huh how do you like that? She stood up pissed and tried to punch me she missed and I grabbed her arm and body slammed her to the ground. She was crying uncontrollably. I said what the heck Andrew you cheated on me to think you were different and you cared about me. I said now why don't you take your slut girlfriend and leave unless you wanna end up like her. Don't come crying back to me when she breaks your heart I gave you a chance and you broke that. He said but I still love you. I said if you loved me then why did you cheat on me I did everything for you and this is what I get in return. Wow what a wonderful boyfriend. I started to walk off and that's when I turned around and 🖕 him off. He sat down and began to pout but it didn't bother me... I went outside and walked to the park I put my ear buds in and blared the music so I didn't hear anything around me. That's when the song say (something I'm giving up on you) came on. I began to cry because I realized guys were jerks. And didn't deserve to have me because every time I get into a relationship they cheat on me. Braiden walked up behind me and almost gave me a heart attack. I said what do you want? He said I'm sorry about Andrew he was just a jerk. I said I know I can't believe I thought he was different. He said do you need a hug he came over to me and gave me a very big hug and it felt great for some reason I felt safe in his arms.

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