21 The Missing Piece in the puzzle

The Great Council this time was held by the BlueRay kingdom accusing the attack upon the Zolhain kingdom.Everybody was seated and while entering the I caught a glimpse of my ex-fiance.He was there with a glimmer of sadness in his eyes.I can't believe this is all happening.I mean he was sitting there like a victim while I was suffering from all this.

Victim? Hmmmm I thought for a while.Yes.... We all did miss an important clue!

The Akmurah Clan!Other Than the Heraldic Clan of Zolhain kingdom there still existed another clan who had tattoos upon themselves as their tradition! Not many people know about their existence since their exile from Blue Ray kingdom .I recall, once me and my father took a ride into the deep forest and found them in the territory of Seraphim Kingdom.Seem like the answers lies there and I have to go there and find out in person ,there simply isn't any other option.

At the end of the council my kingdom was given 6 months to prove our innocence.With that we all went back.

Six Months is indeed a short time to enter a kingdom who is ruled by a king named after the demon...Astaroth! As the name suggests he is literally a demon in behavior. You might be wondering how I know him... Well we kinda have a history that I really don't want to recall!

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